Allah....aku merayu padaMU, kurniakan aku kekuatan agar inilah jln y terbaik buatku.....amin...
money makers.. click!!
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
kadang-kadang terasa mcm nk berhenti..nk putus asa, nk putus harapan, nk lepaskan semuanya...nk pergi jauh2 dari sini....................
being upset
I can't understand why certain people hard to accept a good criticism regarding our own religion. I know im not good and still ignorant about Islam. I know that very much. I know im not that good, i know sometimes my act worsen than ever but at least everyday i learnt on how to be a better muslim. Everyday i pray to Allah to give me hidayah.....
Actually there are some incident happened few days ago... A friend of mine posted a wall picture regarding the final exam...and that picture stated something about "crossing the fingers" for this final exam. Im not hurt when that particular person didn't tag my name, definitely NOT. The thing is i felt like that person can't accept my criticism. I dont think that i gave it in the wrong way yet prudentially but the acceptance was bad. After about an hours, i saw that person's status stated something about religion...well actually i felt annoyed with certain of the status. I know im not good when i talked about hukum-hakam agama and so on and so fourth, but that doesn't mean that i know nothing.
Well actually i gave a comment asked that person to delete that picture because "crossed ur finger" means a cross... you did a cross sign...can u get it?....tanda salib!.... and the sentence in that picture means, u pray others for their final exam in the christian way....i don't know to explain.
Actually before i know about this fact, i kept used this sign for that particular time, as for me crossed finger means, i say no... but when i know the truth, i never use that sign anymore!...
and ive got no other intention except to share with those who don't know this... i have no intentions to degrading anyone. You know what, its about our aqidah. kalau tak, aku pon malas nk ambik tahu hal org. Till now i still can see that wall picture, that's mean, it's not being removed and also means that, that person just ignored my comment......owh how sad... :'(
well, maybe i wrongly judge that person's status too...mybe it just a coincident. Mybe its actually not for me...i dont want to say bad thing about that person because that person is always being nice to me... but no action being made regarding that picture, that was the thing make me upset...very's ok...may Allah guide u....i dont blame u...
(p/s: kadang2 rasa penat tapi bukan bermakna aku berputus asa.... cuma rasa dim itu lbh baik...)
Ya Allah, Ya Rabbi....
Please give me a strength to stay awake until dawn....
Please give me a better understanding......
Please put away those negative ions from me....
Please make me strong until 9th Jan....
(p/s: i hate when people force me for something i hate very much!)
Monday, December 26, 2011
Salam everybody....
Good morning...yes morning...i woke up early today... actually i planned to wake up at 2 am last nite, but i dozed off until 6 a.m...hua..hua..hua...
nak buek macam mano....setan kuat sgt...adoii...
Ok today i plan to study on 'acceptance' and 'intention to create legal relation'.....but im so freaking out on my computer's assignment damn much!....gilooooooosss!
i cant focus on my study if i still stuck with it...ohh damn. why?????.... dear lecturer, can we just forget about this assignment?.....we pretend like u never give me this assignment ok...?....pleaseeeee..........
satu hape pon aku xstudy lagi ni..*ok tipu* tapi aku study xmasuk kot! sbb aku asik pk asnmt ni jeee.....tido pon aku ade rase still continue tidow jugak laaaa *xdekesedaran*
ok la..ok la....aku nk study dulu!
Saturday, December 24, 2011
post lagho...
Salam uolsssss......'s a study week... and my progression is so slow....
suddenly, rasa haruslah study betoi2 malam ni memandangkankan carry mark cukup2 makan je....
suddenly lagi, rasa nak tgk drama kat tonton so that i won't feel lonely as my room mate off to her kampung..untunglarumahdekatje**
suddenly lagii.... oohh tv 3 got new drama... pinoy's drama.. which is starred by dindong dantes and marian rivera...damn! i love this couple!!!... previously, im so in crazy with marimar... oohh why?? meyesal aku bukak tonton..kan dh rasa gila nk tgk drama ni...
currently im watching this drama while studying contract law 1, uhh..uhh...i know, its not really works..hehe..nk tgk jugak!!...
As my first glimpse of this drama..i think its not too heavy drama compared to marimar..marimar was so sad.. because i was cried when i watched it..**rahsiajgnbagitahusape2*
this drama seems like funny.... homer starred by dindong dantes is so nerdy and marimar, im not sure her name in this drama sbb baru je keluar dlm scene y aku tgh tgk while typing this...hehe.. but she is damn funny...energetic and boyish yet beautiful adorable yawww~~ oohh yes it is so dangerous... very dangerous one....because i tend to put aside my contract law which im gonna have the exam on 31st dec... so dangerous.....
nanti mula laaaaa nk emo tak tentu pasal dengan bota sbb tension tak habis study pastu mula la cuti tak senang duduk sebab pikir takot kene repeat memandangkan hari2 mase ade kelas law aku tgk ade senior yang maacam brilliant gila tapi terpaksa duduk ngn kitorang sbb mereka semua repeat paper tu dan mula lah aku terpakasa lupakan hasrat nak apply jpa scholarship utk sem depan oohh damn tak mahu sila lah tampar pipi saya ni sampai berdarah darah mulut ni pon tak pe supaya saya sedar diri ok dah titik
.so kalau nk tgk, silalah login kene sign up dulu...maka berbahagia lah hidup korang tu pon kalau line xslow....
(p/s: i love red like damn crazieeehhhhh...)
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Bila aku sayang seseorang tu...
aku akan pastikan aku bg yang terbaik utk dia...
Kalau aku salah
bagi tahu aku..
sebab aku tahu aku tak layak nk bagi nasihat kat org...
(p/s: im sorry if im wrong...saya cuma nak bagi yang terbaik utk diri kamu sbb sy nampak apa yang kamu mungkin xnampak...)
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Salam Jumaat everyone....
Feels like,it was just yesterday i have my Jumaat and i met with Jumaat again fast the time goes.. It's already December...feels like it was just yesterday i got the proposed letter from UUM. Not more than a month i will complete my first semester here.... Ya Allah, feels like it was just yesterday i finished my last paper on STPM... Allah..Allahh....The Almighty.. <3
Recently i've got drowned with so many workloads and i got stucked when i dont know how to handle it...seriously i felt like crying...crying like a baby...sometimes i dreamed to be a baby again... but i know that wouldnt happened's a life cycle....we will not ever get a chance again to be who we are yesterday....yesterday was just a history... today is the time to create who we are for tomorrow...ooh what am i crapping about?...
I dont know what i am talking about..i just wanna share something. Yesterday i read my senior's blog.. i love it very much...very inspirational one... she is from semester 7 in our school of law.. i like her character, the way she spoke and the way she managed herself to survived in this law school..ohh Allah..please, please let me be like her...please give me a chance to be a best servant of yours... please put me away from those lag'ha things...please give me strong heart if i have to let go something that i love much....please ya ALLAH, i beg You....
(p/s: always sleepy whenever i wanna start doing my works... ='( ......)
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
tak tahu
Aku nak cerita ni....aku tak tahu sama ada aku patut bersyukur atau tak....
tapi aku tahu ini kurniaan ALLAH...
Aku seakan ada sixth sense... bila ad sesuatu yang buruk akn terjadi atau sudah berlaku pada org yang aku sayang, aku boleh merasainya....aku tak suka! sbb aku terseksa.....aku jadi terfikir kan semua benda,,aku jadi risaukan semua orang yang aku syg....terseksa wehh....
walau pun xselalu jadi tp kebayakannya mmg aku boleh rasa...
emmmmm...aku tahu ada yang yang memperlekehkan cerita aku setiap kali aku bg tahu mereka yang...''......patotla aku ada bad feelings jee..."... tapi guysss... im noy lying! its totally true!...dan aku terseksa dgn perkara ni...aku tak tahu ni kelebihan atau sebaliknya....
aku tahu ada yang tak percaya malah perli lagii....
tak pe lahh...aku redha..aku aggap ni semua kelbihan dariNya...
emmm....i really out o mood now....
carry mark aku utk final sem 1 mungkin akan dipotong...sem 1 penting...tapi....hmmm...
(p/s: sy syg awk....sangat2!......terlalu....amat...sungguh....!!)
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
wordless wednesday
i miss to hug my cats....very much!...i miss the smells of them...very much! ok done with it...actually i couldnt belive that im wasting my time at this not a library-person but i do love reading. But what can i do...i got some stuff to be done by this saturday but heyy look at me, im typing this.......such a wasting!
(p/s: hey girl...dont play2 with me cz i can play bettr than u!)
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
aku tensionnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, December 1, 2011
si gebuku
saat ini...
aku rindu si gebu itu...
terasa mahu aku gomol-gomol mereka..
mahu aku cium-cium mereka...
saat ini....
aku sepi...
tika dahulu merekalah pengubatnya...
aahh rindu lagi aku pada mereka...
saat ini...
aku hitung kembali kenangan dulu..
aahh sakit lagi aku...
aku rindu mereka...pada si gebuku...
wahai pencipta..
seringkali aku bertanya pada diri...
mengapa mereka sungguh penting buatku...
walhal mereka hanya si gebu...
si gebu ohh si gebu...
aku sayang pada kamu... terlalu...
walau kau tak bisa bercakap..
namun kau bisa mngerti perasaanku...
si gebuku...
mungkin ada yang mengatakan aku gila...
melayani kerenahmu bagai anak kecilku...
dan meratapi tika kau pergi...
si gebuku...
mengapa kau begitu dekat dengan jiwaku...
walau kau selalu kagetkan aku dengan karenahmu....
namun kamu tetap aku sayangi...
bagai ada sesuatu yang menyihirku...
aaaahhhh!!! si gebuku...ingin saja aku peluk,gomol,cium kamu!
f**ckin perfect
***the song i used to hear and sang out loud whenever i felt like crying..***
Made a wrong turn
Once or twice
Dug my way out
Blood and fire
Bad decisions
That's alright
Welcome to my silly life
Mistreated, misplaced, missundaztood
Miss "no way it's all good"
It didn't slow me down
Always second guessing
Look, I'm still around...
Pretty, pretty please
Don't you ever, ever feel
Like your less than
Fuckin' perfect
Pretty, pretty please
If you ever, ever feel
Like your nothing
You're fuckin' perfect to me
You're so mean
When you talk
About yourself
You are wrong
Change the voices
In your head
Make them like you
So complicated
Look how big you'll make it
Filled with so much hatred
Such a tired game
It's enough
I've done all I can think of
Chased down all my demons
See you do same
Pretty, pretty please
Don't you ever, ever feel
Like your less than
Fuckin' perfect
Pretty, pretty please
If you ever, ever feel
Like your nothing
You're fuckin' perfect to me
The world stares while I swallow the fear
The only thing I should be drinking is an ice cold beer
So cool in lying and I tried tried
But we try too hard, it's a waste of my time
Done looking for the critics, cuz they're everywhere
They don't like my genes, they don't get my hair
Stringe ourselves and we do it all the time
Why do we do that?
Why do I do that?
Why do I do that?
Ooh, pretty pretty pretty,
Pretty pretty please don't you ever ever feel
Like you're less then, fuckin' perfect
Pretty pretty please if you ever ever feel
Like you're nothing you're fuckin' perfect, to me
You're perfect
You're perfect
Pretty, pretty please don't you ever ever feel like you're less then, fucking perfect
Pretty, pretty please if you ever ever feel like you're nothing you're fucking perfect to me
(p/s: tak pernah sesaat aku meragui apa yang telah aku lalui...dan tak pernah sesaat aku sesali apa yang aku alami, aku nikmati...)
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Salam and hye guys.....
well actually i wanna say happy December guys! it's 1st December... ombak rindu dh keluar..hekhekhekk....
Ok sorry, forget that because that is not the main point im here.. lots to share la i think....
Firstly, since we are in December so the final exam is just around the corner...on my counting, i got another 29 days to get prepare for the final....and since i got homesick like hell, so i challenged my self to stay focus within this 29 days to make my self well prepared and another 9 days to give all out for the final exam so that i can enjoy myself thoroughly in the semester break. Alhamdulillah it has been almost a semester i live here. Hope Allah will help me.....
Well guys, recently i went for a short vacation in Perlis... Sintok and Perlis is just 30 minutes away if you know the directions. We rent a car and we are headed to Kangar-Kuala Perlis-Kangar and passed the Arau... i just snap a little of my own pictures and sunset as i drove the car, and not to forget to mention that i was there with my 4 lovely girlfriends which is mira, sha, ilah and was an enjoyable short vacation.. i loved the sunset when we stopped at Kuala Perlis for a dinner, and i also loved the dinner that we have that evening. yummyyy!! super deliciouss.....
a bit exhausted, but i love it... we shared car rent+dinner+petrol, and each of us just paid rm26++... and i planned to have another budget gain experience and knowledge...

subhanallah...cantik lukisan Allah
Before we went to Perlis, i got a chance to handled a short course...actually i just a treasurer of my team but play one of the big role too.... We invited Avon to be an image consultant and they give goodies to our participants in return...and got it too....the special one..alhamdulillah...


Lastly, yesterday i went to changlun. They got a night market on every wednesday night. Besaq jugak laaa... tp still ta sebaik psr mlm dekat kemaman lagi... the place is a bit dirty and i think they should close the road along the night market..maklum la malang tak berbau kan...fuhhh tergugat iman aku tgh diet2 ni... but my main reasons is to buy a handbag as mine previously dah putus oredy..... ingat nak jahit tp, dh xdpt diselamatkan daaaa.... so here we aree....

jgn terkezzzuuut! hehehee....
ok done my part today....tata....
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Salam dear readers,
It's so hard to get the internet connection this few days and when i got stuck with the books, i need some refreshments. I need internet to get into fb or doing some blogwalking. I get mad when i unable to reached the connection though i tried so many times to load the web page, and i gets into double anger when i saw my roomate able to access the internet easily. When i get the connection, i was frustrated because it is so slow compared to before and my frustration became triple when it was disconnected off-handed before i can do anything. Another thing is...the facebook.I really dont understand why i cant commenting.Recently, my lappy got attacked by virus, and im truly mad rite now cz i just reformat my lappy 2 weeks ago! this time i swear i will never use avira again!! argghhhh!! this is stressful!!!!!
(p/s:im sorry for complaining a's not that im not be thankful for i've been bestowed but im so stressfull with my exam,and i easily to get mad! rawr!!!)
It's so hard to get the internet connection this few days and when i got stuck with the books, i need some refreshments. I need internet to get into fb or doing some blogwalking. I get mad when i unable to reached the connection though i tried so many times to load the web page, and i gets into double anger when i saw my roomate able to access the internet easily. When i get the connection, i was frustrated because it is so slow compared to before and my frustration became triple when it was disconnected off-handed before i can do anything. Another thing is...the facebook.I really dont understand why i cant commenting.Recently, my lappy got attacked by virus, and im truly mad rite now cz i just reformat my lappy 2 weeks ago! this time i swear i will never use avira again!! argghhhh!! this is stressful!!!!!
(p/s:im sorry for complaining a's not that im not be thankful for i've been bestowed but im so stressfull with my exam,and i easily to get mad! rawr!!!)
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Pagi raya terasa syahdu...

Salam Aidiladha Muslims....,
Bota also not here....hmm... i miss him very much. This is my first raya without him, and i felt so different since several days ago...rindu nya nk jumpa dia! :'( xpe lah..jauh di mata dkt di hati...
(p/s: xde mood nye nk beraya...ermm.. :'( )
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
We are separated by the south China sea...
Salam and hiii peoples....
Today is my 7th day at home... and this is my second time being home after enrolled in uum..
The first time was 2 weeks after the enrolment as im home just to say give a warm goodbye to him before he flew to Sarawak. At that time, im so excited to go home...
And this time, im home for my mid-term break...2 weeks would be a boring weeks if you just stay at home,watching tv,eat,sleep,up,watching tv again and bla bla blaa... This time is so different!..
At first yes im excited to go home..i miss mom badly! families yeahh...! miss them a lot... but after reached home, i felt more felt missing them... But there is one other thing... and right now i feel's him.....
I miss him badly! i miss my bota so much...! i thought i wont feel this way, but im wrong.. Whenever i went out, ill think of him...because before this, lots of things we did together. Sometimes he accompany me to find the this buy that, shopping this shopping that bla bla blaa... almost everyday we will have lunch together.. and he loves kfc so much.. we really have a good time together, chatting this chatting that...laughed like crazy... fishing, accompanied him at the workshop, shared everything, talked to the phone till 4 am....oohh i miss those moments very very much! Ya Allah, please make us strong for another 4 years... after we complete our studies, insyaALLAH if the jodoh is ours, we will get into the next phase of life.. i know i just need to be patient, our time may not arrive yet...Allah asked us to wait....
Right now, he is damn busy with his assignments, we are no longer can spent our time talked to the phone until 4am... but still, alhamdulillah we can manage our's not easy, ive got no confidence at first but he give me lots of strength...alhamdulillah again... honesty and trustworthiness is very important here.. and Alhamdulillah, we can put them to us... i thankful to Allah as he love me and i love him either...
and i also thankful to Allah because HE put us away from each other so that we can feel the true meaning of missing someone you love very much and make our love stronger....this may be one of the test for our relationship whether we are loyal to each other or not...well i know, Allah always know what is the best for us..HE love us, and HE dont want us to be so in love until we forget what is forbidden... Yes we are still so in love...and i can feel the love is even stronger....
Allah....permudahkan jalan kami sekiranya ada jodoh antara kami...amin..

(p/s: Sorry kalau post ni agk feeling2....sukeatiakulaaaabloaku!..ehheee...)
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Im Paranoid....
Im afraid of losing something that i love more than myself....
I couldnt face the world if that happen..
Somehow, i know i should be strong no matter how hard it is in my future....
(p/s:Terima kasih ALLAH kerana berikan ak sense of sensitive y tinggi.....wlaupun ak selalu bersedih ats sedikit pun musibah y terjadi ke atas diri ak tp ak tahu ada hikmah Engkau jdikan aku begini...)
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Tekanan akan sentiasa ada....
Just a short post to share something..
Alhamdulillah, aku gembira kehidupan disini...cukup makan,minum,pakai dan roomate y memahami...
Tp sgt2 stressed out on something...
1) Dr hari pertama strt kelas smpai la skrg, setiap saat, setiap ketika akan selalu terfikirkan akan kmampuan diri aku utk survive dlm course ni.... tkt sgt study 2 jam je tp aku study 6 jam pon blm tentu masuk... bila luahkan pada org, mereka ckp..raihan u can do jauh di sudut hati..aku kurang yakin... :'(
2) Markah utk tutorial. Sbb lack of confident la aku jd pasif dlm tutorial session sedangkan...ohh plezz aku ada byk mnde nk bg tahu!... so skrg aku bmbngkan mrkah aku...n tkt nnti pointer aku pon turut tersangkut.. how bad.. :'(
3) Assignments. Seriously, aku xde group utk subjek MLS n Contract Law 1... Sedih sgt2 rase skrg ni bile kite xde group nk buat assignments....mane lagi nk pk group, mane lg nk pk kes,satelkan assignments...n aku tension sgt2 pasal hal ni... :'(
4) Body may sounds stupid but im not kidding... frankly aku stressed pasal ni..aku pelik...aku xmkn sgt, aku aktif, tp knape p aku blh chubby bila duk sini...aku trauma jd gemok :(
sbb bila aku gemok..aku jd xconfident.
5) Exam. Mid term dh xlame...n tup tap tup tap..dh nk final.cepat nye mase berlalu...aku msih merangkak lg..boleh ke aku dpt pointer baik..?
6) Family, Home.. I dont know how to describe how i miss mom very much, i miss my sis very much...setiap kali call mak mesti rase nk nangis....and hari2 pk nk call kakak aku tp cm xde keberanian sbb aku dh buat dia mrhkan aku...this is bad..!
7) Miss him... Sory la kalau korang meluat tp aku mmg rindu dia...beci weh tgk ramai student kat sini asyik berkepit ngn psangan masing2 ke hulu ke ape2 pon aku bersyukur, mngkin ALLAH nk uji kami...mgkin dgn berjauhan, kami akan lbh mnghargai antara satu sama lain....4 tahun je lagi.....sabar ye raihan...xlame dh....
8) Kesihatan. Sejak kebelakangan ni aku mmg slalu rase xsihat... mostly pening kepala dan sakit perut. Hari ni its getting worst bila aku xdpt pon nk berjalan ngan betul. Nasib baik kelas computer batal. Mid term dh exam pon bln 12 ni, kuiz dan assignments,tutorial makin byk... ya Allah kurniakan kesihatan yang baik buat diriku... Hari ni rase xtahan terpaksa call jugak mak utk ngadu..mmg seboleh2nya xnk pon ngadu kat mak, tak nak sshkan hati aku kalah...aku terpaksa call mak, utk dptkan sedikit semangat utk lawan kesakitan2 yang tak terduga ni...aku redha, mngkin ini kafarah dosa...andai ilmu aku akan lebih berkat dengan cara ini.....aku xkisah selalu sakit2 pon. :')
9) Pemusnah. Benci ngan pengganggu kebahagiaan org...
tu je....dah lame xpostt something... actually ive experienced those pain when i faced too much pressure before...and i afraid if those pain were cause by the same reasons...
Please pray for my survival here.. ;)
(p/s: Nak beli kamus elektronik...mmg agak pricey tp aku pk aku sgt perlukan kamus tu nk beli jgak...)
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Alhamdulillah... :) indeed !!
Salam readers,
Its been 8 days here in Sintok....err rase cam dh lame je... hehe... and as the time goes by, alhamdulillah i felt like im getting used to it *claps**claps**!! I think this is a blessing from my mom's praying..thnx mom, i know everyday u will pray to Allah so that i can adapt well here as i never been this far from home for such a long period...
I will be here for a 4 years to complete my degree in Law.. and i hope i can cope well with all the circumstances so that my new me will be produced in next 4 years ahead!..inshaALLAH!
So what can i say living here? Alhamdulillah, here got good facilities, good friends, good lecturer and lectures and very nice view.... i enjoy the view after rainy because i could see the hills and the mountains here was fogginess....subhanallah, very peaceful one and cold! its totally different from my first thought about uum before i reached here. Thank to Allah swt that i could adapt myself with the 100% English environment here... Actually, i never thought that i can speak better English here with all the chinese, indians and some foreigners,who cares about the grammatical error???? haha....Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah.....!!...
My weekend tomorrow gonna be fun! its gonna be filled with so many interesting activities such as a big Merdeka Day's celebration on Friday and go-kart thingy on Saturday! that i xla teringat sangat dgn Kemaman and those people i left there......


Ok thats all....i got my Contract Law class later on 12.30 till need to get ready with the notes and some brainstorming so that i won't lost in Dr. Timothy's class.*ok he is freaking hot! hahaha...Let's do Dhuha first!
(p/s: Doakan sy agar solat hajat, qiamullail dan dhuda menjadi ibadah wajib buat sy..insyaALLAH)
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Regards from UUM,Sintok...
Salam all the readers....
Salam from Sintok, Kedah.... has been 5 days im here since the registration day on last wednesday...
so far....sometimes im good and the other side, im suffering from homesickness...
i've started my first basuh-baju-byk2-pkai-tangan..haha bcz, ive got no coins nk gne msin basuh...amik kauu!...xpelah...first2 ni, ssh2 la dlu.... kan?
And now, im so tringt2 la back at kmn sane..
ok laaa...nk upload pics rase mls lgi...6t dh rajin ill upload...
doakan kejayaan saya di sini.... till then ...salam...
(p/s: yeayyy!...dpt msuk kelab go-kart utk ko-k!...eventhough my first choice was kelab kembara..but go-kart still in my wishlist, happy! sangat....)
Friday, August 5, 2011

Assalamualaikum, salam ramadhan dear fella readers :)
First and foremost, i would like to say Eid Mubarak to all muslims..
Alhamdulillah, Allah still grant me with a chance to meet another Ramadhan, Alhamdulillah again.
When i was a little, i don't really like Ramadhan because it is a fasting month. Hahahaa... you know what do you expect ha..? But as i get older, i learnt to love Ramadhan and now, i love Ramadhan very much. There are something different in this Holy month. I could feel the difference... There are something...yeah..i don't know how to tell you guys..but that 'something' gives me an excitement. I love the Tarawikh part and Alhamdulillah as far as 5 days we are fasting, i didn't failed to perform my tarawikh yet.*bestfrenXdtgLagi* :D
But know what...i hope this Ramadhan will remain longer than the usual. Because when Syawal come, that's mean im leaving here... pathetic... :'(
I hope...everything would be fine....insyaALLAH...
ok la... SELAMAT MENJALANKAN IBADAH PUASA KEPADA MUSLIMIN DAN MUSLIMAT SEKALIAN.... Puasa tu jgn puasa je semata-mata, SOLAT jgn tinggal...kalau tak, buat penat je puasa tapi tak dapat ape2...Peringatan utk semua dan diri sndiri jugak... Teringat kawan aku ckp dlu mse kitorang puasa form 5..."aku jahat,jahat la aku tak tinggal smayang, aku hormat mak aku..." hahaa..mcm2 kan?...
Tp bg aku pokok pangkalnye,jgn tgl solat...soal jahat ke baik ke seseorang tu...insyaALLAH solatlah yang akan membentuk dia nanti...NAK CUKUP SOLAT, KENE PAKSA DIRI TAW!
(p/s: Ya Allah,bersempena dgn bulan Ramadhan yang mulia ini..kurniakan aku dengan segala kekuatan diri Ya Allah! Kuatkan diri aku utk menerima segala perubahan ini....Tidak kira apa pun dugaan dan ujian dariMu utkku..Aku mohon....BERIKAN AKU KEKUATAN!..amin2 ya robbal alamin...)
Friday, July 29, 2011
i made a proverb for myself!
Salam readers...
Im sleepy, truly sleepy and when that happened laziness strikes me. Whenever i felt sleepy when the times is i shouldn't felt so, i called it 'doesn't make sense sleepy' ok i know it may sounds over exaggerating but yeaahhh...aku tulis kan, so ske hati mak leer..hehe
Ok, so one month back, i found out something useful for myself.. Actually one day, i was woke up early in the morning which is around 5 a.m . I wanted to had some exercises with my buddy, mira at 7 a.m. So i don't slept back. Since i finished my school, i rarely wake up early, so it makes me terribly sleepy indeed. So i fbing but still it doesn't worked. So i decided to update my blog. I write something and it works!! Since i used English to write an entry, so it makes my brain work harder and i no longer felt sleepy yet energetic!...It came with a conclusion, "You will get doesnt-make-sense-sleepy when your brain isn't working" perghh..hebat tak peribahasa aku baru cipta ni??..haha...
So now i feel better....i can continue my work folding up all this clothes!
Till then..tata :)
(p/s:rindu lappy aku!....entry bosan xde gambar kan?...xpelah...6t aku kasi byk gambar once my lappy has been repaired!)
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Different but still the same...

Assalamualaikum fella readers! a bright smile for all of you =)
Ok i wanna share something that peoples are currently mad about tonite.... it's FOOTBALL timeeee!!!!!!!! well i rather like to call soccer than a football because it maybe look awesome..ngeehh,ngeeehh,ngehhh...~
How i called it and how you pronounced it, does not the matter. The thing is, this game brought me,you,them,they a similarities. Still dont get it? haaiiyaa.. let me give you some simple example, u cina, i melayu, dia pulak india...see, we are different races rite?...but no matter what the tradition we embraced off, those Malay, Chinese, India.....they LOVE FOOTBALL! Am i rite?? Ok please correct me if im wrong.. So this is the gist that im trying to tell you guys, different but still the same. Mmg power lah sukan bola nih!...
ill tell you the reasons...
1. My dad didn't slept early as he used to whenever there are a football match happened.
2. My elder sister became energetic and she won't sighed about her back pain, headache etc..etc..
3. My brother betted with his wife which team gonna win.
4. My friends talked something useful instead of gossiping.
5. 2 person with different ideology of politics could sat at the same table talked about football match.
and the last but not least....
6. itu wa punyaa balakk ignored my sms+es...grrrr!!!
That is why i write this...because i've got pleeeeeeeeeeeeenty of time...ngeeee~~ happy sgt! kan...? kan..? bota?...awk tgk la bola tu..pastu smbung citer hindustan plak xksh pon.. =)
till then..tata...
(p/s:tak bermaya je rse hari ni..ngantok ape2 pon kpd skuad Harimau Malaysia, good job!...tak berjaya pon xmngapa,cuba lagi next 4 years! chaaaiyookk!!!...bukan kalah tp msh blm brjaya...jgn rsau..aku ttp soskong Malaysia beb!..ok dahh, pedih perut tetibe..nk tdooo laaa..ngantukk...salam,gudnitess ;)
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
greetings to all my fellow friends =)
greetings to all my fellow friends =)
It's been a while since my last post...the emo one..hehe....
At this moment i didnt say that im in the normal condition of just in the so so mood, which is im gonna be fine with those motivational words and ill easily get spoiled if someone pissing me off..honestly my level of happiness is down, the negative ions are currently friendly sticking at me...
ok back to the main reason i write this....
i wanna tell you something..the good one maybe...
Last week ive got the UPU result...
I didnt get a placement at UPM to study in education field, which is im bit frustrated because i hope i can fulfill my dad's dream...
On the other hand, i've got Law at UUM...which is my dream when i was doing my STPM. So here, i dont know what should i happy yet frustrated...
It doesnt worked as planned...
Im excited to study Law but im sad to leave here...
I never left my hometown since i was a kid...i never went to a boarding school or even staying at the hostel when i was schooling.. because i avoided that... i rather love to stay at home with my family..Frankly, i never stand on my own feet...
My mind setting before i get the result gonna study at west area which is just 5 hours away from my hometown and i can even back home every weekend without any hesitation...
But it turns into another way...i've got at the north area, which is 16 hours in one single bus trip to back i need to take a deep thinking to decide whether to back home or just stay plus with the monetary factors...i might back home only once in a month...insyaALLAH..
Im gonna miss my hometown damn much! gonna miss my mom, my dad, my sis, my bota, my friends here...those good things...
My bota might further his study at UiTM Shah Alam..which is one in the west, and the other one in we are going to change our close distance relationship into long distance relationship.. I dont know whether i can make it or not because we are not just a couple but also a best friend indeed! We shared everything, we did our activities together...i cant imagine how my life would be after this... There are no dating, fishing, gardening after this... im gonna miss those sweetest thing...He is my best buddy ever...
Im leaving this September enrollment day would be on 7th September.. so plus minus, there are about a month left....
Guys, dont worry i wont leave here with hard feelings..currently im working so hard to boost up my enthusiasm, my level of positiveness, my eagerness, my strength and im also working hard to say bubye to my dear bad homesickness... i hope i wont cry on my enrollment day.
And im thinking about to get a new handphone which is way canggih ever than i currently used, to get an electronic dictionary because damn! ive found the other law-to-be student who got superb english and the senior too..they also got wallah english beb!.. i need to improve my english skills, get to know all those current issues, those law terminology and also the social skills..
ok lah...till then... tata
(p/s: inginkan hiburan!...sape2 nk bwk aku pegi jeram?..main netball..?..bowling..? waterpark..? it now...i need it..badly need some entertainment!..oohh xde pic..sbb lappy rosak! syg knape rosak..please la behave ok..after this xde dh orang y rajin2 nk tlg baiki awk taw, im gonna be far from bota,physically)
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Hye all... in just fine here =)
Today is 14 and tomorrow gonna be 15...
15...and everything will be revealed tomorrow...
I put aside that one first...
I wanna share something today...
5 July was my best friend birthday, and i forgot about it..shame on me!
How can i forget that?!
Im too busy with my life until i forget about others..
She never failed to lend an ear whenever i've got problem...
She never failed to accompany me where ever i asked her to accompany me...
She never failed to give me an advises whenever i told her my problems...
She is the one who support me when i was in my depression time last year...
and you know what?...she didnt even failed to wish me on my birthday last 24 march..
but me?...i forgot ='( im so sorry buddy..this is not me.... gazillions of sorry!
IM SO SORRY.... Happy birthday Hasmah..wish u all the best in life... ill always pray for your happiness...
that's all at this time...
(p/s: Seksa sgt bila kita terlampau sygkan so sory for being this way...oohh puasa hari xde selera langsung nk mkn...kenapa mcm ni?....hmmm...)
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Aku rindu tika itu....
Aku rindu tika itu,
Aku rindu rika itu,
Aku rindu tika aku bermain-main di padang rumput,
Padang yang cukup luas,
Tempat sang biri-biri rakus meragut si hijau.
Aku rindu tika itu,
Aku rindu tika aku bertatih mengayuh basikal,
Aku jatuh terluka,
Namun aku tetap gagahi jua.
Aku rindu tika itu,
Aku rindu tika aku berceloteh dengan sang rakan,
Bercerita berkongsi apa sahaja,
Memuntahkan segala yang terbuku di minda,
Aku rindu tika itu,
Aku rindu tika aku merengek bermanja dengan si tuaku,
Meminta itu dan ini,
Mahukan cuiman si tua setiap hari.
Tika aku punya ilham segala,
Lalu aku muntahkan menjadi tulisan,
Aku rindu tika itu,
Tika aku bermain seorang dengan gembira walau tidak berteman.
Aku rindu tika itu,
Tika lagakku persis anak lelaki,
Bermain kesana dan kemari tanpa gerun akan bahaya menanti.
Aku rindu, aku rindu, aku rindu
Tidak bisa aku ungkapkan semua....
Kerna ia tidak mungkin terungkap dengan kata-kata mahupun tulisan...

Assalamualaikum...guysss!! backk cz i feel like blogging now :)









Ya...... Aku rindu, teramat rindu sekli dengan zaman kecilku.....
Seringkali ingin ku putarkan kembali masa menjadi bahagia seperti anak-anak kecil.....ahhh...sungguh bahagia....tiada masalah mendatang....yang wujud hanyalah kegembiraan........
Aku sedar...,
Hidup pada hari ini lebih bermakna....
Aku belajar dengan guru yang sebenar iaitu penglamanku sendiri...
Syukur pasa Sang Pencipta kerana siapa aku pada hari ini dan siapa juga yang mendampingi aku...
Aku juga sedar,
Hidup si kecil memang benar tiada masalah....hanya gembira...
Namun dewasa juga walau menyakitkan...
Membawa lebih erti kegembiraan...
Kerana, bukan hidup namanya jika segalanya mudah.....
(p/s: Allah mencipta Adam dan Hawa adalah untuk mengembangkan khalifah Allah di muka bumi ini....bumi juga dicipta dgn seribu satu kekayaan zatnya utl manusia teroka..... Lalu diciptakan akal dan fikiran kpd manusia agar dia tahu bagaimana utk menyelesaikan permasalahan.... Kisah Nabi Adam aku jadikan pedoman agar hidup ini haruslah sentiasa berubah kearah sifat mahmudah...bukanlah mazmumah...walau baiknya itu sedikit...teruskanlah berbuat kebaikan kerana sikit- sikit bjkit ditimbus,lama-lama menjadi gunung...) it was drafted long ago before I ended up to published it..pleas excuse the written arrangement. Cz it was edited and published through phone...
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Allah sentiasa ada...
Malam....malam itu indah...ya indah....ciptaan Allah swt yang sgt berharga....
Malam....malam itu indah...ya indah....ciptaan Allah swt yang sgt berharga....
Malam telah dijadikan oleh Alah swt sebagai suatu waktu untuk hambaNya beristirahat. Berhenti seketika daripada kesibukan duniawi....
Yang punyai keluarga, inilah waktunya untuk berkasih sayang,bermanja ceria dan bergurau-senda...
Yang punyai perniagaan hatta sebesar lombong emas hitam sekalipun...harus gunakan waktu malam untuk berehat dan berfikir....
Tujuan Allah memberi malam kepada hambaNya juga bukan bertujuan untuk sia-sia semata...tidur...bergembira;...malah kita disuruh menangis...Menangis menghadap penciptanya di sepertiga malam.....sedikit waktu harus diluang kepada pencipta kita...mengadu domba akan segala hal dunia.....
"Andai kita punya teman seperti malaikat...
Allah jua tempat mengadu yng memberi manfaat...."
Menjadi gembira...itulah yang didambakan oleh setiap makhluk ciptaan Allah....
Namun disebalik kegembiraan kita...pasti ada yang bersedih....
Makhluk ciptaanNya yang paling istimewa...
Kadang kala ego bermaharaja di dalam hati...
Sentiasa inginkan kemenangan...
Engkau terlalu sukar untuk ditafsir!
Aku sendiri...juga manusia....
Aku sendiri, sukar utk ditafsir....malah sukar utk menafsirkan sesuatu...
Kadangkala aku gembira tanpa sebab...
Kadangkala aku menangis juga tanpa sebab...
Lalu ku manghadap yang Maha Esa....
Aku butuh kan jawapan wahai Pencipta!
Lalu ku mulai mengerti....
Inilah dinamakan KEHIDUPAN!
Kadangkala hatiku penuh waja...
Aku tidak gentar menghadap hari esok,semuanya bakal ku tempuh dgn penuh semangat!
Namun ada ketikanya hatiku gelap gempita...
Aku takut untk bertemu dengan hari esok....
Aku terlalu gentar dengan apa yang bakal aku hadapi pada hari esok...
Aku seakan kalah dengan kelemahanku sendiri...
Aku tahu....Aku sedar...
Suatu ketika, aku akan ditinggalkan sendiri.....
Sendiri tanpa arah dan tujuan....
Aku jua tahu aku pasti akn menemui jalan buntu...
Setiap hari..aku cuba gagahi diri ini...namun seringkali aku menemui kebuntuan...aku terlalu takut....
Aku cuba katakan perasaan ku ini...namun tiada yang mengerti...aahh mungkin perasaan aku ini hanya dipandang enteng....aku perlu pakar jiwa!... Allah pakar jiwaku.....
Kdangkala aku terasa sendiri....
Aku takutkan kesunyian ini....
Jgn tglkan aku...
(p/s: Hidup penuh cubaan dan dugaan....hanya satu yng kupinta Ya ALLAH,...kuatkan hatiku walau sebesar mana pun badai yang melanda........)
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Terima Kasih Semuaa....
Assalamualaikum...hye babes hello dudes...

Im back...yes back for another short entry maybe..
I know, it is so hard to find me writing consecutively, but yeaaa i did today because ive got something i'd love to share with...*ohh please spread the love now...* :B
Today... i was so happy! happy indeed ! I attended a friends gathering...
Actually, it supposed to be our reunion for ex-students Mentokian but unfortunately half of them cant make we just decided to call it as 'The Friends Gathering' but still, i felt excited because some of them who came was my ex-classmate back in my primary still the 'reunion thingy' did happened though... happy to see most of them are running towards the exceeding of their life. I could see in the future each of them will be a physicians, an engineer, chemist, educator (hope ill be in the list too) etc..etc.. * im proud of them! they did well! *lets pray ill be like them too!!!!*BERSEMANGAT!
Hey you know what?.... all the girls are pretty indeed and the boys are gentle...i could see th
e way each of them was so in polite way and down to earth which is much way different compared in our school's time. Now i understand what the old folks said..."People changed as the time passed by" How much the changes are and in which way they will be is dependence on how oneself relying to their Creator..
Ok lets make it short cz im getting sleepy and i cant wait to continue to read 'HOUSE RULES'...
But sorry guys, the photos isnt available here...i didnt bring my camera, if u wish to see those pictures, u still can see it through my Facebook..i thought i can save it from there, but it cant...So sorry guys for such a lame post without pictures !
No matter happy today....alhamdulillah! Gembira dapat berbakti walaupun sedikit!..

*nah ambik buat tatapan.gambar lame kwn2*
Till then...see yaaa... :0
(p/s: Ada azam baru...wajib nk habiskan novel house rules ni no matter what ! Semoga berjaya mencapainya dengan redhaNya tanpa melalaikan kewajiban yg sebenar)
Thursday, June 30, 2011
counting the days.....
Hi dear silence readers :)
Currently i rarely updating my blog cz i dont wanna write anything without quality and the qualities come with my eagerness to write something...ok lets pretend that u understand what im saying here..hehe *bcz i know u dont* hahaaa...
Recently, i got the best part of mine *finally*..which is my thoughts turns into positive way, i less anger, less pissing off, and manage to handle some meshy bloody things well.. Alhamdulillah...
I really miss them like seriously!... and i am barely able to breath without them, *ok that was just a hyperbola* :P But to have back positive side of mine is something i really appreciate much. Finally Allah gives back my strength that i really need in my life... i felt closer to Him...i felt much lighter to spend my time to Him..Alhamdulillah again... Frankly speaking, i felt lost this couples of month..lack of motivational and enthusiasm. I hardly to woke up for subuh prayer and to perform my solat hajat as it used to be my routine before, and i think i didnt get full the act of filling whenever i homage my Creator...i felt shamed and week...
Then i realize that i less spent my time with Him...the One that i should hold a trust on...
Now..i can't wait for this 15 July... Dear Allah please dont let this servant of yours felt down again...i know You won't let me down...
No matter whats the result could be is....just please Allah, give me a strength so that i can face it and accept those qada' and qadar....
I cant wait to pursue to my next station of life... and this time, the main priority is MYSELF! i wont let my self down because of others... Except my family, education were the only thing i own for the rest of my life. A couple could ended up single, a marriage could brake up, a friend can turns into Raihan! please....first thing come first!...
Alhamdulillah ALLAH for this great feelings...i hope this will be continuous....
By this time, my graph of life is quite good with only some marginal rose of negative ions but the activity of positive ions are highly increasing... Alhamdulillah again... :)
And..oohh before i forget, i got some cat scratch last sunday and its a bit worst until i had to get an injection. But it is getting ok rite now...the bruise had gone and the wound dried already.. Alhamdulillah... I dont blame my cat though... they are innocent cz they are animal, i can still hugged and play with him after got back from hospital... The truth is, Allah is trying to lighter my sins....and i accept it as my kafarah dosa and it makes me redha eventhough i had to experienced the sickness until today and need to take the antibiotic for a week. *i pee, i burp semua rasa ubat,huhu* by this time i realize how suffer the life of person with chronic disease, they have to complete the course of medication everyday... and now i know why my bota doesnt like his medication whenever he fall sick... and he never complete the course until he fall sick again....
One thing else, Tahniah kpd sepupu yang bakal menjadi milik org....rugi tak sertai, masa mak bg tahu tu...diorang dah duk depan pintu...dan aku masih dgn telekung solat...sah2 laa terpaksa ditinggalkan....tak so happy and i whispered to my self, that i will be as happy as my cousin is that nite...later.. Her time has arrived...and mine will be coming too someday..insyaALLAH... At this moment, i should concentrate to my study...i kept remind my self that i were just a kid.. and a good kid should fight for a better future in order to get a right man in her life....and im praying so hard that the right man will be my bota today! :)
Till then...tataa

*nahh..buat cuci mata.... :)
(p/s: Mungkin sesuatu yang kita inginkan itu nampak mustahil utk kita perolehi, dan remeh utk kitaa impikan mahupun tidak masuk akal...namun ketahuilah...di sisi Allah swt.....TIADA YANG MUSTAHIL...*kun faya kun*)
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Morning Glory :)
Hai friends!...morning all....
I woke up early today! yuhuu yehaaa...! Alhamdulillah....
I promised my bff to have some jog today and we wished to start from 6.30 am this morning...terbaeeekkkk!!... and i woke up around 5.15.... and failed to sleep again even though i still sleepy by this time...So to make my brain works even faster, i decided to write thiss!!...Yeah i knowww...its been a while since my last post.....
Ok tak nak ckp byk...i feel less sleepy rite its true, if we lets our brain works it wont sleep,plus they woke up 2 hours earlier than our eyes open!
Thursday, June 23, 2011
OK aku tipu....aku tak tido pon.....
Aku cuma nk..nk...nk...nk bg tahu yang...yang...
GEMOK! AKU BENCI! AKU TAK SUKA BILA AKU RASA AKU GEMOK! AKU BENCI TGK CERMIN WEEHH!! AKU aku rasa nk mkn aku taw..hemlet tu menggemukkan.....
(p/s: aku loser.......... aku terasa nak belajar drift je... AKU NK MSUK WWE esok...tu je kbai!)
Entry hangit cam shiiiiiit je...
Aku tahu kamu sihat!..Bgus! Alhamdulillah...Aku bersyukur kepadaNya...
Malam ini...aku boring...yang teramat boring...
Mak takde,pergi lawatan JKKK katenye...Kakak besar pun takde,bermalam di trg...
hurmm...yang ada kat rumah cume abah dan 2 org kakak y lain...
Bagai jatuh ditimpa tangga...yang sorang gila korea,dr tadi duk layan k-pop...grr...
yang lagi tak habis2...Abah?....pergi mesyuarat tingkap...
Aku dari bilik sendiri berhijrah pegi bilik mak,lepak2 situ....ermm terasa sunyi bila mak takde...rumah terasa kosong..kakak besar takde pon sunyi jugak...tak tahu nak buat ape dik nun!...
Aku tgk tv...semua channel aku bukak...takde 1 pon y berkenan...aku tutup...aku bukak laptop...baru 7 minit bateri dh out..aku mls nk gi ambik charger...aku pegi ambik bola aku main bola...aku pegi kat luar rumah,aku main kasut...aku taw...ape yang aku sedang buat ni mcm shiit je...jd aku tinggalkan...aku masuk balik rumah...grrr! gila bosan! Masa ni la aku terfikir... BESTNYA JADI LELAKI! Mulut aku rasa nk makan...aku bukak peti...3 kali kot aku bukak!...xde mkanan....aku xnak mkn nasi sbb aku dh mkn...Aku terasa nak mkn hemlet!..mmg kegemaran aku...aku teringin nk hirup milo shake!...shiit..milo dh habis!..Last2 aku minum air kosong je...aku hirup kuah gulai tempoyak aku buat ptg tadi (sdap wehh..haha) aku ratah ikan bilis goreng...sob..sob..sobb tetibe aku tringat mak..tsk..tsk.. aku rindu mak...Aku terasa mcm loser je....
Kan best kalau aku dah kerja?...mlm2 minggu mcm ni aku terasa heaven gila sbb boleh tido...mslhnya skrg...aku xngantuk...aku cuba tido tp xboleh!...
Aku baca buku,buku tu cerita sedih.buat aku lagi ingtkan mak..kenapa aku mcm ni ha??
Bosan...aku xd cerita ape pon sbnrnye...sbb tu aku jarang update blog ni..sbb xde pon y menarik...
Tapi aku hargailah kau orang sanggup baca sampai sini...
Tu je kot.....aku nak cuba tido sekali lagi....
(p/s: aku bosan..aku rindu mak,aku rindu kakak besar,aku rindu bota..... mungkin mereka sedang bersuka ria... aku harap mlm ni mmpi indah!..esk aku xnak tido lepas solat sbb aku nk lipat kain,nnti abah marah...tu je..kbai!)
Sunday, June 19, 2011
i love peace!
hye dear readers? r ya doin?...
im good here...sorry for rarely updating this blog..with this kind of dull life, what do u expect from me to tell ya???...huhuu...
hye dear readers? r ya doin?...
im good here...sorry for rarely updating this blog..with this kind of dull life, what do u expect from me to tell ya???...huhuu...
right now ive got some problem that killing my soul slowly...
ermm...i just need my own pace, really own..yes i know that i kinda isolated my own self from others just to get some relaxing mind...
it is indefinable...and im depressed indeed...
at this moment i just want to close my eyes, deeply breath, and listen to the tranquility of life...and i hope as soon as i open my eyes, everything gonna be fine as it used to be before...
pray for me... ~
(p/s: mendoakan agar DIA terus menerus mngurniakan diri dgn kekuatan hati dan sifat memaafi yang menebal....err dan sabar dgn ulcer ni..aduuuh sakit taw!)
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Today is a day with a good weather but not really a pleasant day for me...
im dropping by here just to tell you that im not really happy today..since last few days im down with motivational, and last nite i came to know something tht i better dont know about that...and SY SGT TERASA HATI!...
Thnx 4 those who just ruined my day... im just fine to see u happy...argghhh!!!! AKU DH SEMAKIN XPERCAYAKAN ORG!..
tu jee.....k,bai..
(p/s:i just need my dear bff here...)
Monday, May 16, 2011
Happy Teacher's Day!
I just back home from my former school, celebrating the Teacher's Day...
As i write this,an idea crossed my mind...i think im gonna write an entry specially about Teacher's Day~ but not now, maybe later cz i need to be focused...
So now im gonna share with you something from today...haruslah ade photos kan???
This time i put the smaller size of photos. No reason, just playing around to see which sizes looks better in my blog. Ok this photo was taken after the ceremony, there are me and Jehan with our form 3's history teacher...Pn. Faridah... i got B for her subject during my PMR day but she wasnt the one who taught me. Oppss....!! by the time i typing this i just wondering where is my teacher for this subject?...i didnt see her just now..Pn. Siti can i missed forgot her?? bad :( the way, can you see Jehan?...Shes pretty adorable rite? i like to look her face..suci...hehe...shes already taken dude hehe...
This was from my random photos during the Teacher's Day celebration previously. Actually i was ashamed to go forward and snapping around so that is why i just hentam kromo je amik gambau...~
This one was the photo's of me and Cikgu Raja. Actually she never teach me, but i came to know her when i was joined the Persatuan Silat Cekak Ustaz Hanafi 5 years back. By the time she was the teacher at smksi and she is very closed to my 2 elder sisters. When i met her just now to say some greetings, she smiled at me and mentioned my name like i am very close to her like my sisters. I was like happy cz she dont even know me but the way she talked to me like she know me very well...i love to see her actually, kecil molek....canteek! ank die cantek dan hensem jugakk..hahaha~ :p
Whereas, this with Pn Zaimah and Pn Faridah.. Pn Zaimah is our counsellor...From right, Naim and Nas....
The boys with our ustaz Muin... The teacher who taught us addmath but also the one who always will started his lessons with tazkirah or cerita teladan for us...I like him very much. He gave lots of advices, somehow i miss his joke although i hate addmath... :)
As i safely arrived home, i saw thisssss!!!!! heheeee.... oohh i got the parcel from Lipice! Wanna know further how do i got it???...simply visit You will know what the process you should do until u get the free sample...oh i got the strawberry lipice,same as i ever bought before.. You know what? will experienced minty lips after smudged it on your lips... :) i just love it!
Till then...salam...
(p/s: Oh mengantuk laaa....pagi td tetibe bgun dgn kepala y sakit!..migrainnn, please behave ok!)
Sunday, May 15, 2011
i love whenever i felt i love blogging :)
Hye guys....How are you doing??...
Its been a while...and for sometime i miss blogging very much!.. :)
So since i got the mood to blog tonite, without any delay i grabbed my memory card to upload some pictures....
Ok i know my birthday was in March and its Mei already...and this was really so last yeaaarrhh... but since i already promised to tell ya something from my here we aree....THE PRESENT! ... ehhemm..its from the loved one! <3 :) He bought this present like one month earlier... what is inside???... guess...guessssssssss....! its a lovely cutie adorable pretty bear!.. but waiitt...actually i got 2 things but let it be a secret alright?..hehehee...sorry..~and the bear?? dont wanna showing off :P . Thnx bota! i really appreciate it.. And received smses from close friends was one of the touching, happier thing ever...i dont care about the present, it just enough if u guys remembering my important date in my life and also your sincere du'a for me... Alhamdulillah, thnx ALLAH for granted me with such amazing friends :)
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Some random photos...
This photo was taken weeks ago. Recently, i love chilling at the beach and she is the one who always accompany me. *sila jgn jelez ye munirah!..hehe* thnx darl :) Do yo see?..ive got lots of pimples! arrgghh!
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ahaa...since jobless, i love to cook err actually cooking is must-do-routine everyday except for here is one of the menu. local people at my place called "ikan barat" but i dont know and im too lazy to find what is it been called in english...i just know fews like, calamari and catfish!! they are my favorite! :) its just a sweet sour dish... sdap mkn mase panas!
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This is actually the sauce. The chilies was not cooked well yet and i didnt add any addition ingredient yet to make it perfect....Hey this menu were so easy man, i bet u know how to make this..err what, u dont know??...go goole it!,thats what i do whenever i felt 'argghhhh what is for today's menuuu?????!!!!'.Guys, unfortunately i didnt snap the result...hehe sorry..~ sedar2..dh hilang separuh, but trust's awesome! delicious!! :)
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Mean while, this menu is specially for those who on diet!..that's me!!... today i started diet again. Since i stranded here jobless, so i need to keep watching my weight. My normal weight during my f6 was 43 kg, but now seems like i gained 2 kg.... which is my weight now is 45 kg... and i started to felt uncomfortable because seems like i got some spare tire here and there...So no more dinner or supper!...ill cut some carbo and start exercise over again...i know it just 2 kg but 2kg can become!....its all about discipline yourself~ ;)
R E F L E C T I O N . . . . .
~Some people said, never take something for granted cz u will hurt at the end of the day, badly hurt. Even though i realize the truth, i still can't change the fact that im the person who always take something for granted. Im the kind of people who full with hope deep in my heart, i never stop hoping even for something i less sure.. i ever hurt before but it still doesnt change anything but keep hoping and holding..but it taught me a lessons, the valuable one.... :)
(p/s: Selamat Hari Guru!...Esk nk g skolah lame, nk nyibok sambut hari guru..hehe. Weh..mate xngantok lagi!...rindu botaa laaa... tlg la mata...please ngantok k???...nak wat pe ntah? agk2 kul 3 bru blh tdow ni...grrr!!..angsa ni bising laa....!)
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