money makers.. click!!

Saturday, May 11, 2013


               Assalamualaikummm.....ohhh kalau ikut ustaz cakap nak selamat kalau rumah yang dah lama gila tak de orang kene azankan 7x... blog ni acceptable tak nak azankan? LOL...lama gila tak update blog.... i just wandering away in this blog just to read my fav blogs but failed to update my own blog!..... because ya know why? ive got another crush! i am so in love with instagram nowadays, it is just like my daily diary... i love having a photo with beautiful captions. Plus instagram is wayyy easier than blog because it is just straight from my phone.. although i know i can update my blog through my phone too but i think updating blog through lappy is better. Because the last time when i uploaded some photos, it doesn't appeared in the desired size... so i stop uploading photos via phone (when blogging).

              OK, lets talk about why i less updating my blog? (bajettt sangattt....) First reason, new crush equal to INSTAGRAM... i am soooooooooo crazy over instagram and now i got 500+ photos uploaded there and i kalahkan my own friends yang dah lama ada ig but tak de la gila gambar byk like me..hahha.... You know how crazy i am over instagram? There is a story, one dayy my phone's software was down! and it is a day before my short getaway to Kelantan with my buddies and i am so frustrated like i would rather dieee yooo! im so upset and sad!..... So after the getaway, my bota went to the shop to fix it and there is an issue (waahh mcm tulis kes) where my phone might not gonna be fine anymore! and i am double sadddd because i am so addicted to instagram like you have no idea about that! ok i cried! now u believe me how crazy i am? ok thnx for believing me....LOL... so my bota lost words. To buy a new phone is not the best choice. So seeing me so sad, he kept coaxing me and give me his that time im so touched that he rather to use phone biasa and give me his smart phone to me so i can instagrammm and be happy. oohhh man why u so sweet ahh? :) So at the end of the storyyyyyyy the taukehhh kedai managed to fix my phone back...happy me...! Actually due to that reason lah im so scared to connect my phone to my lappy because im afraid that its gonna happend again due to the viruses attacked! So that is why i seldom updating my blog.

              But heyyyyy...........ill find that strength again ok? mana boleh let my blog bersawang like that because no matter i loves my ig, i still love my blog because there is some things that i cannot revealed there but i can revealed here! plus my blog and i has been in a love-hate relationship for almost 5 years!

hmmm...lets upload some photos....... :)

These photos was taken during my short getaway to Kuala Krai, Kelantan.... It was soooooooooo enjoyable moment! this is my friend's cousin engagement ceremony LOL!

Ok la till we meet again........ :)

(p/s: im strong!)

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Emotional Breakdown....

This is the break even point between the happiness and sadness... strong remember???

Cz Allah is always with me... no matter what... unlike human....

Keep Calm and HAKUNA MATATA!

Hakuna matata means = No Worries! (i just found outtttttttttt hehee)

((p/s: If u sad... so find the happiness......So lets tune in the rock song!)

Tuesday, March 19, 2013



Hati kadang-kadang rapuh sangat kan?
Hati kadang-kadang lemah sangat kan?
Hati kadang-kadang mudah sangat menangis kan?
Tak tau bila hati ni nak kuat....

Nampak luar saja tenang tapi dalam hati ni hanya Allah saja yang tahu....

Tidak mengapa...mungkin bebanan yang ditanggung hati ini jauh lebih kecil berbanding kamu..
Mungkin masalah yang sering berlegar difikiran ini jauh lebih ringin berbanding kamu..

Namun biarlah hanya Allah saja yang tahu

Mungkin aku pernah melupakan.......
Dan kini aku pula yang dilupakan......

Thats the roller coaster of life...

(p/s: aku yang aku merapu ni???? hmm lets be happy!)

Friday, March 15, 2013

Salam Saturday

Assalamualaikum and morning peeps!....

Its Saturday and i have early ko-k today and yeayyy i dont have to go for an evening ko-k today...but yes...just for today...

The thing is i feel a bit sleepy right now so that is why i came out with this post... Hmm... today i dont feel good... i think  like i just on my way to get the sore throat...and i hope it is just because i dont get enough plain water... please dear self dont caught with fever... tomorrow im gonna start my assignment seriously after just realize that March will come to an end soon and i need to run very fast to meet the deadline. I have a short mid break on 5th April and before that i will sit for my mid test. Hopefully everything is gonna be fine. I will start again with notes, studying, reading, and hear some motivational thoughts from Dr. Muhaya so that ill be motivated everyday!.. again... check my nawaitu! Lillahi Ta'ala....

Ya ALLAH, jauhkan diri aku dr berprasangka buruk pada org lain... aku rase teruk bila mengata2 tentang suatu perkara yang aku senri pun xpasti...ermm feel bad about myself... i shouldnt judged people when aku sendiri pun masih terkapai-kapai dalam lautan yang sangat dalam, lebih dalam drp apa yang disangkakan... :'(

(p/s: Allah...please guide me......i wanna change)

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Blog tak famous tak pe

Salam and hye guys...!

hmm...ive been blogging since i was in form 4. Closed that blog and made the new one. This blog. Pernah ada orang tanya...i've been blogging  for quite a long time but my blog aren't popular as hanis zalika's, maria's or sepet's....

Here is my answer, i dont blogging for a popularity... it is just to fulfilled my passion.

Betul, kalau rajin berblog dan dapat high traffic from the visitors, Nuffnang will choose you to broadcast an advertisement and they will pay you (only if u are the nuffnagers).

Yes...aku pernah berangan tu semua...tapi bila aku fikir-fikir balik... itu bukan aku... aku ni tak berapa gemar menjadi perhatian terlalu ramai orang. Cukup sahaja teman-teman rapat dan rakan-rakan alam maya dalam jumlah yang kecil yang kenal aku. Ohh.. aku pun silent reader :)

Lagi pun aku buat blog, niat utama aku bukan duit... Since before, now and then tujuan aku tetap sama... Aku cuma nak asah bakat penulisan yang aku dari dulu suka sangat! Aku pernah berangan nk jadi editor majalah/paper... dan sehingga sekarang pun aku masih berminat walaupun aku sekarang berada dalam field legal. Well... aku berserah saja pada Allah... apa sahaja jalan terbaaik Dia bagi..aku akan ikut...

Dulu aku pernaah jugak promote blog aku dekat kawan-kawan dan aku ade jugak letak link blog aku dekat Fb aku..tapi tahun lepas aku delete...aku dah tak promote.... sebab aku tak rase tu diri aku... biar saje orang jumpa blog aku through their blog walking... aku tak nak paksa orang follow blog aku semata-mata sebab aku nak kejar follower...ohh memang tak.... so sebab tu la.. aku tak ramai pon follower dan ramai jugak kawan-kawan aku yang terkejut bila aku cakap aku ada blog. Aku tak nak menunjuk...biar saje org naturally jumpa blog aku...

Lagipun bila aku tak terikat dengan follower.... aku boleh post suka-suka hati aku je.... hehe....

Niat aku selain nak asah bakat terpedam (ehemmm..) aku jugak niat blog ni sebagai wadah (ewahh) utk aku baiki English aku...sebab tu korang akan nampak most of my post were written in English.. sebab aku tak pandai Englishhhhhhhhh (poor mee...)

Dan aku tak kisah la kalau korang nak anggap aku ni syok sendiri bila menulis......well guys at least im better than you yang tau xtau ape-ape tapi not work for it to enhance ur skills tapi sibuk-sibuk duk kutuk orang. (sorry for being sarcastic...)

Ok la...tu je bebelan hari ini hehe...

Till thenn....... gracias for reading!

(p/s: ke aku syok sendiri? eh? hadeeee???)

Thursday, March 7, 2013

lazy day

Salam and hola.....

Terasa macam nak posst something pulak... tapi tak tahu ape.....
Aku tak de idea.....

Cuma sekarang ni aku terasa malasssss sangat.. padahal banyak je kerjaa yang terbengkalai....
Paper work blm siap, tutorialssss pon blm siap, notes ponn blm satel......tapi aku boleh pulak bersenang-lenang layan instagram, watsap segalaaaaa........

Woke up!!!!!!


(p/s: why me being so lazy todayyyyyyyyyy!!!!)

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Luahan hti kecil seorang manusia

Salam and hye everybody...

[serious mood]

First of all...
Lets pray to our fighters in Lahad Datu Sabah. Al-Fatihah...

Aku bukanlah jenis yang pandai nak komen-komen ni....sebab aku tahu aku ni bangsa yang kurang ilmu pengetahuan. So better senyap dan perhatikan saja orang.... Bila dh cukup ilmu pengetahuan barulah boleh nak melalak-lalak bagai.

Cuma sebagai seorang manusia, aku rasa terpanggil nak menyuarakan pendapat tentang isu Lahad Datu..

Aku sedih sebenarnya bila warga Malaysia duk bertelagah sesama sendiri....duk menyalah kan sesma sendiri... Pleaseeee guysss..........

Aku semacam tak boleh terima bila ada yang cakap ni semua hidden agenda....weh tolonglah bukan ni masanya utk memperkatakan ni semua... Cuba la korang bayangkan kalau yang terkorban tu ayah, suami, abang or saudara anda sendiri.... ape perasaan korang bila dengar org duk ckp mcm tu...... aku angin weehhhh... orang duk sedih2 pasal wira kita yang terkorban kau boleh pulak nk ckp bab2 politik masa ni....come on la....where is ur sense of humanity????? Aku tak cakap yang korang tak boleh cakap mcm tu...tapi ape kate kalau buat mase skrg ni stop dlu...ape kate kite berganding bahu sama-sama....berikan sokongan moral...bersatu hati...... Berhenti la drp terus bercakap mcm kau tu hebat sangat.....hidup ni jangan bajet bagus weh.... kalau kau bajet bagus sangat pergila talk face to face dengan PM or Tun M...haaaa pegi ajar diorang ape yang salah yang kau terer sangat tu...

Aku ni kan....... bukan la main telan je ape yang orang suap....
Aku tak pernah pun pk yang apa yang Kerajaan buat semua betul dan apa yang Pembangkang buat semua salah... sebab apa? sebab kita semua manusia.... fitrah manusia Allah jadikaan kita tak sempurna....tak ade sorang pun yang sempurna atas muka bumi ni... hatta Rasulullah s.a.w sendiri pun ada melakukan kesilapan.... sooo???

hmmm.... Aku harap nanti anak-anak aku akan hidup dalam suasana politik yang mendamaikan... tak boleh ke kalau kita semua down to earth dan tak terlalu mengejar pangkat tu semua?  dan tak boleh ke kalau kita semua bersatu hati? tak boleh ke kalau tak gaduh-gaduh ni? ....... Aku bukanlah jenis bangsa yang extreme sgt bab2 politik ni..... tapi aku rase kesal sbb dalam keadaan skrg ni kita patutnya bagi la sokongan sikit.... ni tak....mentang-mentangla tempat kita sekarang tak kena mcm Lahad Datu tu kan? mentang-mentang la family kita tak de yang terkorban kan? mentang-mentangla bukan kita yang pergi bertempur tu......kannnn??????

Aku tak denya lah nak sentuh-sentuh isu politik sbb aku tahu...aku tak aarif pasal tu... aku cuma sangat simpati dengan keluarga2 wira2 kira kita yang telah terkorban dan juga yang sedang menjalankaan tanggungjawab negara.... mana semangat Patriotisme kita? nak Malaysia nanti dujajah lagi macam zaman kejatuhan Melaka dulu?..... Sejarah tidak akan hanya tinggal sejarah......sejarah mungkin berulang jika kita lupaaa dan alpa.... tak mustahil Malaysia akn jatuh seperti Melaka dahulu.... Manusia yang melupakan sejarah, pasti akan mengulanginya kembali......

Betul la kata Tun. M.... Orang sekarang bercakap seolah-olah mereke tahu dan mereka alami apa yang pernah orang-orang terdahulu alami....


Pas dan UMNO pernah bergabung suatu masa dahulu..... Nik Aziz ada berkata dah tak mungkin Pas nak kembali semula pada UMNO... tapi kalau mereka kembali bergabung, aku lah manusia yang paling gembira! :)

Marilah bersatu hati....\
Ya ALLAH, permudahkanlah segala yang baik buat Malaysia dan warganya..... Tunjukkan kami jalan benar yang sebenar-benarnya.....

(p/s: ini hanya luahan hati aku...mungkin akan terlihat seperti aku pro-kerajaan.....ya betul.... tapi aku akan sokong kalau PAS dan UMNO bergabung semula)

Monday, March 4, 2013

Remarkble days with remarkable people

Salam and morning :)

So how are you doing?
hmmm..... i am in week three, semester four... so far.. Alhamdulillah.. the hectic life just about to start. So ill keep maintain my more laid-back day, no more nonproductive day, no more sad  thingy over the shit meshy bloody things, no more excessive sleep and no more over hanging out!

I hope ill istiqamah for forever...insyaALLAH.... Be Strong!

Ok what has been happened for the past few days in my life?????

Last Friday, my friends and i went for an outing to Padang Besar and Alor Setar....yeaahhh mannn jauhhh... Actually we just want to go to Alor Setar, but a day before we decided to go to Padang Besar as friends wanted to find something there and me either wanna find something for my best friend back in hometown. It was a delay request from my best friend. She asked me to find her some nice blouses and i couldnt make it last semester because im broke..haha so i less my outing....

Then...... i went out for a walk yesterday with ze girlfriends yawww... and alhamdulillah we've got a chance to try achery... archery is one of our prophet Muhammad s.a.w favorite sports. It was an enjoyable moment to try something new!... Alhamdulillah again for the rezeki. Lots of things actually i've been learn since i enter semester four. It happened because i want it. I dont want to be surrounded with negative aura, negative thoughts, sad and cry over something stupid.... i wanna change... i wanna do something different which will give me more manfaat in future yang diredhai dan diberkati Allah....

Actually i got lots of pictures...but i dont know why i cant find those needed pictures in my lappy...... so im gonna upload some pictures through the phone later....

(p/s: I wrote this entry through lappy but since I faced wt some technical issues...i ended uploading the photos via phone...sory for the inconvieneince peeps....make ur own them to the bits! <3)

Monday, February 25, 2013

Keep moving on!

Salam and hye guys.....! :) how are you doing???  It's been like forever i didn't come up with new entry. My last post ive been a bit emotional so i didnt consider it as an interesting one although i know since when my post are interesting?...hehehe....

Ok... so what should i say? hmmmmmm........ its my second week here, UUM. So all is well.... Alhamdulillah. New sem means new mood, new  thoughts, new energy, new resolution....everything is gonna be new..... But as for me... I still stick with my old one. But i enhance it, modified it and i make it stronger. Alhamdulillah again for my previous sem's result. Although it doesnt met my desired pointer but i still thankful because it was increased! Means the work hard paid is just that i need to increase my working level... Allah is delaying my success because He wants me to work harder. He motivate me by increasing my pointer. I got it!. Thanks ALLAH... I dont wanna waste this chance just like that. InsyaALLAH...

This sem i should reduce my fun time..i mean my time hanging out....maybe twice a month ill be down town. i should cut my personal allowance. Cz i wanna save. Im not coming from the rich family. I felt so guilty when i ask money from my family. Its not that they cannot afford to give me money but our parents never teach us to be easy. My siblings during their studies time, never ask extra money from our parents. They are manage to use their allowance and scholarship wisely. So asking extra money while i got loan is really a big deal for me. It means that i still failed in managing my own finance. YES, i admit that i dont know how to save because im kinda loose when it comes to shopping. And this is my first time managing own money in a big amount. Before this it always parents or sisters. They will keep and manage the money for me. This time i need to do on my own. Actually this year im craving for something that i would die for! I want it so badly so i better start save some money on my piggy bank. If ALLAH allowed, to buy, ill buy it... :) As long as i dont get it...i cannot reveal it here.

hmmm...whats next? for the few months i am so crazy over instagram. I found it fun to post some memorable picture with the special captions. For this social account ive been so picky when it turns to followers approval..haha i dont know why... i just wanna share it with the limited person. I simply dont care if one of my followers might be meluattt with my photos and captions because they can simply unfollow me. I just being me :)

Ok i know yaaaa boring to read those craps, so i upload some moments i did during my sem-break :)

No. I didnt do this during the sem break. I just did it few minutes ago. As i was so boring to death and i dont want ended my day with sleeping. I dont know since went i love colorful. For the purpose of learning, i think colorful helps me alot. :) Hope there will be notes glued there soon.

I love to put smile when i write something because psychologically it helps u to be positive and stay strong. :)

Ok they are the retarded people *insert evil laugh here* haha.. they are my best friends since my secondary school. From the left is Naim , next is Nasrullah , and last but not least is Syed.

These 2 girls also my bff since the secondary school. We had our reunion-breakfast before i went back to uum. My left one is Mira and my another girl is Putri,. 

Ok this a day before my reunion-breakfast.... BBQ day with the crazy people!...hahaa they are my bff from my form 6. 

Not forget to mention...teheheeee~~ the loved one! I mis the moment :)

And me.......!!!! :)

Alhamdulillah for the enjoyable time during my semester break. All plans are checked except my trip to Kelantan due to my health condition. Before coming back here, i was so sad to leave all the people at my kampung. But one day, i felt like i missed my girls here lots too! An, Mira, Sha, Ilah, Ecah to name a few........ they are my another half crazy people that makes me look normal! and ill be weird without them here. :) *sorry guys my new lappy doesnt have our pictures together... sad me :'(. But ill filled the memory card with your crazy face soon babeh.. :)

Ok la... till then,

and thanks for wasting ur time reading mine :))
*please excuse my grammar*

(p/s: i try to learn to be positive)

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


I have big dreams...
And will catch it on my own....
Be strong strong no matter what....
Cry if u feel sad and get up again....
People will come and go.....
The most important thing is you need to be strong....

Sunday, February 3, 2013

An inspiritional lady

Salam readers,
I have something special to share...
Alhamdulillah... I just came back from shah alam as I atended a wedding caremony there. But that is not the main point. Last Friday we (me and my family) went to Taman Tun Dr. Ismail at KL to visit a friend of my brother. It was one of my unforgetable visits and I felt so grateful knowing this lady. Actually her husband is my brother's friend, well u know guys rite? So they went outside to have some chit chat while smoking and we the ladies (mom,sis in law,niece and me) chat chating inside while having our bihun goreng.... (bihunn tu sedappp sgt..i like it!) Actually I thought his wife is a housewife bcz she is soooo humble...mmg tak nampak mcm org berjawatan tinggi2 pun.....macam2 cerita....and I was so attracted dgn cara die create suasana, create mood, nak create cerita ape yang nak dicakpkan sbb biasala kan kita kalau baru knl msti akan jd mcm kakuu amd awkward gila nk in that situation, mmg tk rasa awkward langsung! Ada je benda nk cerita mcam dh kenal lama.... Actually I was wondering jugak.kenapa mcm ade jugk slang trg mase dia ckp..i thoght die org perak sbb mosly she sounded like perakian...rupa2 nya, dia pernah duduk lma dekat Kerteh since 1995 until 2007.. She is working at YTL company as one if the executive there...before this she worked with YTL Kerteh before transferred to the HQ at KL. While her husband working with Petronas in Kerteh and still ulang alik from KL to Kerteh during the weekend. Ok back to the main point.... The lady introduced heself to me as a auntie although rasa nya mcm nk pggil kakak je..hehe..... So during our conversation, she told me that namti after grad and nk interview keje, the main thing kene tunjuk ialah attitude dan hati kite. Sbb die as one of the important person at YTL company, mmg every year dia akan interview new freshies to work with their company...... One thing yg I will always bare in mind..... Kalau nak kerja or belajar....result no 2gaji pon no 2... sbb ape yang lagj penting ialah attitude dan hati kita...kerja bukan sekadar gaji tapi lillahi taala....kerja sbg ibadah...baru hati akn tenang...she herself, ada ditawarkan ke position y lagi tgi dkt another company,tp dia reject sbb dia kerja kerana ibadah.....dia bersyukur dgn apa yang telh dia dapat...and she loves her workers, her boss..... Dia sangat humble,talkative...langsung tak menggambarkan yang dia ni seorang wnita berkerjaya yng berjaya.... I wanna be like her! Mudah mudhan...insyaAllah.... After makan n solat, die ceritakan holiday die ke europe...dia tunjukkan kami gambar2 masa kat sana her holiday wt family for 3 weeks... Sangat humble penceritaannya..langsung tak terlintas perkataan menunjuk2 dalam fikiran aku mase tu... And she kept saying to me after that yang " akak, nanti bila ada rezeki lebih2 jgn lupa bwk mak pegi sana.... Kenal negara org" I said insyaAllah, amin.... Hehee...then masa nak salam2 balik she gave me a warm hugged and said again "akak beljar rajin2 yee... Nanti dah berjaya,blh bwk mak pegi venice..," alhmdulillah...rasa mcm naik je semangat masa tu...alhamdulillah....tak sia2 ikut mak g sane...wlaupun mula2 tu cam mls je nk pegi...rupa2 nya Allah nak bgi hadiah...hadiah semangat dr org yang tk disangka2..... Terima kasih ya Allah... Semoga.Allah pnjang kn lagi ukhwah yang terjalin...tak smpai sini je.... I did asked her to come here visit us in kemaman..mybe during my bro's wedd. InsyaAllah...
Lagi pun diorang dh biaaa dgn trg....

Ok laa...sangat panjang bebelan ni... And please excuslae my messy grammar,typo bcz I just used hp to write this... Ok la till.thennn.....

(p/s: alhamdulillah sgt dipertemukan dgn org y sgt positif...bcz I want to learn to be positive.....)

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Malam ini

I dont know how to express this feelings....


Aku, bukan mudah utk meluputkan kesedihan......

Malam yang indah pun tak mungkin dapat pulihkan aku....

Kadang-kadang terasa bagai aku hanya ada aku....

Ya...susah senang hanyalah pada diri ku....

Ku hanya mengharap pertolongan dri Nya....

Sesekali rajuk itu dtang lagi menerpa....

Ingin aku lari....

Ahh ikut kan hati mati, ikutkan nafsu,binasa.....

Semoga aku tak tersesat...

Tuesday, January 29, 2013


This is the saddest thing ever....
Ada yang boleh diluahkn...ada yang yang xmampu diluahkan.

Biarlah...andai itu y diperlukan....
Raihan u shud be strong...!
Because u r strong...
Biarlah manusia nak membuang kau...
Tapi Allah tak kan pernah buang kau....
Ikhlaskan hati no matter what....
Be sincere no matter what....
Allah will grant you something....

P/s: I really need someone to talk to right now...

Monday, January 28, 2013


Its pathethic and sad.....

I shud better get lost from here...

Because people dont like me anymore....


P/S: I love you......

Yesss youuu....


You know who you are.....

I love u very much....

(P/s: bota :> )


Salam readers,
This is just a short thoughts from me..... Think it wisely and carefully....

Kalau tak dikerjakan sebendang sawah, jangan diharapkan seguni beras....

Get what I mean?

Yes...if u want something fight for it ! Dont just wait....

Sawah tak kan bertukar menjadi beras kalau tak dikerjakan sawah tu.... Kalau nak padi, kerjakan sawah tu dulu,bajak,jaga dan tuai bila dah kuning.....
Bila dah tuai kena tampi pulak...barulah blh dpt hasilnya iaitu beras.......

Kasih sayang jugak macam tu....
Hargailah seseorang itu sebagaimana anda ingin diri dihargai.....
Kalau tak suka diperlakukan lebih kurang, cek balik...adakah anda telah melakukan perkara yang sama?

(p/s: I got 3 type of medicine today...harap2 batuk ni pulih....sangat lemah bila batuk and I couldnt bare it for a long term... Allah, andai ini kafarah atas dosa-dosa aku,kuatkan semangat dan hati ku...aku perlu membagiakan mereka yang aku syg...)

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Realiti vs mimpi

Aku teringin sekali pergi jauh....
Jauh dari realiti...
Kerna ternyata realiti itu pahit sekali utk ditelan....
Kadang kala aku ingin terus dibuai mimpi dan angan-angan kerna mimpi dan angan-angan bisa menemukan aku dengan impian... Impian yang sekian lama terpendam dek keterbatasan...
Hidup ini bukan mudah jauh sekali senang....
Namun aku tahu...
Semua ini harus aku gagahi jua....
Kerna realitinya.....inilah aku...
Sebuah cerita yang telah diukir di Loh Mahfuz....
Sesungguhnya sebelum aku ditiupkan roh....aku sudah bisa melihat masa depan ku....
Juga pengakhiranku....
Allah.... Sang Penciptaku.....
Matikan aku dalam iman...
Berikan aku sedikit pengetahuan itu tentang mati.....
Nescaya, akulah yang paling bertuah...
Allah, segala yang aku lakukn hari ini, moga bermanfaat di masa hadapan kepada saudara-saudara ku.....

(p\s: alhamdulillah diatas kesempatan yang diberi.... Moga terus dikurniakan kudrat dan hidayah sebab dunia ini hanyalah sementara..tiada yang kekal melainkan syurga.... Syaitan great job! )


If and only if I could without worry of getting fat.....
I love to eat
But I hate the fact that my body low in metabolism....

Saturday, January 26, 2013


Rajuk....perlu ?
Betul...aku sedang punya rajuk dlm hati...rajuk ini buat aku sering meminggir diri...
Jujurnya aku rajuk dengan laman muka buku...
Rajuk aku kerana manusia...
Jujurnya juga, aku sedar diri juga tidak seberapa....
Tidak punya hak utk membenci sesama manusia...
Apa lagi sesama saudara....
Jadi aku fikir fikirkan, ada baiknya aku timbul kan saja rajuk pada diri...
Bukan saja-saja
Bukan juga utk sesuatu yang sia-sia..
Aku rajuk kerna aku tidak mahu benci ini semakin bermaharajalela....
Jadi ada baiknya aku kurang kan bermuka buku...
Tidak mengapa dibuat sedikit pengorbanan demi sebuah kebahagiaan.....

Wahai manusia,
Jujurnya aku tiada niat utk.membenci...
Namun aku manusia alpa....
Tak bisa utk jadi sempurna....
Maaf kerana membenci...
Kerna itu Ku putuskan,
Biarlah hati ini rajuk......

(p/s: rasa berdosa pada diri sendiri...aku hanya pertahankan kepunyaan ku....although its not yet officially...but I have my right....Allah,ampunkan dosa hambaMU....
Biarlah aku berbakti hanya pd y memerlukan, dan tidak gusar pada manusia y melemahkan...)

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Room make over

Salam readers....
First and foremost,alhamdulillah as my health getting better but I still have the cough....
Actually, I think I just put on some weight....and I rarely exercising so I came up with the idea to do the room make over....well it is just a minor make over....i just changed the furnitures position and it took me plus minus about two hours to finish. Its been a year j guess, I didnt do this kind of routine since I left home to further my studies at uum. Tonight, after I done it, Ive got the the same feelings as what I felt when I was schooling. I love that euphoria.... It reminiscing me how excited I am to wake up the next morning and to see the different of my room condition and felt so excited to chill at my own room after came back from exausted school day. Ohh what the sweet memory..... And n miss it very much...i love to do those kind of routine...i love to decorate my personal place! Ohh cant wait to have my own house.... =)
Mmmm....i think thats all for tonite,im getting sleepy now.....ahhhhh how happy I am to see my own room with new fresh air.... I must sleep soundly tonite...
Till then readers, tata...

(p/s: I just cant stop instag! Love it...and thanx bota for this new toy so can even post my entry while laying down....)

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

shortyyyyy like me

Salam readers :)

Im getting good.....
But i really hate this cough!
hm.... i still thinking what would be my new url eh..?
and yes yesterday i did my first mission during sem break which is to made kuih tepung bungkus...alhamdulillah ok la for the first try kan.... ill upload later the pictures...
Today i just wanna make a short entry..
Nervous plak rase...sebab pe eh..? hmm....hehee

ok la till then......

(p/s: i hope ill be happy)

Saturday, January 12, 2013

bad sore throat

 Salam readers :)

It has been a week im home for the semester break holiday.... and yeasss i know, i rarely update my blog. Because im  too busy watching tv. HAHA... i've told you i just wanna watch tv during my holiday rite... So here we are.... watching tv till drop! Ok actually im not wasting my time 24 hours watching tv, i did something else actually.... im addicted into instagram every hour will open the instagram and stalked..ehehe....

Ok what now..? I have nothing to share here YET.....because im not really in the good condition. I mean, im sick.. i have no voice until....  don't know when.... i have bad sore throat until i can't sleep soundly at night :'( cough just made it worsen, flu ni malu-malu kucing seems to appear now... headache, fatigue which made me wanna sleep all the time during daylight.

Actually, since i was at my collage lagi aku rasa all the sign but i thought it will be ok i mean it wont be long until i lost my voice because last time i lost my voice was during my form 5. I still remember at that time i didn't go to school until my best friend came to my house just to ask me to do his essay...yeahh i knowww terukkan?? but thats my bff...i love them and i dont care when they asked me to do their essay's homework because i did the same thing too to my math and add math homeworkk..muahahahaaaaa....  so fair enough 'aite?  That's what best friends for... HAHA... tapi adik-adik...seharusnya jangan contohi ahkak ok......bukan suruh kawan buat homework because u will forever tak pandaiiiiii.... suruh best friends ajarrrrrr the homework and you solve it by yourself....get it..? otherwise u will regret nanti like me who tak pandai mathhh sampai ke sudah.... tsl tsk tsk..

Eh, actually nak cakap pasal sore throat kann....hehe.. ok so i officially lost my voice for the time being and because of my unpredictable condition, i have to cancel my bff trip to Kelantan. Actually i just me who will not join.. Somehow rasa soooooooo rugi :'( but what can i do... Because i;ve told my self that i will not join if i dont have a good condition of health... tak nak la susahkan orang kalau mlm2 aku sakit...tak nak spoil the enjoyabe moment. Tapi by the time i type this rasa mcm terbayang2 je keseronokannya... Kesian my bff...they sooo want me to be there :'(i felt bad now!

Tak pe la....tak de rezeki i guess... ill be home je la and find some interesting activities here to do with my bff here and my bota here also... my bota yang ada trip to melaka during this holiday pun baru semalam call cakap tak jadi because tiba2 nama dia tak de dalaam list, haha aku guling-guling suka because dia dah confident sgt boleh dua-dua tak jadi yang kononnye nak ade friends bonding activities during holidays...tak pe tak pe...ada hikmah... So utk pujuk myself i keep telling that Raihan, maybe you should be here with those who needs you and have bonding time with them... it's ok kawan2 collage, u still can have bonding time during your time at uum, tp peoples here? they just have u when u are in be with them.... :)

Did i tell you this sore throat sgt sakit? nak..nak lagi bila ak tido malam...haddoooiii menangisssss... nafas yang kau sedut tu bila melalui tekak kau akan buat tekak kau gatal and nak batuk and after batuk sakitttt...menangissss la kau...mauhahahaa...ok over. Aku tak la menangis tapi rasa macam nak menangis. Ada satu malam tu i was so sick.. tak boleh tido langsung malam tu sampaikan bila tertido mimpi mengaru-ngarut!..hahaha.. ok tak nak cerita psl mmpi tu..tak suke! Malam tu byk kali terjaga because sakit sgt and i kept drinking the plain water sampai asyik ke tandasss aje... So because of that night i've decided not to join my bff sbb takut the same thing happen again there which is lebih teruk lagi....lagi pun i went to see a doctor yesterday and she said....fever is on  their wayyyyy...haha yeahh i need to be readyy now.... Sore throat checked! Cough checked! Flu checked! Dizziness checked! tak lama lago domam la tuuu.... point here nak cakap pasal i have to cancel my trip to Kelantan yang bajet nak dijadikan entry bonding trip with bff tu uder budget holidayysss... kononnn...fefilinggg blogger sangat kan! mbik kauuu...tak pe laaa kita cari apa yang interesting dekat Kemaman ni aje ye.... We have Cherating whattt....cantik kottt...baaru je semalam pergi sebab my best friend sambut birthday dia kat sana. Nasib baik Cherating dekat, kalau jauh memang tak larat la nak pegi...tapi tak nak la mengecewakan my best friend yang seskali je dpt daku gagahi juaaaa wlaupun tak larat. Dah kene angin pantai alhamdulillah segar jap...tapi balik je rumah terus hilang suara sekali dgn bad cough and flu!....hahaha......sampai bota ckp semalam dia rasa mcm tgh ckp dgn gf baru..haha kuang ajoo yeee! hehe...

One more thing, i might wanna change my link address... but i have no idea yet......still mencarii :))

Ok la tu je.....todaay weather forecast said it's going to rain...hmm let see....its 8:45 am now and bit gloomy....kalau hujan membutaaaa je la koje aku hari ni... ok la tu je nak cerita....

Till then...tata :)

(p/s: sem baru nanti tak mo buka fb........msti jeles ade gambar diorang trip kat kelantan! )

Monday, January 7, 2013

Home !

Salam readers :)

Im home.....yes.... home sweet home!
Alhamdulillah it was an easier journey except i didn't get a tight sleep...well it's normal i guess....
So lets not make it plain.....

im ready to back homeeeeee!!! hehe this picture was not taken at my room but at my friend's. haha. 2 back pack and on sling back... i thought i just wanna bring 1 back pack but lappy seems like need to treat more nicely than before so brought along its own bed.

i reached at stesen bas changlun at 6. so lets eat first..alone. the nasi goreng kampung was really nice :)

In the bus! at 7 pm.. i dare to take this picture because there are nobody but me.. im the only passenger from changlun :)

I reached Kunatan Bus terminal at 7.15a.m i guess, so while waiting my sister picked me up lets have hot chocolate first! yummiieehhh.. and i was sitting at the rapid kuantan waiting area and there is one guy approached me..mybe he thought i've lost. I purposely to sit there because i wanna see how they works! (rapid kuantan is the newest public transportation at kuantan) Started from December until april the rapid kuantan will be free of charge... i've got lots of info from one pak cik who asked me where i wanna go with the back pack. We talked a lot from the rapid kuantan thingy until floods at kuantan area last month. Ohh ive been so much friendly :) hehehe

This is my new baby. When i reached home, ill round all the home's area and i saw this cute lappy at the coffee table and i fall in love with it. With the silver colour and thin...sangat cantik. I thought it was dad's lappy but mom said it is for me..hehe dad bought it for me because my lappy dah rosakkkk....can't help it anymore! it can be fixed but will cost lots of money so it's better buy a new one. dah banyak kali buat perangai lappy tuu...but i miss u.. it was my first lappy mom bought it when i was form 6. :'(

Got this new sling bag! thank mom :) love it....

So.......that's my story for today... i gonna make this holiday as one of my best holiday ever!.... i wanna gain something. I wanna do lots of reading, i wanna brush up my english, i wanna brush up my Quran reading.... the thing is... i don't want to waste my 1 month holiday just like what i did before....Thanx a million mom and dad! Alhamdulillah..i so happy... sedih2 hari tu akhirnya happy jugak rase.....hehehe....i never dreamnt to get new lappy, its ok if ill just stay using my dad's lappy...tapi dah tetiba dapat ni..alhamdulillah sangat-sangat...

Friday, January 4, 2013

I just can't wait

Salam readers ... :)

I can't wait for tomorrow! I can't wait to finish my last final paper....
I can't wait packing up my stuff..
I can't wait to lay on my bed cuddles my comfy bear and watch moviesssss!
I can't wait to be home... :)

Pray for my last paper tomorrow... Family law sounds easy eh??? lots of casessssssssssss grrrr!!
Actually i can't really focus on my notes because i think my soul is already home...home since 2 days ago....
I can't wait to be home to see my family! my cats! him! and bestie!!!
I wanna be home and watch tv..
I wanna watch adam dan hawa in marathon

I just can't wait to do random things without thinking about exams.... :)

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Awkward to write the date

Assalamualaikum readers :)

New year's spirit much eh?
Today when i was filled up the form for my examination, i felt a lil bit awkward because heyy it's 2013.... I almost wrote it as 2012... we are in 2013 now....2015 ill be graduating...
So when we talk about new year it's all about the resolution right? But im not going to talk about that because i don't want to revealed my resolutions yet....i thought maybe i should keep it for my self first...

So whats happened during the new year?
Me..? of course im not at the good condition at that time hahaha but lets not talk about it.
New year celebration? i celebrate it with tensed and Tort notes. I did listen somebody shouted during the new year which had caused such a nuisance to me. New year's celebration is never a big deal to me. Frankly, i don't celebrate new year...ok it would be lie if i don't like to watch the fire crackers.. i did, but to be in the middle of the crowded? i rather die..hahahahaa... i hate crowded so much, pening to be at such situation. I love the enjoyment of the quietness. So its up to u whether to celebrate it or not. As for me, as a muslim, i think it is way better if we celebrate more on Maal Hijrah. That is why im not really excited talking about new year....

Im sleepy actually, I should study now.....

So till then......

Happy new year lah.....

(p/s:they are coming....they are coming....they are cominggggg....)