It is the saddest thing ever when you hurt over the same thing over and over again.
The only word i could ever think right now is, im gonna take care of own heart and will stop hoping... I have Allah... He is the one who will give me everything i needed
Thanks for this sadness in the beginning of 2013.... Thanks for being selfish to me dear ...
(p/s: i will be happy in my own way.........)
money makers.. click!!
Monday, December 31, 2012
my 2012 Review
Salam now i supposed to study for my coming Tort Law....
Suddenly i felt something that i hate the most.... Allah, please make me strong no matter how hard the time is.... I know i always have You and You will never forget about me and You will always love me although people around me doesn't. I know, if i hold my whole trust on You...i will never regret, not even and inch.
So, it's like a cliche when at the end of the year people will sort everything that ever happened during that year.... Plus minus, we are going to step into 2013 in 2 hours... In this post, i would like to make review on 2012...
January, 2012
I was having my final exam for semester one here in UUM. I could still remember i was struggled with the Hubungan Etnik paper during the eve with friends together with our senior Kak Nurul. Everything are fine. Mid January till mid February was semester break.... There are no significant things happened during this period. But i could't forget how excited i was to go back home after 1 semester and for the first time in my life being far from home and family.
February, 2012
Second semester started. I had bad homesickness but healed after 2 weeks. To be frank, second semester hurt me a lot. Crisis....crisis....crisis.... that is the suitable word.
March, 2012
March always be my favorite month. :) friends celebrated my birthday and it was like the first time for me because before this there are nothing unusual happened. Retrospectively Ill just be happy on my birthday, performed solat hajat for my better day ahead and that's all... and yes i should not forget the guy who always make me happy on my birthday since we are together..but this time we are far. Im a bit emotional but hey what friends for? I should thank them alot for make me happy whenever im not.
April, 2012
I celebrated my friend's birthday.... again, there's nothing significant event... I started to be confused with the uni's life. I couldn't cope, adapt and adopt well during this semester.
May, 2012
Final were getting nearer. My crisis are getting serious. I became sad, upset, depressed because of someone. 'Someone' who i would not revealed here for the sake of that person's dignity. But you know what? i hate u... and yes i put all the blamed on you!
Jun. 2012
It's final exam for semester 2. But i still lost.. a day before my contract II was the peak of my crisis. Im so down and drowned. I hate everybody around me and i even hate myself. And it was the beginning of my hatred. I am the kind of person who will easily trust people but once they lie to me, they don't deserve my trust anymore. Since 2 years ago after that 'history' i hardly to trust people.. Yes hardly...
July, 2012
The exam ended. I was on my final semester break.
August, 2012
It was the fasting month which one of my favorite month. Why? because i felt so calm. I love the Ramadhan's atmosphere. I love meeting people at the mosque during the tarawikh prayer. Allhamdulillah i didn't skip my tarawikh without any unreasonable reason. Alhamdulillah again because the mission were accomplished. I did it not only for the sake of ibadah but to train myself to be more disciplined. One thing i realised, if we have a good disciplined to perform our ibadah, we will automatically be an honest person and be discipline to other field too. At the same time, i gained new experience, working experience. It was my first time working at the bazaar Ramadhan with my best friend. I enjoy the work although it was so tiring. Hot weather plus the fasting month and added with the customer demanding was not a an easy job for me. Sabar is always be my favorite word during this period. What can i say? i love this month very much :)
September, 2012
It was Eidulfitri! tell me who doenst happy during raya day...?? This is the month where the holiday ended. Before go back to UUM, i had promise my self that i won't cry anymore because of homesickness. Alhamdulillah i got my self prepared mentally and physically and i was so happy went back to UUM no more'ttears..yeayyyy! I also promised my self that i wont let anyone hurt me like what that person did to me. So psychologically we are having war and this time i am more ready with the invulnerable and impenetrable shield! yaehhhh!
October, 2012
I was busy with the new semester. Tons of workloads....happy day.... i became more motivated! I promised my self that i won't ever think too much on a tiny problems. I want to smile and said "hah......small the pieces..i can handle this..." Raya again.......and home for two times...
November, 2012
More busy! i know how busy to be a law student especially a student like me who know nothing! Muhasabah diri a lots... Started to plan the final exam..
December, 2012
Here we are........ Final exam, test, assignments which is wayyyyyy hard for me.... and now i have done with 3 2 to go.... Ya ALLAH please ease everything... Favorite word for this month are SABAR, BERUSAHA, ISTIQAMAH! :)
When i read again my 2012 history....... hmmm its the kind of disappointing.Theres nothing significant happened except with the bad thing.....
So this 2013, i want to make something different... i want to add more colour to the picture of my life. :)
No matter what, i will always put Allah first.....
Till then......
(p/s: Blogging will always heal my sadness.... im ok now, thank ypu mr. blog!)
Suddenly i felt something that i hate the most.... Allah, please make me strong no matter how hard the time is.... I know i always have You and You will never forget about me and You will always love me although people around me doesn't. I know, if i hold my whole trust on You...i will never regret, not even and inch.
So, it's like a cliche when at the end of the year people will sort everything that ever happened during that year.... Plus minus, we are going to step into 2013 in 2 hours... In this post, i would like to make review on 2012...
January, 2012
I was having my final exam for semester one here in UUM. I could still remember i was struggled with the Hubungan Etnik paper during the eve with friends together with our senior Kak Nurul. Everything are fine. Mid January till mid February was semester break.... There are no significant things happened during this period. But i could't forget how excited i was to go back home after 1 semester and for the first time in my life being far from home and family.
February, 2012
Second semester started. I had bad homesickness but healed after 2 weeks. To be frank, second semester hurt me a lot. Crisis....crisis....crisis.... that is the suitable word.
March, 2012
March always be my favorite month. :) friends celebrated my birthday and it was like the first time for me because before this there are nothing unusual happened. Retrospectively Ill just be happy on my birthday, performed solat hajat for my better day ahead and that's all... and yes i should not forget the guy who always make me happy on my birthday since we are together..but this time we are far. Im a bit emotional but hey what friends for? I should thank them alot for make me happy whenever im not.
April, 2012
I celebrated my friend's birthday.... again, there's nothing significant event... I started to be confused with the uni's life. I couldn't cope, adapt and adopt well during this semester.
May, 2012
Final were getting nearer. My crisis are getting serious. I became sad, upset, depressed because of someone. 'Someone' who i would not revealed here for the sake of that person's dignity. But you know what? i hate u... and yes i put all the blamed on you!
Jun. 2012
It's final exam for semester 2. But i still lost.. a day before my contract II was the peak of my crisis. Im so down and drowned. I hate everybody around me and i even hate myself. And it was the beginning of my hatred. I am the kind of person who will easily trust people but once they lie to me, they don't deserve my trust anymore. Since 2 years ago after that 'history' i hardly to trust people.. Yes hardly...
July, 2012
The exam ended. I was on my final semester break.
August, 2012
It was the fasting month which one of my favorite month. Why? because i felt so calm. I love the Ramadhan's atmosphere. I love meeting people at the mosque during the tarawikh prayer. Allhamdulillah i didn't skip my tarawikh without any unreasonable reason. Alhamdulillah again because the mission were accomplished. I did it not only for the sake of ibadah but to train myself to be more disciplined. One thing i realised, if we have a good disciplined to perform our ibadah, we will automatically be an honest person and be discipline to other field too. At the same time, i gained new experience, working experience. It was my first time working at the bazaar Ramadhan with my best friend. I enjoy the work although it was so tiring. Hot weather plus the fasting month and added with the customer demanding was not a an easy job for me. Sabar is always be my favorite word during this period. What can i say? i love this month very much :)
September, 2012
It was Eidulfitri! tell me who doenst happy during raya day...?? This is the month where the holiday ended. Before go back to UUM, i had promise my self that i won't cry anymore because of homesickness. Alhamdulillah i got my self prepared mentally and physically and i was so happy went back to UUM no more'ttears..yeayyyy! I also promised my self that i wont let anyone hurt me like what that person did to me. So psychologically we are having war and this time i am more ready with the invulnerable and impenetrable shield! yaehhhh!
October, 2012
I was busy with the new semester. Tons of workloads....happy day.... i became more motivated! I promised my self that i won't ever think too much on a tiny problems. I want to smile and said "hah......small the pieces..i can handle this..." Raya again.......and home for two times...
November, 2012
More busy! i know how busy to be a law student especially a student like me who know nothing! Muhasabah diri a lots... Started to plan the final exam..
December, 2012
Here we are........ Final exam, test, assignments which is wayyyyyy hard for me.... and now i have done with 3 2 to go.... Ya ALLAH please ease everything... Favorite word for this month are SABAR, BERUSAHA, ISTIQAMAH! :)
When i read again my 2012 history....... hmmm its the kind of disappointing.Theres nothing significant happened except with the bad thing.....
So this 2013, i want to make something different... i want to add more colour to the picture of my life. :)
No matter what, i will always put Allah first.....
Till then......
(p/s: Blogging will always heal my sadness.... im ok now, thank ypu mr. blog!)
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Happy + unhappy
Salam everybody....
3 down 2 to go........
phewww......... cannot wait until my last paper! and ill be homeeeeeee....
Cuma risau dengan cuaca. Hari ni dah masuk 2 hari cuaca tak berapa baik....Semalam pagi tu hujan tapi petang ok.... Tapi hari ni dari pagi je gloomy...and now hujan.....cuaca seems like will be raining all the day...
Sebab ape risau...??
Risau sebab banyak baju nak basuh sebelum balik rumah hehehehee.....
Risau sebab 5 hb petang ank hantar my baby rumah kawan dekat Perlis, and if hujan....susahhh..... tak kan nk merempit dalam hujan?
Esok kena basuh least kalau cuaca tak elok still dry jugak even took several days...
For my baby.....i have no other solution.... terpaksa jugak 5hb tu cannot be 4 nor 6.... Allah, harap-harap 5hb cuaca baik.......... renyai2 sikit pun tak pe la....
Ok hari ni ada happy dan ada tak happy? which one nak cerita?
ok la unhappy dulu la.....
the unhappy thingy was my criminal not really sad but i would be a lie if i said everything is ok... ada yang ok...ada yang tak ok...ada yang aku main goreng je......but i answered all the questions...
So just its the time to pray hard and put the rest to Allah to decide....
I still remember what has been told by my ustaz..... whenever u got ur result, but it does not meet with ur desire....just accept it, redha with it....because we are muslim, so we have to accept whatever is granted to us as long as we have done our part which is BERUSAHA! There is always have hikmah behind it..... We planned everything but don't ever forget that Allah is the Greatest Planner.....He knew whats best for us.... We should not have put any doubt...but we need to think of it....muhasabah our self.... change and move forward....... Sebab Allah tak ubah nasib hambaNya selagi hambaNya tak berusaha untuk ubah diri mereka sendiri...... So just nak harapkan doa je setiap kali lepas solat? mintak selalu "............Ya Allah, ubahlah diri aku ini, aku tak nak jadi mcm bla...bla...blaa........" tapi tak usaha untuk ubah diri sendiri?......mana boleh macam tu...... Ingat tak masa sekolah hari tu, cikgu selalu cakap usaha, doa, tawakal....... tu la yang kene apply...... Usaha dulu tanpa mengenal jemu kemudia selalu doa.....dah siap semua haaa baru lah nak bertawakkal........ betul tak..? Tepuk dada tanya iman......Semoga Kita sama2 berubah kearah yang baiik :)
Ok happy thingy pulak??
2 days ago i commented at my fav blog.....i hardly to comment because i just prefer to be a silent reader... but this time rasa nak sangat...because i like her, she is sangat down-to-earth. i loves her ideas decorating her house, her recipes, her mumbling, her lovely tia and mia too :) So i commented and she so happy ( ya i know mende ni tak de la besar sangat tap yeaa it makes me happy) i lover her blog....rasa tak sabar nak ada rumah sendiri, pastu buat deko, having my own family, masak for them, baked for them and i wanna make them say "mommy, ur foods are way better than the 5 stars restaurant...!" baru lah rumah bahagia.....berkat... sebab ikhlas dalam segala perkara... :) ***day dreaminggggggg**
haha...ok la...the time will arrive soon.....
Now, im hungry.... nak masak nasi goreng ni hehe..nasi goreng orang bujang je.... :)
Malam ni sambung study.....roomate tak de..... :(
mesti least kalau roomate ade, walaupun kitorang tak cakap n buat keje masing-masing tak la rasa boring sangat.....
ok la tu je nak membebel.....hehe
Till then..........
(p/s: hujannnnnn..........marilah berhibernasiiii dalam comforter ! )
3 down 2 to go........
phewww......... cannot wait until my last paper! and ill be homeeeeeee....
Cuma risau dengan cuaca. Hari ni dah masuk 2 hari cuaca tak berapa baik....Semalam pagi tu hujan tapi petang ok.... Tapi hari ni dari pagi je gloomy...and now hujan.....cuaca seems like will be raining all the day...
Sebab ape risau...??
Risau sebab banyak baju nak basuh sebelum balik rumah hehehehee.....
Risau sebab 5 hb petang ank hantar my baby rumah kawan dekat Perlis, and if hujan....susahhh..... tak kan nk merempit dalam hujan?
Esok kena basuh least kalau cuaca tak elok still dry jugak even took several days...
For my baby.....i have no other solution.... terpaksa jugak 5hb tu cannot be 4 nor 6.... Allah, harap-harap 5hb cuaca baik.......... renyai2 sikit pun tak pe la....
Ok hari ni ada happy dan ada tak happy? which one nak cerita?
ok la unhappy dulu la.....
the unhappy thingy was my criminal not really sad but i would be a lie if i said everything is ok... ada yang ok...ada yang tak ok...ada yang aku main goreng je......but i answered all the questions...
So just its the time to pray hard and put the rest to Allah to decide....
I still remember what has been told by my ustaz..... whenever u got ur result, but it does not meet with ur desire....just accept it, redha with it....because we are muslim, so we have to accept whatever is granted to us as long as we have done our part which is BERUSAHA! There is always have hikmah behind it..... We planned everything but don't ever forget that Allah is the Greatest Planner.....He knew whats best for us.... We should not have put any doubt...but we need to think of it....muhasabah our self.... change and move forward....... Sebab Allah tak ubah nasib hambaNya selagi hambaNya tak berusaha untuk ubah diri mereka sendiri...... So just nak harapkan doa je setiap kali lepas solat? mintak selalu "............Ya Allah, ubahlah diri aku ini, aku tak nak jadi mcm bla...bla...blaa........" tapi tak usaha untuk ubah diri sendiri?......mana boleh macam tu...... Ingat tak masa sekolah hari tu, cikgu selalu cakap usaha, doa, tawakal....... tu la yang kene apply...... Usaha dulu tanpa mengenal jemu kemudia selalu doa.....dah siap semua haaa baru lah nak bertawakkal........ betul tak..? Tepuk dada tanya iman......Semoga Kita sama2 berubah kearah yang baiik :)
Ok happy thingy pulak??
2 days ago i commented at my fav blog.....i hardly to comment because i just prefer to be a silent reader... but this time rasa nak sangat...because i like her, she is sangat down-to-earth. i loves her ideas decorating her house, her recipes, her mumbling, her lovely tia and mia too :) So i commented and she so happy ( ya i know mende ni tak de la besar sangat tap yeaa it makes me happy) i lover her blog....rasa tak sabar nak ada rumah sendiri, pastu buat deko, having my own family, masak for them, baked for them and i wanna make them say "mommy, ur foods are way better than the 5 stars restaurant...!" baru lah rumah bahagia.....berkat... sebab ikhlas dalam segala perkara... :) ***day dreaminggggggg**
haha...ok la...the time will arrive soon.....
Now, im hungry.... nak masak nasi goreng ni hehe..nasi goreng orang bujang je.... :)
Malam ni sambung study.....roomate tak de..... :(
mesti least kalau roomate ade, walaupun kitorang tak cakap n buat keje masing-masing tak la rasa boring sangat.....
ok la tu je nak membebel.....hehe
Till then..........
(p/s: hujannnnnn..........marilah berhibernasiiii dalam comforter ! )
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Salam everybody......
It's 9.20 am now......and i couldn't even finish 1 chapter...
Normally it won't be like this... ill have full focused until its 10.30 or 11
So i was leaning against the wall, raised the curtain, open the window and....oohh no wonder, it's raining outside....
Reasons why i feel so lazy and sleepy...
it will good if can cover my self in my warm comforter....watching movie until i fall asleep and when i wake up it is still raining or gloomy and have nothing to worries about.. assignments, final, carry mark, study...
It would be better if you study Raihan! Stop dreaming! you have exam tomorrow!......
Let's continue.........
(p/s: Harap2 cuaca baik la sebelum aku balik ni......nak basuh tons of baju niiii...cadar, blanket, comforter...dan tak nk rase malas..sebab bila gloomy, hujan, sejuk......automatically rasa malassssssssss!....Raihan.....Allah tengah uji.....sabar...sabar...sabarrrrrrrrrrr...)
It's 9.20 am now......and i couldn't even finish 1 chapter...
Normally it won't be like this... ill have full focused until its 10.30 or 11
So i was leaning against the wall, raised the curtain, open the window and....oohh no wonder, it's raining outside....
Reasons why i feel so lazy and sleepy...
it will good if can cover my self in my warm comforter....watching movie until i fall asleep and when i wake up it is still raining or gloomy and have nothing to worries about.. assignments, final, carry mark, study...
It would be better if you study Raihan! Stop dreaming! you have exam tomorrow!......
Let's continue.........
(p/s: Harap2 cuaca baik la sebelum aku balik ni......nak basuh tons of baju niiii...cadar, blanket, comforter...dan tak nk rase malas..sebab bila gloomy, hujan, sejuk......automatically rasa malassssssssss!....Raihan.....Allah tengah uji.....sabar...sabar...sabarrrrrrrrrrr...)
Friday, December 28, 2012
utk diri sendiri jugak
Kalau kau ada terasa hati dengan seseorang...bersyukurlah sebab Allah masih kurniakan kan kau dengan 'rasa'
Terasa benda kecik-kecik tu simpan lipat letak dalam tong sampah la..tak payah nak ikutkan sangat....kalau kau langsung tak boleh ada sape2 yang boleh buat kau terasa hati...kau pegi la duduk dalam gua...tak payah ada kawan..tak de la rase hati dengan sape2 faham...?
Terasa benda kecik-kecik tu simpan lipat letak dalam tong sampah la..tak payah nak ikutkan sangat....kalau kau langsung tak boleh ada sape2 yang boleh buat kau terasa hati...kau pegi la duduk dalam gua...tak payah ada kawan..tak de la rase hati dengan sape2 faham...?
Random thoughts of the day
Salam readers...
hmm.... dh nak masuk tahun baru..... means dh nak masuk bulan baru and now we are at the end of the month, well aku bukan nak cakap pasal tahun baru.... aku nak cakap yang PMS are coming.... i hate this part. The part when everything looks so wrong! I couldn't stop from thinking bad.......Like now...
Allah, i know this is Your test to me...just please, let me stay positive..........
I will have my first law paper today, this morning at 9...9 to 12.....
And there is another part that i hate the most...the part when there is something wrong somewhere in friendship and and we couldn't do anything to resist it... Well actually i've tried to fix it....i mean, im trying to be the problem solver but i know why? because in any matter, if there is only one person who acted and the other person just stood still.....the problem would not solved! So.........suke hati kau lah!!
Cuma part yang aku benci is........ kami pulak yang nampak mcm buruk luar yang tak tahu apa-apa will certainly says we are kawan mkn kawan.....hmm..... the truth is we couldn't shut people's mouth! so finally i've decided to myself.......... Allah will show the truth just keep moving on ...
Actually i felt a lil bit down last night so i blog-walking to my favorite blog and i read her motivational entry....
not to troubled....
have a good day ahead peeps!
till then..... :)
(p/s: aku susah nak benci org actually, tp once aku dah will be very hard to like again......that is why dont make me hate u)
hmm.... dh nak masuk tahun baru..... means dh nak masuk bulan baru and now we are at the end of the month, well aku bukan nak cakap pasal tahun baru.... aku nak cakap yang PMS are coming.... i hate this part. The part when everything looks so wrong! I couldn't stop from thinking bad.......Like now...
Allah, i know this is Your test to me...just please, let me stay positive..........
I will have my first law paper today, this morning at 9...9 to 12.....
And there is another part that i hate the most...the part when there is something wrong somewhere in friendship and and we couldn't do anything to resist it... Well actually i've tried to fix it....i mean, im trying to be the problem solver but i know why? because in any matter, if there is only one person who acted and the other person just stood still.....the problem would not solved! So.........suke hati kau lah!!
Cuma part yang aku benci is........ kami pulak yang nampak mcm buruk luar yang tak tahu apa-apa will certainly says we are kawan mkn kawan.....hmm..... the truth is we couldn't shut people's mouth! so finally i've decided to myself.......... Allah will show the truth just keep moving on ...
Actually i felt a lil bit down last night so i blog-walking to my favorite blog and i read her motivational entry....
"Allah sometimes takes us into troubled waters, not to drown us, but to cleanse us" cleanse us!
not to troubled....
have a good day ahead peeps!
till then..... :)
(p/s: aku susah nak benci org actually, tp once aku dah will be very hard to like again......that is why dont make me hate u)
esok exam lagi
Salam...hari ni dah 28 hari bulan..... urrmm.... ada lagi dalam 1 minggu la sebelum balik rumah yeayyy! ahad depan dah boleh balik!!! tak sabar nak habis exam.......sebab exam memang buat aku sgt stress! rasa mcm tak la kan..walaupun aku berfoya-foya dgn kawan2 aku tapi aku aku akan rasa sangaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat bersalah! dan tak tenang...... sobs...sobss.... :'(
So esok second paper sem ni but would be my first law paper!....... sem ni aku ambik 4 law paper yang sangat lah stressful ...stressful??? sebab??? sebab aku kan pemalas mmg la akn jadi stressful kalau nk exam sebab tak cukup ilmu di dada.... Tapi malam ni alhmdulillah aku rasa tenang.....walaupun kes tak habis hafal lagi........muahahahaaaaa dan boleh pulak update blog dan buat blog-walking...... hmm...aku rasa aku boleh hidup tanpa Facebook! tapi aku tak boleh hidup tanpa blog sebab aku suka baca kisah-kisah orangdan berangan muahahaaaaaaa!!!!!
Jadi.........sepanjang aku still tak habis exam lagi......aku tak upload gambar sebab aku malasssss...malas nak bersungguh-sungguh utk buat mnde2 yang tak penting sangat........dahulukan apa yang dahulu! cewahhh......
Ok la, tu je kot....aku kena sambung hafal case ni......kalau tak mati la aku esok....
Doakan aku esok.....
Bagi aku..paper esok paper killer sebab aku tak pernah concentrate mase belajar constitutional law. Bukan niat aku sebenarnye..tapi dah boring weehhh......walaupun pada dasarnya aku nampak mcm sedang fokus, tapi hakikatnya muahahhaaaaa....aku menerawanggggggg dan terbanggggg ke dimensi lain sehinggalah lecturer aku cakap, ok we dismiss our class, any questions? aku pon..ehhh? dah habis?? aku memang sngat berperangai syaiiitooonnnn!
Lepas paper esok.....paper criminal pulak hmmm...yang ni pun killer paper.... pastu tort....ahhhh lagi la killer nak2 carry mark aku ciput...pastu family law ponnnn killerr... hmm pendek kata, semua paper aku killer...
so kita kira senang...kau doakan aku utk semua paper lah ye.....?
ok la tu je nak membebel....
(p/s:Allah.....istiqamahkan diri ini)
So esok second paper sem ni but would be my first law paper!....... sem ni aku ambik 4 law paper yang sangat lah stressful ...stressful??? sebab??? sebab aku kan pemalas mmg la akn jadi stressful kalau nk exam sebab tak cukup ilmu di dada.... Tapi malam ni alhmdulillah aku rasa tenang.....walaupun kes tak habis hafal lagi........muahahahaaaaa dan boleh pulak update blog dan buat blog-walking...... hmm...aku rasa aku boleh hidup tanpa Facebook! tapi aku tak boleh hidup tanpa blog sebab aku suka baca kisah-kisah orang
Jadi.........sepanjang aku still tak habis exam lagi......aku tak upload gambar sebab aku malasssss...malas nak bersungguh-sungguh utk buat mnde2 yang tak penting sangat........dahulukan apa yang dahulu! cewahhh......
Ok la, tu je kot....aku kena sambung hafal case ni......kalau tak mati la aku esok....
Doakan aku esok.....
Bagi aku..paper esok paper killer sebab aku tak pernah concentrate mase belajar constitutional law. Bukan niat aku sebenarnye..tapi dah boring weehhh......walaupun pada dasarnya aku nampak mcm sedang fokus, tapi hakikatnya muahahhaaaaa....aku menerawanggggggg dan terbanggggg ke dimensi lain sehinggalah lecturer aku cakap, ok we dismiss our class, any questions? aku pon..ehhh? dah habis?? aku memang sngat berperangai syaiiitooonnnn!
Lepas paper esok.....paper criminal pulak hmmm...yang ni pun killer paper.... pastu tort....ahhhh lagi la killer nak2 carry mark aku ciput...pastu family law ponnnn killerr... hmm pendek kata, semua paper aku killer...
so kita kira senang...kau doakan aku utk semua paper lah ye.....?
ok la tu je nak membebel....
(p/s:Allah.....istiqamahkan diri ini)
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Final Exam
Salam everybody.....
So today 27th Dec 2012..... i will have my first paper at 2.30 pm....
It's a Process Writing paper....not yet law paper....
please pray for me...titipkan sedikit doa buat aku walau kita tidak saling mengenali.. :)
Yesterday i talked to mom, she told me the heavy rain has caused widespread floods... big flood this time...including our residential area. To be frank, for 21 years i never experienced my house naik air! so heard about floods from mom and bestie really urge me to back home! i wanna be at home with my relatives.... i must be an enjoyable time when all of us gather around at all the time. It's not about the hardness, but the precious time with family...hmm.....
but im having my final exam here.... and im started to counts..... ill be home on 6th Jan....yeayyy! but have to face with 4 law paper first! its a tiring, stressing moment now...
till then......... all the best everyone!
So today 27th Dec 2012..... i will have my first paper at 2.30 pm....
It's a Process Writing paper....not yet law paper....
please pray for me...titipkan sedikit doa buat aku walau kita tidak saling mengenali.. :)
Yesterday i talked to mom, she told me the heavy rain has caused widespread floods... big flood this time...including our residential area. To be frank, for 21 years i never experienced my house naik air! so heard about floods from mom and bestie really urge me to back home! i wanna be at home with my relatives.... i must be an enjoyable time when all of us gather around at all the time. It's not about the hardness, but the precious time with family...hmm.....
but im having my final exam here.... and im started to counts..... ill be home on 6th Jan....yeayyy! but have to face with 4 law paper first! its a tiring, stressing moment now...
till then......... all the best everyone!
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Pgi yang indah, dan sudah terang
Hari ni....pagi ni.......
aku makan lagi......... maggie goreng......
study buat aku lapar mcm nk terajang org....
jd aku terpaksa makan....
\muahahaaa....byk gile aku makan sejak musim2 nk exam ni....
dah la raihan......mkn 2x dah......
nanti gemok dress dinner tak muat! *feeling2 artis gitchhuuu....*
Ok la tu je.....
tetibe aku rase ngantuk.....blh tak aku nk take nap jap pagi2 hari ni? hewhewhewhew..
kompom gemuk...lepas makan, tidoq!
(p/s:hari utk menghafal sedunia....)
Hari ni....pagi ni.......
aku makan lagi......... maggie goreng......
study buat aku lapar mcm nk terajang org....
jd aku terpaksa makan....
\muahahaaa....byk gile aku makan sejak musim2 nk exam ni....
dah la raihan......mkn 2x dah......
nanti gemok dress dinner tak muat! *feeling2 artis gitchhuuu....*
Ok la tu je.....
tetibe aku rase ngantuk.....blh tak aku nk take nap jap pagi2 hari ni? hewhewhewhew..
kompom gemuk...lepas makan, tidoq!
(p/s:hari utk menghafal sedunia....)
Monday, December 24, 2012
Hati Malaya
Hati Malaya....
If 'they' were been living during that era.....'they' will think twice...
ambik mood untuk study Constitutional Law... my paper this Saturday...
(p/s:nak makan laksa penang!)
If 'they' were been living during that era.....'they' will think twice...
ambik mood untuk study Constitutional Law... my paper this Saturday...
(p/s:nak makan laksa penang!)
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Im not the kind of person who can easily be healed after being suffered for a long period...
That's me......
That's me......
Friday, December 21, 2012
short one
this is torturing me...really.......
6 days to go before final.....
no appetite actually ive lost my appetite ...
hmm....i should change...
i am so sad :'(
6 days to go before final.....
no appetite actually ive lost my appetite ...
hmm....i should change...
i am so sad :'(
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Random nomm...nomm..nom....
Salam readers......
Tau tak 2 hari ni aku main tipu?....yeee.... aku telah bermain dengan ketipuannn...... boleh ayat mcm ni???
Aku tak study pun.....ok aku study tak smapia 30 minit pun.....lepas tu aku buat benda lain je lebih....
Seriously semalam aku banyak tido.......
pagi ni pulak...aku memang dah bangun pukul 4 pagi...and aku memang segar bugar mata aku....seriouslyy!!! tapi bila aku nak pegi masak air tetiba aku terdengar sesuatu......yang makin lama, makin kuat bunyinya......
oohhhhh hujan rupanya....lebat pulak tanpa berfikir utk kali kedua, aku masuk balik dalam comforter aku dan teruskan mimpi....muahahahahahaaaa....gila jahat la aku.......
Dan pagi ni aku rasa sangat bersalah sebab 2 hari aku main tipu, pagi ni pun aku main tipu...sungguh rasa bersalah! Aku dah tak boleh buat macam ni......hmmm.....
So azam hari ni, nak pergi print semua notes.....after class...
Aku tengah breakfast ni...jarang aku breakfast pagi2 macam ni....sebab biasanya aku akan minum je...
Tapi lately aku tak boleh rasa lapar pagi-pagi sebab aku akan jadi pening dan nak muntah.....
Oleh sebab hari ni ada last kelas Criminal yang mmg jd favorite haruslah tidak boleh ada sebarang ganguan psikologi....
Jadi marilah kita berkongsi breakfast pada hari ni......kongsi gambar aje ye...
Tau tak 2 hari ni aku main tipu?....yeee.... aku telah bermain dengan ketipuannn...... boleh ayat mcm ni???
Aku tak study pun.....ok aku study tak smapia 30 minit pun.....lepas tu aku buat benda lain je lebih....
Seriously semalam aku banyak tido.......
pagi ni pulak...aku memang dah bangun pukul 4 pagi...and aku memang segar bugar mata aku....seriouslyy!!! tapi bila aku nak pegi masak air tetiba aku terdengar sesuatu......yang makin lama, makin kuat bunyinya......
oohhhhh hujan rupanya....lebat pulak tanpa berfikir utk kali kedua, aku masuk balik dalam comforter aku dan teruskan mimpi....muahahahahahaaaa....gila jahat la aku.......
Dan pagi ni aku rasa sangat bersalah sebab 2 hari aku main tipu, pagi ni pun aku main tipu...sungguh rasa bersalah! Aku dah tak boleh buat macam ni......hmmm.....
So azam hari ni, nak pergi print semua notes.....after class...
Aku tengah breakfast ni...jarang aku breakfast pagi2 macam ni....sebab biasanya aku akan minum je...
Tapi lately aku tak boleh rasa lapar pagi-pagi sebab aku akan jadi pening dan nak muntah.....
Oleh sebab hari ni ada last kelas Criminal yang mmg jd favorite haruslah tidak boleh ada sebarang ganguan psikologi....
Jadi marilah kita berkongsi breakfast pada hari ni......kongsi gambar aje ye...
Boleh la ye....dah memang tak de bende lain dah.. ni je yang mampu...maggi udang ho liiioooo.... ade la rase udang nye...boleh tahan jugak la sedap pun rumet aku yang bagi...
Aku harap aku tak mengantuk la nanti.....dan tak lapar!!!!! gemuk la aku kalau sehari 3x makan.......aku makan at least sekali je kot....kalau lapar sgt je baru mkn 2x...... *konon*
Ok la tak de bende sgt pon nk cerita......hmm aku harap aku ni sedar diri hari ni........hoiiii! exam seminggu lagi!
(p/s: ok foiinneee....aku dh start mengantuk......... grrrr!)
Monday, December 17, 2012
marghiaaa kawen
Maria Elena is married!!!!...
Ok foiiinneeeeee........... cantik sgt daisies buat bentuk love...... simple tapi sgt cantik!.... haku selalu berangan kalau aku ada duit lebih bila nak kawen nanti aku nak buat background pelamin aku bentuk hati tapi dgn red roses.....n nk simple2 je....xmau la banyak sgt barang dekat pelamin tu, kalau blh aku nk design sendiri n buat lain drp kebiasaan yang org buat....once in a life time tu kalau aku ni bayank duit plus laki aku pun kayooo ......auuww! cantik! muahaaa.. *sila tamporr laju-laju*
aku xde gambar diorang sbb aku mls nk copy2 ni....kirang search la sendiri ye... :)
Berangannnnnnn je lebih......
Tu je la........
(p/s: hmm...pagi2 dah dengar lagu-lagu jiwang n layan perasaan......lepas tu asyik baca ayat yang sama dari tadi sebab tak paham........hmmm...jiwa seksa.......)
Maria Elena is married!!!!...
Ok foiiinneeeeee........... cantik sgt daisies buat bentuk love...... simple tapi sgt cantik!.... haku selalu berangan kalau aku ada duit lebih bila nak kawen nanti aku nak buat background pelamin aku bentuk hati tapi dgn red roses.....n nk simple2 je....xmau la banyak sgt barang dekat pelamin tu, kalau blh aku nk design sendiri n buat lain drp kebiasaan yang org buat....once in a life time tu kalau aku ni bayank duit plus laki aku pun kayooo ......auuww! cantik! muahaaa.. *sila tamporr laju-laju*
aku xde gambar diorang sbb aku mls nk copy2 ni....kirang search la sendiri ye... :)
Berangannnnnnn je lebih......
Tu je la........
(p/s: hmm...pagi2 dah dengar lagu-lagu jiwang n layan perasaan......lepas tu asyik baca ayat yang sama dari tadi sebab tak paham........hmmm...jiwa seksa.......)
Friday, December 14, 2012
Kita sayang mak
Salam...... :)
ok la sebenarnye tak berapa nak :) sebab aku mengantuk gila so :( ....
haihhh....susah betul nk lawan nafsu.....
Nafsu sama jugak macam syaitan........lepas 3 kali baru nak mengaku dia tu hamba Allah.....
ni encik Airol yang cerita hari tu......haha...
ok apa point aku ni?......aku tak ade point pon....aku cuma tak bagi aku mengantukk...baru pukul 10 lebih kot.......tugi kalau tido sebab pagi2 macam ni sgt bagus untuk tujuan pembelajaran....Allah kata afdal! so gigih la aku menahan tido walaupun pada hakikatnya dulu aku ni lepas subuh je mesti pengsan balik... *haihh....teruk betul pompuan ni*
Pagi tadi cakap dengan mak........ mak tanya aku tengah tido ke tu? ***ala mak ni.....nakal laa......kalau kite tido tak kan la kite cakap ngan mak.......hahahaaa***
Mak, kita kan.....sejak dua menjak ni tak sedap hati....selalu ingat rumah wlaupun tak la terasa homesick sangat pun sebab kita dh mentally prepared yang kita tak nk pikir balik sebelum final (sbb hari tu deepavali pon aku blik jugaks..haha)
Kita bukan ingat rumah tu sebenarnye, tapi kita ingat isi rumah tu.......
Kita rasa bersalah sebenarnya sebab kita merajuk dengan mak dan abah hari tu yang pasal mak perli kite tu.... Mak, mak kan tau anak mak ni kuat sentap......
Kita tak nak menangis pun hari tu, tapi kita termenangis......kita menangis masa tengah bawak moto tu.....*okay mcm drama*
Bila abah call, kita tak angakt sebab kita takut....kita menagis macam kita hilang kucing je...
Lepas tu, phone kita tak de bateri.....kita plak tak cas and turun pegi kedai.....sebab kita merajuk jadi kita nak happykan hati kite so kite pegi la kedai beli lite yo 2 botol *ok foiiinneeeee mmg xde kene mengena langsung*
Kita tak hirau kan phone yang tak de bateri tu..... lepas 15 minit tu baru kita cas and on phone...banyak sgt mesej missed call masuk dari mak.....kita terus rasa berdosa sebab merajuk dengan mak...
Mak maafkan kita :'( berdosa nya kita buat mcm tu....tak patut....*kau jahat raihan!*
Kita mintak mak......mintak maaf sangat-sangat.... Kita tak layak pun nak merajuk dengan mak.... :'(
Kita sayang sangat mak lebih daripada diri kita sendiri.....kita rasa macam kita nak mati dulu sebelum mak.... tapi kita kesian kan mak.....nanti mesti mak sedih...... tak pe lah....biar kita je yang sedih...asal mak tak sedih hilang kita......
Tapi kita tahu mak tahu yang kita sentap..... sebab tu lepas tu mak cakap lembut je dengan kita.... baiknye mak.... tapi mak mesti terasa dengan kita. :'( maaf kan kite mak....
Lepas tu abah call.....ala abah tak marah pun laaaa..........buang karan je merajuk-merajuk ni..haha...
Tapi kita ni kan jenis yang sensitif...kita tak suka walau sebesar zarah pun ade masalah......kita mesti nak selesaikn cepat2 sebab hati kita tak tenang...... Sebab tiada perkara yang paling membahagiakan selain drp ketenangan hati.... Tak kaya pun tak pe asal hati tenang dan bahagia........
Kita lega lepas ckp dengan mak...........nanti kita nak call abah pulak.........
ok la tu je kot......
tetibe hilang ngantok....... xhabis pon 1 chapter......yang je kau lebih raihan!
(p/s: lapar...boleh tak kita sambung study lepas lunch? hahha.....lepas tido la kot.....muahahaa)
ok la sebenarnye tak berapa nak :) sebab aku mengantuk gila so :( ....
haihhh....susah betul nk lawan nafsu.....
Nafsu sama jugak macam syaitan........lepas 3 kali baru nak mengaku dia tu hamba Allah.....
ni encik Airol yang cerita hari tu......haha...
ok apa point aku ni?......aku tak ade point pon....aku cuma tak bagi aku mengantukk...baru pukul 10 lebih kot.......tugi kalau tido sebab pagi2 macam ni sgt bagus untuk tujuan pembelajaran....Allah kata afdal! so gigih la aku menahan tido walaupun pada hakikatnya dulu aku ni lepas subuh je mesti pengsan balik... *haihh....teruk betul pompuan ni*
Pagi tadi cakap dengan mak........ mak tanya aku tengah tido ke tu? ***ala mak ni.....nakal laa......kalau kite tido tak kan la kite cakap ngan mak.......hahahaaa***
Mak, kita kan.....sejak dua menjak ni tak sedap hati....selalu ingat rumah wlaupun tak la terasa homesick sangat pun sebab kita dh mentally prepared yang kita tak nk pikir balik sebelum final (sbb hari tu deepavali pon aku blik jugaks..haha)
Kita bukan ingat rumah tu sebenarnye, tapi kita ingat isi rumah tu.......
Kita rasa bersalah sebenarnya sebab kita merajuk dengan mak dan abah hari tu yang pasal mak perli kite tu.... Mak, mak kan tau anak mak ni kuat sentap......
Kita tak nak menangis pun hari tu, tapi kita termenangis......kita menangis masa tengah bawak moto tu.....*okay mcm drama*
Bila abah call, kita tak angakt sebab kita takut....kita menagis macam kita hilang kucing je...
Lepas tu, phone kita tak de bateri.....kita plak tak cas and turun pegi kedai.....sebab kita merajuk jadi kita nak happykan hati kite so kite pegi la kedai beli lite yo 2 botol *ok foiiinneeeee mmg xde kene mengena langsung*
Kita tak hirau kan phone yang tak de bateri tu..... lepas 15 minit tu baru kita cas and on phone...banyak sgt mesej missed call masuk dari mak.....kita terus rasa berdosa sebab merajuk dengan mak...
Mak maafkan kita :'( berdosa nya kita buat mcm tu....tak patut....*kau jahat raihan!*
Kita mintak mak......mintak maaf sangat-sangat.... Kita tak layak pun nak merajuk dengan mak.... :'(
Kita sayang sangat mak lebih daripada diri kita sendiri.....kita rasa macam kita nak mati dulu sebelum mak.... tapi kita kesian kan mak.....nanti mesti mak sedih...... tak pe lah....biar kita je yang sedih...asal mak tak sedih hilang kita......
Tapi kita tahu mak tahu yang kita sentap..... sebab tu lepas tu mak cakap lembut je dengan kita.... baiknye mak.... tapi mak mesti terasa dengan kita. :'( maaf kan kite mak....
Lepas tu abah call.....ala abah tak marah pun laaaa..........buang karan je merajuk-merajuk ni..haha...
Tapi kita ni kan jenis yang sensitif...kita tak suka walau sebesar zarah pun ade masalah......kita mesti nak selesaikn cepat2 sebab hati kita tak tenang...... Sebab tiada perkara yang paling membahagiakan selain drp ketenangan hati.... Tak kaya pun tak pe asal hati tenang dan bahagia........
Kita lega lepas ckp dengan mak...........nanti kita nak call abah pulak.........
ok la tu je kot......
tetibe hilang ngantok....... xhabis pon 1 chapter......yang je kau lebih raihan!
(p/s: lapar...boleh tak kita sambung study lepas lunch? hahha.....lepas tido la kot.....muahahaa)
Salam readers :)
Alhamdulillah....hari ni siap jugak semua assignments! yeaayy!....... *padahal org lain dah lame siap suma* level.....preparation final! :)
Alhamdulillah....hari ni siap jugak semua assignments! yeaayy!....... *padahal org lain dah lame siap suma* level.....preparation final! :)
Thursday, December 13, 2012
hye readers :)
Dear my great Creator..... i dont really feel good now. I really felt like there is something is going wrong... totally wrong....i tried to fix it but someone has refused my help.....suddenly i felt like im just the one yang terhegeh-hegeh!....hmm.....should i feel that way?
Dear my great Creator...... i hate this kind of feelings...please let me be positive because i really need them....Final is just around the corner.... i need to give my 100% focus on my exam..... i the one who should be blamed for? i have a good intention but perhaps i chose the wrong way.
Allah...Allah...Allah my greatest Creator please show me what plan You have for me...
Raihan...... be positive.... you know what? we called it rubbish! dont think too much about it had done ur best to help.... the rest just leave to ALLAH......He is the best planner after all....
Raihan just keep on your track....keep positive...don't let all these rubbish let u down...... u need to be focus before the final exam....
Raihan let her be.....let her with her own way....... don't interfere her life anymore........
So u need to be positive okay? u have one more assignment than ull be free....and can start with ur final.....Raihan be strong because Allah is testing can go through all these rubbish calmly okay? As long as u by the side of Allah...insyaALLAH He will always show you the ways... Yakinlah padaNya Raihan..... Kita hambaNya...... hatred, hard feelings, annoying people....just put it aside..... because Allah is testing you...... Raihan, remember...wherever you go....u will always make sure that u will write at any place saying that "Be Strong!" So Raihan..this is the strong no matter how ok?.....Allah is the best planner....leave the rest to Him..... and will never regret... :)
Positive happy!!!! ok raihan be happy.......!!!
Yes i wanna be positive and i wanna be happy today!...settle semua assignment, and continue for the exam prep........and yes...... no fb today! Fb PUN RUBBISH!
(P/S:alhamdulillah...felt so relieved!......)
hye readers :)
Dear my great Creator..... i dont really feel good now. I really felt like there is something is going wrong... totally wrong....i tried to fix it but someone has refused my help.....suddenly i felt like im just the one yang terhegeh-hegeh!....hmm.....should i feel that way?
Dear my great Creator...... i hate this kind of feelings...please let me be positive because i really need them....Final is just around the corner.... i need to give my 100% focus on my exam..... i the one who should be blamed for? i have a good intention but perhaps i chose the wrong way.
Allah...Allah...Allah my greatest Creator please show me what plan You have for me...
Raihan...... be positive.... you know what? we called it rubbish! dont think too much about it had done ur best to help.... the rest just leave to ALLAH......He is the best planner after all....
Raihan just keep on your track....keep positive...don't let all these rubbish let u down...... u need to be focus before the final exam....
Raihan let her be.....let her with her own way....... don't interfere her life anymore........
So u need to be positive okay? u have one more assignment than ull be free....and can start with ur final.....Raihan be strong because Allah is testing can go through all these rubbish calmly okay? As long as u by the side of Allah...insyaALLAH He will always show you the ways... Yakinlah padaNya Raihan..... Kita hambaNya...... hatred, hard feelings, annoying people....just put it aside..... because Allah is testing you...... Raihan, remember...wherever you go....u will always make sure that u will write at any place saying that "Be Strong!" So Raihan..this is the strong no matter how ok?.....Allah is the best planner....leave the rest to Him..... and will never regret... :)
Positive happy!!!! ok raihan be happy.......!!!
Yes i wanna be positive and i wanna be happy today!...settle semua assignment, and continue for the exam prep........and yes...... no fb today! Fb PUN RUBBISH!
(P/S:alhamdulillah...felt so relieved!......)
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Weekend activities
Assalamualaikum readers :)
How have u been?
Im doing good....urrmmm actually not really good... i am a great procrastinator right now... i have test tomorrow but im not done with the chapters yet!...
So, how was my life these two,three days??????
i've got some headache, back pain and i felt soooooooooo fatigue :'(
But...regardless those meshy bloody things, i still enjoy myself...
I had some walked around UUM during the weekend :)
Well, lets the pichaaaaaass do the talk babeehh!
Ok la tu la aktiviti ahkak sempena hujung minggu bila mana kawan-kawan ramai yang balik kampung dan keluar berdating......ahkak berdating jugak, tapi berdating dengan kawan ahkak dalam gambau tu je la......
Happy me yeayyy!...petang yang sangat menenangkan uoolsss.....minggu lepas tak hujan pun ptg2..*eh ke ade?* hari ni je hujan........heheheheheheheeee........
tu je la dulu ye adik-adik sekalian...... *tetibe medium bahasa berubah menjadi penulisan bahasa Melayu*
p/s: hadiioooooo.......assignment tak siap lagii....12/12 nak hantarrr......esok pulak ade testttt wehhhh..aku tak habis study lagi :(
How have u been?
Im doing good....urrmmm actually not really good... i am a great procrastinator right now... i have test tomorrow but im not done with the chapters yet!...
So, how was my life these two,three days??????
i've got some headache, back pain and i felt soooooooooo fatigue :'(
But...regardless those meshy bloody things, i still enjoy myself...
I had some walked around UUM during the weekend :)
Well, lets the pichaaaaaass do the talk babeehh!
That is my friend...we had some walked around Pusat Islam and i love the scenery very much! so refreshing and calm :)
Calm right ? i love this kind of situation :)
it got the big stairs connecting the Pusat Islam and Pusat Budaya together with our mall... and that ugly lady climbed the stairs is meeehh!
In the middle of the bridge....*buat ala-ala atas london bridge* dan merenung masa depan... here again the pretty ugly lady..muahaha
and this is the real pretty lady :)
Then we chillax at the gazebo nearer Pusat Budaya enjoy the calories ice cream...
see???? dah kate burok...muahahaa burok gile muka tengah makan ais krim.... *dibuang dr list prm melayu terakhir*
Then.........its the time to burnnnnnn the caloriesss.....let's hiking! yeahh....hahaha..... this is the road to Puncak Vista.......haha....hiking la sangat ye??? tak tinggi sangat pon tapi just enough utk berpeluh-peluh manja :)
Eh...hari tu rasenya mcm ada butang rotate..haha....ko sengat kan lah aje laptop kau....haha...tu dah nak smapai puncak vista.....
I just used phone's you wouldn't see the clear view of UUM.... but i saw it breathtaking! i love green!! petua2 rasulullah kan tgk mende hijau-hijau mcm ni akan buat otak kita tajam berfikir :)
*oohdamn* here again the pretty ugly lady....she enjoyed the view...
The ugly lady with her friend.....
the ugly lady with her oily face and her pretty friend..
eh tetibe keluar Durian crepe????? hahaha... aku beli tadi ni dengan kawan...setelah 2 hari mengidam hari ni alhamdulillah dapat jugak merasa.... 6pcs for rm10....murah sbb usually 5pcs/rm10 and soo yummmieehh!!! bagi yang suka durian mmg akan suka makan durian crepe ni...mmg rase mcm mkn durian jangan tak sedap makan kalau tak sejuk sebab krim mcm ala-ala cair aku rembat jee...muahahaha BD
*Rotate sendiri.....* ni ha ghupenye first bit...haha sodappp!
tengok tu dalam dia...dah nampak isi duriannn.....sedap weh sedap.....tapi tak boleh makan byk2 sebab nanti gemoookkkkkk! ye adik2 yang sedang berdiet :) ahkah berdiet ni tapi pagi tadi ahkak termakan nasi goreng pulak pastu tadi magrib ahkak tertelan nasi ayam
last but not least.......inilah department ahkak ye adik-adik sekalian...UUM COLGIS, COLGIS tu ape ye ahkak???.....COLGIS tu stand for College of Law, Government and International Studies ye adik-adik....nak bagi specific nye lagi..ahkak duduk under School of Law.... SoL UUM ni baru lagi ye adik2..... :) ahkak pon konpius kenape ahkak pilih ke Law yang pilih ahkak? HAHAHA *ok tau tak kelakar...* la ahkak yang naik 5 kg sejak duk sini....happy sangat ye? *sangaaaat* T_T
Ok la tu la aktiviti ahkak sempena hujung minggu bila mana kawan-kawan ramai yang balik kampung dan keluar berdating......ahkak berdating jugak, tapi berdating dengan kawan ahkak dalam gambau tu je la......
Happy me yeayyy!...petang yang sangat menenangkan uoolsss.....minggu lepas tak hujan pun ptg2..*eh ke ade?* hari ni je hujan........heheheheheheheeee........
tu je la dulu ye adik-adik sekalian...... *tetibe medium bahasa berubah menjadi penulisan bahasa Melayu*
p/s: hadiioooooo.......assignment tak siap lagii....12/12 nak hantarrr......esok pulak ade testttt wehhhh..aku tak habis study lagi :(
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Manusia makin kejam
Pagi kawan-kawan.....
Makin rajin aku update blog sekarang eh?
Alright....what should i write here?
Actually, tengah buat assignment, but unfortunately i have no idea.....So, i decided to made an entry so that i can brush up my brain to work more efficiently and get the idea for my assignment. So what should i crapping here?
hmm..... Yesterday i heard some news from my hometown which is Kemaman where situated in Terengganu. Kemaman is within the border of Terengganu and Pahang...which is, we all dekat dengan Kuantan rather than Kuala mau shopping pegi la Kuantan sbb byk shopping complex than KT..hehehe....but that is not the gist point here.
What is im going to write is, i heard there was murder and rape cases just happened around my hometown. This is scary! When i was in kindergarten (if not mistaken) there is one rape and murder case happened just near around my residential area. **double scary** It is one of the Malaysia's significant leading rape and murder cases that ever happened in the history of Malaysia, (in the context of criminal cases of course) where the girl was being raped and burnt! Ya Allah, manusia makin kejam! and till now i always pass through the crime scene.... It was Kilang Tamura (if not my mistaken) That plant had already closed and now substitute with ape tahhh tempat servis kereta kot.... and when ade lagi newest rape case at hometown, i felt so insecure! baru je plan cuti ni nak pegi joging pukul takutt!...... i still don't know how the cases.... Just dengar dekat fb my friends update status. Hari ni kene beli paper! and need to call my mom to ask about it....rindu pulak dekat mak dengan abah...biasa nye hujung minggu mcm ni diorang busy sikit....nanti la petang-petang, i will call them.
p/s: Kadang-kadang aku terfikir, mereka-merake ni kalau dah nafsu tu tak boleh tahan sangat, apasal tak pegi langgan pelacur je....ha buat la mcm kau nk rogol die kalau dah kau tu imagination tinggi sangat utk capai kepuasan. Kalau tak de duit pegi je la langgan pelacur kelas bawahan tu....anggap je la mereka tu ade dara lagi.......! cehh hantu betul dah la nak y suci jeeee! la lelaki perosak! dah la tu kau bunuh pulak ye! tak aman hidup kau dunia akhirat!
Pagi kawan-kawan.....
Makin rajin aku update blog sekarang eh?
Alright....what should i write here?
Actually, tengah buat assignment, but unfortunately i have no idea.....So, i decided to made an entry so that i can brush up my brain to work more efficiently and get the idea for my assignment. So what should i crapping here?
hmm..... Yesterday i heard some news from my hometown which is Kemaman where situated in Terengganu. Kemaman is within the border of Terengganu and Pahang...which is, we all dekat dengan Kuantan rather than Kuala mau shopping pegi la Kuantan sbb byk shopping complex than KT..hehehe....but that is not the gist point here.
What is im going to write is, i heard there was murder and rape cases just happened around my hometown. This is scary! When i was in kindergarten (if not mistaken) there is one rape and murder case happened just near around my residential area. **double scary** It is one of the Malaysia's significant leading rape and murder cases that ever happened in the history of Malaysia, (in the context of criminal cases of course) where the girl was being raped and burnt! Ya Allah, manusia makin kejam! and till now i always pass through the crime scene.... It was Kilang Tamura (if not my mistaken) That plant had already closed and now substitute with ape tahhh tempat servis kereta kot.... and when ade lagi newest rape case at hometown, i felt so insecure! baru je plan cuti ni nak pegi joging pukul takutt!...... i still don't know how the cases.... Just dengar dekat fb my friends update status. Hari ni kene beli paper! and need to call my mom to ask about it....rindu pulak dekat mak dengan abah...biasa nye hujung minggu mcm ni diorang busy sikit....nanti la petang-petang, i will call them.
p/s: Kadang-kadang aku terfikir, mereka-merake ni kalau dah nafsu tu tak boleh tahan sangat, apasal tak pegi langgan pelacur je....ha buat la mcm kau nk rogol die kalau dah kau tu imagination tinggi sangat utk capai kepuasan. Kalau tak de duit pegi je la langgan pelacur kelas bawahan tu....anggap je la mereka tu ade dara lagi.......! cehh hantu betul dah la nak y suci jeeee! la lelaki perosak! dah la tu kau bunuh pulak ye! tak aman hidup kau dunia akhirat!
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Assalamualaikum.......readers :)
So, today is Thursday.....
and yesterday was a hectic day and also was a craving day :)
haha... i lost me appetite yesterday due to the blame pms! muahahhaaa... tekak tak boleh terima nasik or even my favorite bihun sup :( so utk alas perut i ate pizza seringgit for breakfast and for lunch i ate keropok lekor seringgit jugak....... jimat duit semalam hahahaa....
and i went to computer lab until suddenly i felt like i wanna eat coco crunch with cold milk so badly! yeayyyy! so after the last class i went to the shop with the intention to buy coco crunch an cold milk....but as my hand was about to reach the coco crunch box (with the excited feelings of course) suddenly i remembered one thing. Coco crunch is the product of Nestle' which is placed in the group of must-boycott due to the Israeli attacked to our brothers and sisters in Palestine... :'( although, dah berakhir (for now) but still i think i shouldnt stop my effort!...yes.... i shouldnt stop!.... because boycott is the least that i can do...
So....should i ignore my craveness?? the answer is NO!.... Dekat dunia ni Allah bagi kita banyak pilihan kan? Bukan satu bende je........ so apa kata kita cari alternatif lain.... :)
Jalan punya jalan dalam kedai runcit tu.......Allah bagi ilham utk tukarkan Coco Crunch dengan.......
p/s: Ok la tu je nak cakap.....hehehe......tak senonoh sgt kan? ade?????????? hahahaa.....
So, today is Thursday.....
and yesterday was a hectic day and also was a craving day :)
haha... i lost me appetite yesterday due to the blame pms! muahahhaaa... tekak tak boleh terima nasik or even my favorite bihun sup :( so utk alas perut i ate pizza seringgit for breakfast and for lunch i ate keropok lekor seringgit jugak....... jimat duit semalam hahahaa....
and i went to computer lab until suddenly i felt like i wanna eat coco crunch with cold milk so badly! yeayyyy! so after the last class i went to the shop with the intention to buy coco crunch an cold milk....but as my hand was about to reach the coco crunch box (with the excited feelings of course) suddenly i remembered one thing. Coco crunch is the product of Nestle' which is placed in the group of must-boycott due to the Israeli attacked to our brothers and sisters in Palestine... :'( although, dah berakhir (for now) but still i think i shouldnt stop my effort!...yes.... i shouldnt stop!.... because boycott is the least that i can do...
So....should i ignore my craveness?? the answer is NO!.... Dekat dunia ni Allah bagi kita banyak pilihan kan? Bukan satu bende je........ so apa kata kita cari alternatif lain.... :)
Jalan punya jalan dalam kedai runcit tu.......Allah bagi ilham utk tukarkan Coco Crunch dengan.......
ChipsMore....yeay! lebih kurang je rasenye ye adik2 sekalian..... ChipsMore is the product of Kraft where Kraft are one of Malaysia's product :) Same goes with Dutch lady... *tp kalau salah tlg betulkan ye? because i read at the back of these product written as Product of Malaysia :)
and sebab i ni anak dara pemalas semalam, so nak cicah biskut ni terus dari pack die..muahahaaa.....tak nak guna gelas sebab malas nk basuh nanti...terukkan? muahahaaa.....Jadi marilah kita gunting di atsnya.....
Bila susu makin surut, marilah kita kerat lagi...muahahaaa
Ok makan macam ni ye...... *sambil nyanyi lagu Shrek!
Bila dah makin surut lagi...kera lagi la ye....
dan bila dah habis makan....marilah basuh mulut dengan keropok keping mentah kuala kemaman :) *pencuci mulut*
nampak tak ape tu? hah ni maknenye lepas makan tu aku tido sebab letih gileeee ye.....hewhewhewhewheww..... *silalah buang aku dari list perempuan melayu terakhir*
Hari ni pulak happy sebab parcel y ditunggu2 sudah sampai..... :)
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Bau kopi yang harum
Salam and morning.....
Hari ni terbabas sikit....tapi tak jauh sangat terbabas nya...hehe....
Mungkin sebab letih sangat semalam dengan program satu hari.... Letih, tp pengisiannya hebat! alhamdulillah.... syukur sangat-sangat sebab benda ni la yang aku cari-cari selama ni.... :) InsyaALLAH, aku akan cuba praktikkan...... sebab memang harus praktikkan.... nak berjaya tak Raihan? Kalau nak....jangan tangguh-tangguh untuk praktik ye sayang?
Nak buat post psl program semalam...tapi nanti dulu ye?
sebab ...sebab.... pagi ni ada kuiz process writing dan jadual hari ni padat..hehe *alasan*
tapi mmg akan buat! ok la sebenarnye tak boleh nak buat sekarang sebab gambar aku dengan moderator tu ada dengan kawan..hehhe...blm ambik lagi... *moderator hensem ok! dantak kawen lagi ok gatal! haha....wan besar bace ni mampos aku! hahaha...
Ok tersasar!...sebenarnya pagi ni nak tulis post pasal to-do-list! a reminder to me la sayang...
So before next week, which is 9 December 2012, Sunday..... things to-do are as following....
1- Criminal Question = "Compare and contrast with Islamic principle regarding the difference between the defence of necessity and duress under Penal Code."
2-Tort Questions = ok la tak tengok lagi soalan! hehe
3-Kelantan Emergency 1977 = in reading progression....Ya Allah...bagi la ideaa mcm mana nak buatt ni... or ade sape-sape yang nak kongsi maklumat? sikit pon alhmdulillah la.... :)
Ok ni je kot setakat ni.......lepas siap semua....harus proceed with final exam.... time is running very fast! Raihan catch it! kalau tak kau menyesal kan???? ape saje result nanti aku terima...kalau tak capai expectation pun aku terima kalau aku DAH USAHA. Yang jadi masalagnye bila aku tak usaha n result down.....aku tak boleh terima!!!! and ill keep blaming myself :'(
Ok la....nak prgi siap-siap ni...pukul 8 nanti ada kuiz *ya Allah.....bagi byk idea kat kite eh?
dan semoga hari ni segar jeeee.........tak buang masa dan buat kerja....ingat Raihan, keje-keje kat atas mestti buat within this week tau....nanti tak sempat nak study...ok ingat nk kasi gambr hantu tadi utk bagi segar sikit mata pagi-pagi nampaknya aku makin maju sekarang sebab semua gambar-gambar aku dah makin cantik xde la gambar hantu *sila lempang laju-laju!*
p/s: Nak ke arah yang baik ni Allah akan uji kan? ujian pertama aku mimpi...ok lagi lagi ni bangun ade sikit rasa macam nak nangis sebab mimpi semalam...hmmmm...ALLAH, aku tahu Kau akn sentiasa mengujiku...aku akan terima dan tak kan pernak kate tidak, cuma apa yang aku harapkan Kau berikan aku kekuatan untuk menmpuhinya ya? dan harap2 la peubahan ini istiqamah :) hah tu baru mimpi.....silalah bersedia utk the real one! ingat Raihan, konsep 50%...apa itu 50%? haaaa...tunggu next post :)
Hari ni terbabas sikit....tapi tak jauh sangat terbabas nya...hehe....
Mungkin sebab letih sangat semalam dengan program satu hari.... Letih, tp pengisiannya hebat! alhamdulillah.... syukur sangat-sangat sebab benda ni la yang aku cari-cari selama ni.... :) InsyaALLAH, aku akan cuba praktikkan...... sebab memang harus praktikkan.... nak berjaya tak Raihan? Kalau nak....jangan tangguh-tangguh untuk praktik ye sayang?
Nak buat post psl program semalam...tapi nanti dulu ye?
sebab ...sebab.... pagi ni ada kuiz process writing dan jadual hari ni padat..hehe *alasan*
tapi mmg akan buat! ok la sebenarnye tak boleh nak buat sekarang sebab gambar aku dengan moderator tu ada dengan kawan..hehhe...blm ambik lagi... *moderator hensem ok! dan
Ok tersasar!...sebenarnya pagi ni nak tulis post pasal to-do-list! a reminder to me la sayang...
So before next week, which is 9 December 2012, Sunday..... things to-do are as following....
1- Criminal Question = "Compare and contrast with Islamic principle regarding the difference between the defence of necessity and duress under Penal Code."
2-Tort Questions = ok la tak tengok lagi soalan! hehe
3-Kelantan Emergency 1977 = in reading progression....Ya Allah...bagi la ideaa mcm mana nak buatt ni... or ade sape-sape yang nak kongsi maklumat? sikit pon alhmdulillah la.... :)
Ok ni je kot setakat ni.......lepas siap semua....harus proceed with final exam.... time is running very fast! Raihan catch it! kalau tak kau menyesal kan???? ape saje result nanti aku terima...kalau tak capai expectation pun aku terima kalau aku DAH USAHA. Yang jadi masalagnye bila aku tak usaha n result down.....aku tak boleh terima!!!! and ill keep blaming myself :'(
Ok la....nak prgi siap-siap ni...pukul 8 nanti ada kuiz *ya Allah.....bagi byk idea kat kite eh?
dan semoga hari ni segar jeeee.........tak buang masa dan buat kerja....ingat Raihan, keje-keje kat atas mestti buat within this week tau....nanti tak sempat nak study...ok ingat nk kasi gambr hantu tadi utk bagi segar sikit mata pagi-pagi nampaknya aku makin maju sekarang sebab semua gambar-gambar aku dah makin cantik xde la gambar hantu *sila lempang laju-laju!*
p/s: Nak ke arah yang baik ni Allah akan uji kan? ujian pertama aku mimpi...ok lagi lagi ni bangun ade sikit rasa macam nak nangis sebab mimpi semalam...hmmmm...ALLAH, aku tahu Kau akn sentiasa mengujiku...aku akan terima dan tak kan pernak kate tidak, cuma apa yang aku harapkan Kau berikan aku kekuatan untuk menmpuhinya ya? dan harap2 la peubahan ini istiqamah :) hah tu baru mimpi.....silalah bersedia utk the real one! ingat Raihan, konsep 50%...apa itu 50%? haaaa...tunggu next post :)
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Refresh.Relax and stay Focus :)
Its been quite a while since my last post...
ohh what can i say, i have no interesting story to talk on plus being busy with laziness.... hewhewhew...
So today, this morning i feels like wanna write something in this dearie blog... :)
Some random stuffs.....because i've got no significant story to tell ya....
Alhamdulillah, after 2 i get my old self! im a morning person...but since my first day here, i hardly to woke early like before..but now alhamdulillah..... im so glad when i woke up, it is 4.30 am :) paling lambat pon at least 6 a.m... except during holiday...ill woke up 6.30 ....
p/s: betul..betull...pagi sangat afdal utk buat kerja2 ilmiah..... dulu lepas subuh best tidooo lepas subuh tu sbnrnye sgt fresh utk study wlaupun ngantok! i need to be ready for this upcoming final! i was so down with my achievement on previous semester...and i hope next sem, ill be happy with the result... :)
Study Raihan...STUDY!!! xde kejayaan tanpa usaha....kau kan student, keje kau memang utk study! kau nak kawen ke, kau nak bercinta ke.....boleh...tapi study dulu!!!!!! okay sayang? be positive...jangan malas! jgn lagha! jgn ikut nafsu! study!..........kalau tak study nanti kau menyesal lagi! ambik pengajaran!!!!!
Its been quite a while since my last post...
ohh what can i say, i have no interesting story to talk on plus being busy with laziness.... hewhewhew...
So today, this morning i feels like wanna write something in this dearie blog... :)
Some random stuffs.....because i've got no significant story to tell ya....
2 days ago i went to Kampar, Perak... i was a tiring journey as ive got headache and i can't slept except for he first 15 minutes. But as soon as i reached, i was so happy when i saw twinny! (sory peeps, no picture of them....) and i fall in love wt my uncle's hometown. The next morning, cousins brought me here....just a minutes from our so excited! haihh kalau ikutkan hati mmg nak berendam! tp apakan daya, den dh nk balik ni haa..... i need to rush that morning as i need to go back uum before night. I gonna comeback again!
Alright, these book are in my waiting-must-read-list. 2 from the left, are given by sister. But i still have no time to read them... :) and at the right side, is the book i bought during the talk on hudud. Actually i felt less interested to buy it, but then my intuition spoke "buku org putih boleh pulak kau nk beli kan? sudahnye xbace habis pon...buku org melayu buat, org islam buat..kau berdolak-dalih pulak xnak beli....." ok sentap sgt! so i bought it for RM25. Reasonable price.....lagi pon bantu oprg Islam kita...nak harapkan sape lagi kan?
Ok i miss this girl!..... almost a month we didn't have our long chit-chatting... i've been busy, and she is busy too! i love u girl! people thought we are lesbian right? who cares? i love u! haha... yes we are more than just a friend.....because we are sisters!
This semeser, i fall in love with black coffee.... i think black coffee suits me the best because i don't experience too much anxiety plus i got a good sleep during the new mate!
Currently, ive been busy reading this thingy!...grr2! individual assignment really killing me softly!...i need to start now!....
Alhamdulillah, after 2 i get my old self! im a morning person...but since my first day here, i hardly to woke early like before..but now alhamdulillah..... im so glad when i woke up, it is 4.30 am :) paling lambat pon at least 6 a.m... except during holiday...ill woke up 6.30 ....
p/s: betul..betull...pagi sangat afdal utk buat kerja2 ilmiah..... dulu lepas subuh best tidooo lepas subuh tu sbnrnye sgt fresh utk study wlaupun ngantok! i need to be ready for this upcoming final! i was so down with my achievement on previous semester...and i hope next sem, ill be happy with the result... :)
Study Raihan...STUDY!!! xde kejayaan tanpa usaha....kau kan student, keje kau memang utk study! kau nak kawen ke, kau nak bercinta ke.....boleh...tapi study dulu!!!!!! okay sayang? be positive...jangan malas! jgn lagha! jgn ikut nafsu! study!..........kalau tak study nanti kau menyesal lagi! ambik pengajaran!!!!!
Sunday, November 11, 2012
this one....
Im watching funny video at you tube while crying.......
i think this is the best way to feel better....
Dear heart, please be strong!
i think this is the best way to feel better....
Dear heart, please be strong!
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Bila org tak sukakan kita
Aku rasa macam orang bodoh je sekarang.....hmmm......sedih.....
aku nak tanya....
ape yang akan kau rase kalau antara ramai2, kau je yng xtau tgt sesuatu benda tu? atau kau adalah org yang last tau.......ape kau rasa? pathetic kan? hmmm mcm tu lah perasaan aku.....
aku bukan seorang yang sukakan surprise.......aku tak suka....sbb surprise2 ni ikot pada pengalaman aku, byk menyusahkan aku mula ambik keputusan yang aku tak sukakan surprise.....
mungkin orang dah tak sukakan aku sekarang?
(p/s: pening kepala, sakit mata, rasa nak muntah!)
aku nak tanya....
ape yang akan kau rase kalau antara ramai2, kau je yng xtau tgt sesuatu benda tu? atau kau adalah org yang last tau.......ape kau rasa? pathetic kan? hmmm mcm tu lah perasaan aku.....
aku bukan seorang yang sukakan surprise.......aku tak suka....sbb surprise2 ni ikot pada pengalaman aku, byk menyusahkan aku mula ambik keputusan yang aku tak sukakan surprise.....
mungkin orang dah tak sukakan aku sekarang?
(p/s: pening kepala, sakit mata, rasa nak muntah!)
Monday, November 5, 2012
morning and im yawning
Salam and hye all.....
What a beautiful day with lots of workloads for sure..........
So yesterday i have a long day at the library discussed our presentation for today.....
So today, i have a presentation at 1 o'clock. I hope Allah will ease everything, and ill be talking smoothly without any emotional disturbance.... and i just hope that my baby, wouldn't broken down as what it did yesterday... i have to take bus and came back last night to take it home after the mechanic solved my problem! pheewww~~ what a day...... :)
And last night i struggled to finish up the slides, i mean doing the slides are easy but to understand wht you are going to present is not that easy... but at the end of the time, i managed to finish it. Alhamdulillah...
and now im struggling to do a research on 'same sex marriage' in each religions view.... but while doing my job, it's look like i miss my blog, the new dressed up blog...... so here i am......... heheheheee...
Ok i need to get back to my job. Ready !
Till then,tata...
(p/s: can't wait to go home!!!)
What a beautiful day with lots of workloads for sure..........
So yesterday i have a long day at the library discussed our presentation for today.....
So today, i have a presentation at 1 o'clock. I hope Allah will ease everything, and ill be talking smoothly without any emotional disturbance.... and i just hope that my baby, wouldn't broken down as what it did yesterday... i have to take bus and came back last night to take it home after the mechanic solved my problem! pheewww~~ what a day...... :)
And last night i struggled to finish up the slides, i mean doing the slides are easy but to understand wht you are going to present is not that easy... but at the end of the time, i managed to finish it. Alhamdulillah...
and now im struggling to do a research on 'same sex marriage' in each religions view.... but while doing my job, it's look like i miss my blog, the new dressed up blog...... so here i am......... heheheheee...
Ok i need to get back to my job. Ready !
Till then,tata...
(p/s: can't wait to go home!!!)
Sunday, November 4, 2012
New Look!
Salam and hola!
As you can see, i just dress up my blog! With the new header that i made my self.... it took like forever for me to make it done because i don't know the right way to make a blog's header... As heart desired to have a new header, so i made it manually. Means that, i used what ever software and tools that i have on my laptop....and finally........tadaaaa!!!! *clap**clap**clap* ok la kan for a beginner like me :)
I did search for a ready made layout on internet but the ready made one seems like lame to me..( i did going crazy with those layout when i was in form 5...hehe) so i just decided to used what are served by blogspot. The backgrounds are quite good and look nice to me and im going to change it from time to time depends on my mood...heheee.... So this layout? i like it very much. I think i don't really need complicated layout because right now, i love simplicity.... and the less, the better am i right?
Actually, i thought i may wanna have a new blog, because all the pictures in my previous post since i was for 5 are already gone. But thinking again.....i may not need new blog. Just keep with this blog, continue writing and be happy!....
And if u noticed, i did put pictures of my parents, family and loved one in my blog previously. But now i decided to remove it as i think i shouldn't exposed too much detail regarding my personal. Let me just put them in my writing.... lagi pun aku bukan artis kan? hahahaa....
Ok, let's get back to the work! :)
Till then!!
(p/s: Fall in love with Tumblr. I love those pictures )
As you can see, i just dress up my blog! With the new header that i made my self.... it took like forever for me to make it done because i don't know the right way to make a blog's header... As heart desired to have a new header, so i made it manually. Means that, i used what ever software and tools that i have on my laptop....and finally........tadaaaa!!!! *clap**clap**clap* ok la kan for a beginner like me :)
I did search for a ready made layout on internet but the ready made one seems like lame to me..( i did going crazy with those layout when i was in form 5...hehe) so i just decided to used what are served by blogspot. The backgrounds are quite good and look nice to me and im going to change it from time to time depends on my mood...heheee.... So this layout? i like it very much. I think i don't really need complicated layout because right now, i love simplicity.... and the less, the better am i right?
Actually, i thought i may wanna have a new blog, because all the pictures in my previous post since i was for 5 are already gone. But thinking again.....i may not need new blog. Just keep with this blog, continue writing and be happy!....
And if u noticed, i did put pictures of my parents, family and loved one in my blog previously. But now i decided to remove it as i think i shouldn't exposed too much detail regarding my personal. Let me just put them in my writing.... lagi pun aku bukan artis kan? hahahaa....
Ok, let's get back to the work! :)
Till then!!
(p/s: Fall in love with Tumblr. I love those pictures )
Short post
So here i am...... Sintok, Kedah Darul Aman, Malaysiaaaaaaaa.....muhahahaahaaaa..... looks like someone is over excited here.. Yes i am, im excited not because i have arrived here, it is because next week ill be home again for 6 days... yahoooo!!!! I know i should stay at hostel as i just having my holiday but yeaahh im not that kind of nerdy..... it's better for me to go back home rather than having my 6 days here.... staying here doesn't reduce the monetary thingy because i think if i stay here, im gonna go to somewhere else..Alor Star, SP, Penang, Perlis..... all these places are not for free..... car rental, gasoline, foods itself as the basic elements, needs money. It doesn't included shopping. Tell me, would you go anywhere without spending any cents for shopping? It's hard right?? very hard especially for girls. At least the girls will spent RM2.50 for the key chain as a memorial that she's been there!
So that is why im going back to Kemaman!!! :)
But before having my holiday test, presentations, assignments, studies should be done!
I've got presentation on Tuesday, submit my assignments on Wednesday and Criminal test on Thursday.
After the holiday i will face with Family Law's test. December will be an exhausted month as i need to submit the individual/paired assignments, Tort's test, prepare for the final and finally ill done with my third semester. I hope this semester will give me more enthusiasm to study and grant me with good results.
End of semester break ill get my self a part time job! there are some wish-list that should be fulfilled before i enter semester 4! :)
Till then... :)
(p/s: more work, less fbing.....)
So here i am...... Sintok, Kedah Darul Aman, Malaysiaaaaaaaa.....muhahahaahaaaa..... looks like someone is over excited here.. Yes i am, im excited not because i have arrived here, it is because next week ill be home again for 6 days... yahoooo!!!! I know i should stay at hostel as i just having my holiday but yeaahh im not that kind of nerdy..... it's better for me to go back home rather than having my 6 days here.... staying here doesn't reduce the monetary thingy because i think if i stay here, im gonna go to somewhere else..Alor Star, SP, Penang, Perlis..... all these places are not for free..... car rental, gasoline, foods itself as the basic elements, needs money. It doesn't included shopping. Tell me, would you go anywhere without spending any cents for shopping? It's hard right?? very hard especially for girls. At least the girls will spent RM2.50 for the key chain as a memorial that she's been there!
So that is why im going back to Kemaman!!! :)
But before having my holiday test, presentations, assignments, studies should be done!
I've got presentation on Tuesday, submit my assignments on Wednesday and Criminal test on Thursday.
After the holiday i will face with Family Law's test. December will be an exhausted month as i need to submit the individual/paired assignments, Tort's test, prepare for the final and finally ill done with my third semester. I hope this semester will give me more enthusiasm to study and grant me with good results.
End of semester break ill get my self a part time job! there are some wish-list that should be fulfilled before i enter semester 4! :)
Till then... :)
(p/s: more work, less fbing.....)
Friday, November 2, 2012
im going back to UUM
I don't know what the hell is going on with my blog... all the pictures has disappeared! it may due to technical problem because i remember that i deleted hundreds of blog's photos through the phone.... ohh maiiii.......
i'll fix this blog in some other time....
im so busy right now........tons of workload!
ill be headed to Shah Alam tonight with my brother and will continue my journey to UUM from there.....
It's a long story....and i have no mood to think about it.... going to class this Sunday is the main point in my head right now! im having criminal test this 8th and skip classes won't be a good idea......
and im not done packing my things yet plus the assignments bla..bla..blaa.... and thinking of coming back home this Deepavali, urrmmm would be a reality or not???
i think, i shud stop procrastinate . and go packing mean NOW!!
(p/s: please, be HAPPY!)
i'll fix this blog in some other time....
im so busy right now........tons of workload!
ill be headed to Shah Alam tonight with my brother and will continue my journey to UUM from there.....
It's a long story....and i have no mood to think about it.... going to class this Sunday is the main point in my head right now! im having criminal test this 8th and skip classes won't be a good idea......
and im not done packing my things yet plus the assignments bla..bla..blaa.... and thinking of coming back home this Deepavali, urrmmm would be a reality or not???
i think, i shud stop procrastinate . and go packing mean NOW!!
(p/s: please, be HAPPY!)
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
this and that
Salam Readers,
I don't know why do i feel this way, i mean....... my feelings, it fluctuates. And i easily upset for something stupid!! I kept thinking something that i hate the most until it produce an anger..
and i don't know why right now i feels like most of the people who know are hypocrite! and i temporary hate them when their face appeared in my mind.
Allah, please...don't make me feel this way...i hate this feeling and this conditions very much! i dont want this hatred remain in my heart...just because, this isnt me.....
and because of that i rather let myself alone........
and went everywhere by my self, so that i could think wisely........
in order to avoid me of being hypocrite.....
(p/s: this is not pms......what kind of pms if it has been for a month???)
I don't know why do i feel this way, i mean....... my feelings, it fluctuates. And i easily upset for something stupid!! I kept thinking something that i hate the most until it produce an anger..
and i don't know why right now i feels like most of the people who know are hypocrite! and i temporary hate them when their face appeared in my mind.
Allah, please...don't make me feel this way...i hate this feeling and this conditions very much! i dont want this hatred remain in my heart...just because, this isnt me.....
and because of that i rather let myself alone........
and went everywhere by my self, so that i could think wisely........
in order to avoid me of being hypocrite.....
(p/s: this is not pms......what kind of pms if it has been for a month???)
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Hipokrit bapak Hypocrates
Salam readers.....
Hipokrit .
Semua manusia akan ada perangai macam ni....walaupun sikit....
Termasuk jugak kau, dia daaaan aku.... kan? kan?...
Eh kau tak payah nak nafikan ok...tepuk dada tanya iman...
Aku, memang tak dinafikan, certain time aku akan jadi hipokrit.......... tapi tak de la obvious sangat!
Tape yang pastinye, kalau aku dah tak suke memang aku tak suke..layan pon ala-ala kadar jee...hahaha....
Jahat ke? eh tak lah...... Sebab aku nak belajar tak nak jadi HIPOKRIT sgt... hahaha....
Dan in order to make sure aku tak jadi hipokrit....aku akan better avoid any meetings which related to those yang aku kureeennggg (xde la berdosa sgtt kheennn????)
So tu je la nak ckp....
p/s: adik-adik...jgn contohi ahkakkk ye, tak baik taw benci-membenci antara satu sama lain ni.......Allah marah, Ahkah pon tgh baiki diri...ekeeekkee)
Hipokrit .
Semua manusia akan ada perangai macam ni....walaupun sikit....
Termasuk jugak kau, dia daaaan aku.... kan? kan?...
Eh kau tak payah nak nafikan ok...tepuk dada tanya iman...
Aku, memang tak dinafikan, certain time aku akan jadi hipokrit.......... tapi tak de la obvious sangat!
Tape yang pastinye, kalau aku dah tak suke memang aku tak suke..layan pon ala-ala kadar jee...hahaha....
Jahat ke? eh tak lah...... Sebab aku nak belajar tak nak jadi HIPOKRIT sgt... hahaha....
Dan in order to make sure aku tak jadi hipokrit....aku akan better avoid any meetings which related to those yang aku kureeennggg (xde la berdosa sgtt kheennn????)
So tu je la nak ckp....
p/s: adik-adik...jgn contohi ahkakkk ye, tak baik taw benci-membenci antara satu sama lain ni.......Allah marah, Ahkah pon tgh baiki diri...ekeeekkee)
Friday, October 12, 2012
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Salam readers.....
It's been a while since my last post. I have to admit that i have a dull life to be updated every day. So i only read blogs that inspired me so that i will have determination to face each days.....
So i read 1 blog...this blog really inspired me each time she came up with the new updates. And this time she said....... Do what you loves the most and never compared urself with others because Allah made each of us with different capabilities.....
so yes.....i hope ill be better as soon as i wake up later....
(p/s: felt so shitty!....i gained 6kgs....i dont enjoy uni's life so a loser......but i dont want to reverse my life. i hate that part too.why ?)
It's been a while since my last post. I have to admit that i have a dull life to be updated every day. So i only read blogs that inspired me so that i will have determination to face each days.....
So i read 1 blog...this blog really inspired me each time she came up with the new updates. And this time she said....... Do what you loves the most and never compared urself with others because Allah made each of us with different capabilities.....
so yes.....i hope ill be better as soon as i wake up later....
(p/s: felt so shitty!....i gained 6kgs....i dont enjoy uni's life so a loser......but i dont want to reverse my life. i hate that part too.why ?)
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
awal hari
Mood raya lagi kah...? hoii ...dh habis bulan raye lah.... tang buat posa nam malas nooo, tp tang raya sebulan jugak kau......
This is a short post...yes really.....
Because i just wanna wish u MORNINGGGGGGGGGGGG Mr. Bloggy! Rise and shine...........
Semoga Allah permudahan segala yang baik...amin..... Ya Rabb....
Mood raya lagi kah...? hoii ...dh habis bulan raye lah.... tang buat posa nam malas nooo, tp tang raya sebulan jugak kau......
This is a short post...yes really.....
Because i just wanna wish u MORNINGGGGGGGGGGGG Mr. Bloggy! Rise and shine...........
Semoga Allah permudahan segala yang baik...amin..... Ya Rabb....
Saturday, September 8, 2012
Selamat Hari Raya!
Masih ada mood raya tak? Raya masih lagi tinggal beberapa hari, tapi aku tak sure berapa hari lagi hehehe...
So, aku tak tulis pon entry raya sebab sibuk sangat, actually tak tau pun ape yang aku sibukkan.....
ok maybe sibuk untuk bersama insan-insan tersayang, almaklum lah....raya means dh dekat nak balik Kedah and start the new sem. So tak nak wasting masa macam tu je. Harus berjumpa dengan mereka2 yang tersayang.....
Cerita Raya....
So hari raya hari tu biasa je lah, tak la meriah sangat sebab my beloved twins cousin admitted to the hospital due to the infections in their lungs. Both of them was hospitalized. Pagi raya tu mula-mula yang masuk ialah si abang, zulkamal later on evening adik pulak yang menyusul, zulhusni.... 4 days at hospitak kerajaan and there's no change so my uncle brought them to specialist hospital, alor akar kuantan.... a week there... after went home the adik, still showed unsatisfactory condition. So my dad advised them to try another initiative which is traditional medical. After that, alhamdulillah both are fine till the last day i met them, friday...
At the same time, raya still on okeh! memang tahun ni azam nak ziarah semua saudara-mara belah mak and abah dan jugak kawan-kawan masa form six. Dah lama azam ni, sejak tahun lepas lagi, tapi selalu tak kesampaian dan tahun ni alhmdulillah...walaupun tak semua kawan-kawan form 6 aku ziarah tapi yang rapat-rapat tu aku pergi..... tahun ni aku pergi raya rumah Ailna, best friend aku mase form 6...masa lower 6 kitorang duduk sebelah je satu kelas pulak tu...tapi naik upper six kitorang berpisah...tapi still rapat...dah lama nak jumpa dia..akhirnya tahun ni dapat jugak pergi raya rumah dia dekat kuala kemaman. Masa cuti tu ramai jugak kawan2 yang aku jumpa....tapi kan lupa nk ambik gambar yang dh di snap dengan bota....haiyakkk!
Cerita Kahwin....
Sepupu aku kahwin, so sibuk tolong mak siapkan coklat untuk tetamu....aku tak buat pon coklat tu tapi aku tolong wrapped kan which are banyak gile smapai abang aku yang kasar tu pun tolong ikat reben.. hahah sweet sangat dia... :) and like usual tolong siapkan ape yang patut dekat rumah mak saudara tu...tak de byak sgt sebab mostly caterer yang buat.....this part, aku tak berapa berkenan, sebab kalau masak sendiri, wlaupun letih, sibuk yang amat tapi enjoy buat kerja sama2...... ok part ni pon aku tak de gambar sbb org lain yang tangkap gambar dan aku tak ambik dengan dia....aduhhh!
Cerita Akhir cuti...
Part ni yang aku malas. Perpisahan itu memeritkan!....hampir 3 bulan dikelilingi insan-insan tersayang, tanggal 7 September 2012 aku kembali ke bumi Sintok untuk meneruskan perjuangan yang masih belum selesai... sampai pukul 5 pagi semalam. Sampai-sampai je terus pergi pantry dekat bilik lama untukk punggah barang bawak ke bilik baru yang walaupun kecik sikit tapi nice je aku rase, sbb pemandangan tingkap dia lawa! hehe..... Allah tahu hamba Dia ni suke bukak tingkap luas-luas..hehe.. Homesick tu ade jugak sikit-sikit tapi alhamdulillah kawan-kawan kat sini ramai utk hiburkan hati. Aku memang tak call mak sbb takut lagi rindu...abah je ade call semalam...... Kalau rase nak nangis, terus call bota......lega sikit rase. Tapi semalam bota bagi tokwan cakap dengan aku...aduhh rase nk nangis.. tOkwan pesan macam-macam.... Walaupu bukan tokwan sendiri tpi rase mcm dh tokwan sendiri maklum la aku dah takde tokwan....byk betul tokwan..hehehee...
Bota balik esok which is Isnin 10 sept....memang suka2 hati dia je..... so kali ni aku ang pergi dulu..kalau 2 sem yang lepas selalu aku yang sedih bila die lambai nk pergi naik kereta... Hari-hari terakhir aku dekat Kemamn mmemang banyak masa aku luang dengan dia....
Ok lah tu je...sem ni tak nak cakap lebih-lebih nanti takut tak menjadi...doakan saya untuk jadi lebih kuat!
(p/s: haiyooo..laparrr!)
Masih ada mood raya tak? Raya masih lagi tinggal beberapa hari, tapi aku tak sure berapa hari lagi hehehe...
So, aku tak tulis pon entry raya sebab sibuk sangat, actually tak tau pun ape yang aku sibukkan.....
ok maybe sibuk untuk bersama insan-insan tersayang, almaklum lah....raya means dh dekat nak balik Kedah and start the new sem. So tak nak wasting masa macam tu je. Harus berjumpa dengan mereka2 yang tersayang.....
Cerita Raya....
So hari raya hari tu biasa je lah, tak la meriah sangat sebab my beloved twins cousin admitted to the hospital due to the infections in their lungs. Both of them was hospitalized. Pagi raya tu mula-mula yang masuk ialah si abang, zulkamal later on evening adik pulak yang menyusul, zulhusni.... 4 days at hospitak kerajaan and there's no change so my uncle brought them to specialist hospital, alor akar kuantan.... a week there... after went home the adik, still showed unsatisfactory condition. So my dad advised them to try another initiative which is traditional medical. After that, alhamdulillah both are fine till the last day i met them, friday...
At the same time, raya still on okeh! memang tahun ni azam nak ziarah semua saudara-mara belah mak and abah dan jugak kawan-kawan masa form six. Dah lama azam ni, sejak tahun lepas lagi, tapi selalu tak kesampaian dan tahun ni alhmdulillah...walaupun tak semua kawan-kawan form 6 aku ziarah tapi yang rapat-rapat tu aku pergi..... tahun ni aku pergi raya rumah Ailna, best friend aku mase form 6...masa lower 6 kitorang duduk sebelah je satu kelas pulak tu...tapi naik upper six kitorang berpisah...tapi still rapat...dah lama nak jumpa dia..akhirnya tahun ni dapat jugak pergi raya rumah dia dekat kuala kemaman. Masa cuti tu ramai jugak kawan2 yang aku jumpa....tapi kan lupa nk ambik gambar yang dh di snap dengan bota....haiyakkk!
Cerita Kahwin....
Sepupu aku kahwin, so sibuk tolong mak siapkan coklat untuk tetamu....aku tak buat pon coklat tu tapi aku tolong wrapped kan which are banyak gile smapai abang aku yang kasar tu pun tolong ikat reben.. hahah sweet sangat dia... :) and like usual tolong siapkan ape yang patut dekat rumah mak saudara tu...tak de byak sgt sebab mostly caterer yang buat.....this part, aku tak berapa berkenan, sebab kalau masak sendiri, wlaupun letih, sibuk yang amat tapi enjoy buat kerja sama2...... ok part ni pon aku tak de gambar sbb org lain yang tangkap gambar dan aku tak ambik dengan dia....aduhhh!
Cerita Akhir cuti...
Part ni yang aku malas. Perpisahan itu memeritkan!....hampir 3 bulan dikelilingi insan-insan tersayang, tanggal 7 September 2012 aku kembali ke bumi Sintok untuk meneruskan perjuangan yang masih belum selesai... sampai pukul 5 pagi semalam. Sampai-sampai je terus pergi pantry dekat bilik lama untukk punggah barang bawak ke bilik baru yang walaupun kecik sikit tapi nice je aku rase, sbb pemandangan tingkap dia lawa! hehe..... Allah tahu hamba Dia ni suke bukak tingkap luas-luas..hehe.. Homesick tu ade jugak sikit-sikit tapi alhamdulillah kawan-kawan kat sini ramai utk hiburkan hati. Aku memang tak call mak sbb takut lagi rindu...abah je ade call semalam...... Kalau rase nak nangis, terus call bota......lega sikit rase. Tapi semalam bota bagi tokwan cakap dengan aku...aduhh rase nk nangis.. tOkwan pesan macam-macam.... Walaupu bukan tokwan sendiri tpi rase mcm dh tokwan sendiri maklum la aku dah takde tokwan....byk betul tokwan..hehehee...
Bota balik esok which is Isnin 10 sept....memang suka2 hati dia je..... so kali ni aku ang pergi dulu..kalau 2 sem yang lepas selalu aku yang sedih bila die lambai nk pergi naik kereta... Hari-hari terakhir aku dekat Kemamn mmemang banyak masa aku luang dengan dia....
(p/s: haiyooo..laparrr!)
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Ramadhan Ya Kareem
Salam Ramadhan Muslims.....
By the time i write this, it's already 12th Ramadhan. So hows your fasting process? your iman? your ibadah?
Me....alhamdulillah, still can complete the 13 nights of goal for this year is i want to complete my tarawikh as long as im not in the 'red zone' (ya know what i mean...) haaiihh.... best nye kalau dpt complete 30 days... but seems like impossible je because the sign of my 'best friend' had already shown up....
Well, to be frank, memang agak susah dan mencabar sebab godaan tu selalu ada dan betullah kata orang awal-awal Ramadhan kita akan bersemangat untuk tunaikan ibadah, tapi bila dah pertengahan, Ya Allah..liat betul.... Same goes to me.... in addition, aku kerja part-time dekat bazar setiap hari so you know lah kan how busy the bazar is kan?.....i starts at 2.30 and ends after iftar, depends..... mostly pukul 8 mlm dah balik rumah la.... Alhamdulillah, rezeki Ramdhan Allah nak bagi..ada la jugak duit poket sendiri nak beli baju raya tambahan hehehe....
So berbalik pada tadi....memang agak rushing la bila balik tu nak berkejar pergi terawikh pulak...alhamdulillah sempat, kalau tak sempat atau letih sangat, terawikh kat rumah je la kan..... Perasaan malas tu memang ada, tp lawan la, mungkin kita akan jadi kurang khusyuk sikit sebab buat dalam keadaan terpaksa ni kan, tapi as for me benda baik nak-nak lagi ibadah ni kita memang kena paksa diri kita untuk laksanakan jugak selagi mampu. Bukan apa, untuk latih diri kita supaya nanti tak de la liat bila dah terbiasa buat kan? Tapi apa yang paling penting kewajipan yang 5 waktu tu tidak boleh tidak, harus dilaksanakan jugak (peringatan utk diri sendiri!)
Allah. tetapkan lah hati ini......
Ok bercakap pasal haid atau period bagi perempuan ni, as i googling, i read about kisah Saidatina Aisyah r.a. Tentang kesedihan isteri kesayangan baginda nabi Muhammad s.a.w... Dalam kisah tersebut, Saidatina Aisyah bersedih kerana telah kedatangan haid pada bulan Ramdhan sewaktu umat islam sedang berlumba-lumba beribadah kepada Allah s.w.t. Saidatina Aisyah r.a merasakan hilangnya peluang untuk dia berbadah kpd Allah....Namun, Baginda Rasulullah s.a.w memujuk kekasih hatinya itu dengan bersabda. “Ini adalah suatu yang ditetapkan Allah ke atas anak-anak perempuan Adam, maka tunaikanlah apa yang ditunaikan oleh orang yang melakukan haji kecuali janganlah kamu bertawaf di Baitullah sehinggalah kamu telah mandi (suci dari haid)”. (Riwayat Muslim) sayang Allah pada kita yang perampuan-perempuan ni kan?.......Dia tahu kita ni lemah, tak segagah lelaki so Dia bagi kita cuti rehat.... Ibadah still boleh buat, tp of course la tak boleh solat, mengaji Al-Quran tu....tapi Allah suruh kita perbanyakkan zikir. Dan rindu seorang perempuan untuk beribadah seperti orang lain yang tidak dalam haid, turut dikurniakan pahala.... (Allah, sayang nya Dia kat perempuan....) bertuah betul jadi perempuan! :)
hmm.....jadi tak ada alasan lagi kan?....
Semoga kita mendapat manfaat daripada apa yang kita kerjakan....amin..... :)
(p/s: sedang persiapkan diri.......)
By the time i write this, it's already 12th Ramadhan. So hows your fasting process? your iman? your ibadah?
Me....alhamdulillah, still can complete the 13 nights of goal for this year is i want to complete my tarawikh as long as im not in the 'red zone' (ya know what i mean...) haaiihh.... best nye kalau dpt complete 30 days... but seems like impossible je because the sign of my 'best friend' had already shown up....
Well, to be frank, memang agak susah dan mencabar sebab godaan tu selalu ada dan betullah kata orang awal-awal Ramadhan kita akan bersemangat untuk tunaikan ibadah, tapi bila dah pertengahan, Ya Allah..liat betul.... Same goes to me.... in addition, aku kerja part-time dekat bazar setiap hari so you know lah kan how busy the bazar is kan?.....i starts at 2.30 and ends after iftar, depends..... mostly pukul 8 mlm dah balik rumah la.... Alhamdulillah, rezeki Ramdhan Allah nak bagi..ada la jugak duit poket sendiri nak beli baju raya tambahan hehehe....
So berbalik pada tadi....memang agak rushing la bila balik tu nak berkejar pergi terawikh pulak...alhamdulillah sempat, kalau tak sempat atau letih sangat, terawikh kat rumah je la kan..... Perasaan malas tu memang ada, tp lawan la, mungkin kita akan jadi kurang khusyuk sikit sebab buat dalam keadaan terpaksa ni kan, tapi as for me benda baik nak-nak lagi ibadah ni kita memang kena paksa diri kita untuk laksanakan jugak selagi mampu. Bukan apa, untuk latih diri kita supaya nanti tak de la liat bila dah terbiasa buat kan? Tapi apa yang paling penting kewajipan yang 5 waktu tu tidak boleh tidak, harus dilaksanakan jugak (peringatan utk diri sendiri!)
Allah. tetapkan lah hati ini......
Ok bercakap pasal haid atau period bagi perempuan ni, as i googling, i read about kisah Saidatina Aisyah r.a. Tentang kesedihan isteri kesayangan baginda nabi Muhammad s.a.w... Dalam kisah tersebut, Saidatina Aisyah bersedih kerana telah kedatangan haid pada bulan Ramdhan sewaktu umat islam sedang berlumba-lumba beribadah kepada Allah s.w.t. Saidatina Aisyah r.a merasakan hilangnya peluang untuk dia berbadah kpd Allah....Namun, Baginda Rasulullah s.a.w memujuk kekasih hatinya itu dengan bersabda. “Ini adalah suatu yang ditetapkan Allah ke atas anak-anak perempuan Adam, maka tunaikanlah apa yang ditunaikan oleh orang yang melakukan haji kecuali janganlah kamu bertawaf di Baitullah sehinggalah kamu telah mandi (suci dari haid)”. (Riwayat Muslim) sayang Allah pada kita yang perampuan-perempuan ni kan?.......Dia tahu kita ni lemah, tak segagah lelaki so Dia bagi kita cuti rehat.... Ibadah still boleh buat, tp of course la tak boleh solat, mengaji Al-Quran tu....tapi Allah suruh kita perbanyakkan zikir. Dan rindu seorang perempuan untuk beribadah seperti orang lain yang tidak dalam haid, turut dikurniakan pahala.... (Allah, sayang nya Dia kat perempuan....) bertuah betul jadi perempuan! :)
hmm.....jadi tak ada alasan lagi kan?....
Semoga kita mendapat manfaat daripada apa yang kita kerjakan....amin..... :)
(p/s: sedang persiapkan diri.......)
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
need a little help... thinking of something to improve my blog....make it nicer, more interesting, new fresh look but i dont know where to start....................
does there anybody who can help me............?
stay tune.....
does there anybody who can help me............?
stay tune.....
Friday, July 6, 2012
Pagi ni terasa nak cakap pasal MAAF....
Maaf, Sorry......ungkapan yang kita org melayu ni sering je lafaz.....
Tersilap pijak kain, 'Opps!! sorry....xsengaja....'
Kalau yang jenis skema sikit, 'Maaf tak sengaja'
Benda kecik tak pe la kan....maaf boleh dan senang diterima...
hari ni,aku bangun awal so sempat tgk motivasi pagi yang merencanakan tentang MAAF
Well actually all this while since that 'day' i never be at peace...
senang cerita to be frank, aku hidup dalam dendam... aku mendendami mereka itu, yang telah melukai hati aku....
Sekarang aku sedar, kerana maaf, aku tidak tenang...hati sering gundah kerana dendam....aku tak pernah terfikir utk membalas balik namun hatiku sering merasakan dendam hingga membuatkan aku benci...ku pendam dalam hati...
Benar mereka itu pernah melukai hati aku hingga ke saat ini terpaksa aku menanggung kesannya..hampir 2 tahun berlalu...namun luka masih terasa ngilu....walau pelbagai kata-kata manis diungkap, aku lebih berhati-hati.....
kepercayaan kini makin sukar utk aku berikan kpd manusia....
hatiku tak tenang dgn semua ni.......
kerana maaf tak dapt aku berikan.....
Ya Allah, berikan aku kekuatan utk aku berikan kemaafan tersebut........
aku hanya inginkan ketenangan.....
dan kekuatan hati...
Thursday, July 5, 2012
its a boring nite
Heyyy.... i miss blogging... but im too lazy to drop something here...
there are lots of stories untold but malasssss....
So how's sem break? ok..ok la.... typical things to do...
can't wait for ramadhan but rmadhan means time is getting nearer to the end of sem break....
tak nak duk jauh-jauh la boleh tak????.....hmmm...seksa betul saat berpisah tu....
we already done with two semester...i've have 6 semester to go while he have 4 semester to go....
ok this ramadhan, ill be working at the bazaar ramadhan...
so im gonna use the wages to buy baju kurungssssss byk2, long skirt, black and white attire...
i wanna feel fresh for the new semester...feeling (still feel it) so motivated when i saw my senior had done their chambering..... nak jugak mcm tu boleh tak..???? why aku ni malas sgt nak study mcm senior2 tu ha???
oohh Raihan dont you realize????? tak study means....u r nothing! bodoh! i dont wanna be bodoh.... i entered university to learn, not to senang lenang........................wake up..please wake up!!!
hmm... last 2 days, i went for a muet speaking test......harap2 everything gonna be fine.....kenapa mulut susuah sgt nk speaking but when it came to writing, i felt so easyyy...i mean easy than speaking...... the written paper will be on this 27......27 means ramadhan oledyyy maaaa........... laya...balik break.....again and again...haih lambat betul kawin..... :P
ok laa.....xde gambar sbb pakai lappy mak... lappy sndiri jam lagi......oohh rindu lappy! :(
(p/s: jerawat byk.......!!!!!)
Heyyy.... i miss blogging... but im too lazy to drop something here...
there are lots of stories untold but malasssss....
So how's sem break? ok..ok la.... typical things to do...
can't wait for ramadhan but rmadhan means time is getting nearer to the end of sem break....
tak nak duk jauh-jauh la boleh tak????.....hmmm...seksa betul saat berpisah tu....
we already done with two semester...i've have 6 semester to go while he have 4 semester to go....
ok this ramadhan, ill be working at the bazaar ramadhan...
so im gonna use the wages to buy baju kurungssssss byk2, long skirt, black and white attire...
i wanna feel fresh for the new semester...feeling (still feel it) so motivated when i saw my senior had done their chambering..... nak jugak mcm tu boleh tak..???? why aku ni malas sgt nak study mcm senior2 tu ha???
oohh Raihan dont you realize????? tak study means....u r nothing! bodoh! i dont wanna be bodoh.... i entered university to learn, not to senang lenang........................wake up..please wake up!!!
hmm... last 2 days, i went for a muet speaking test......harap2 everything gonna be fine.....kenapa mulut susuah sgt nk speaking but when it came to writing, i felt so easyyy...i mean easy than speaking...... the written paper will be on this 27......27 means ramadhan oledyyy maaaa........... laya...balik break.....again and again...haih lambat betul kawin..... :P
ok laa.....xde gambar sbb pakai lappy mak... lappy sndiri jam lagi......oohh rindu lappy! :(
(p/s: jerawat byk.......!!!!!)
Sunday, June 17, 2012
3 years already....
p/s: not in the mood to blog...migrain is my best friend nowadays...
3 years already....
p/s: not in the mood to blog...migrain is my best friend nowadays...
Monday, June 11, 2012
Exam mode
Kadang-kadang jarak itu harus sengaja dicipta agar ia boleh terisi dengan rindu...... :)
Hari tak selalunya indah kan?....ada masa kita terpaksa meredah hujan,ribut, dan taufan...
InsyaALLAH...aku akan kuat.....
chaiyokk utk exam Raihan........!!! semua perkara pasti akan ada hikmah disebaliknya.... don't worry Raihan, Allah tak kan selamanya bagi kita bersedih.....
(p/s:Allah, aku pohon kau isilah hati aku dengan perkara-perkara yang positif :)
Hari tak selalunya indah kan?....ada masa kita terpaksa meredah hujan,ribut, dan taufan...
InsyaALLAH...aku akan kuat.....
chaiyokk utk exam Raihan........!!! semua perkara pasti akan ada hikmah disebaliknya.... don't worry Raihan, Allah tak kan selamanya bagi kita bersedih.....
(p/s:Allah, aku pohon kau isilah hati aku dengan perkara-perkara yang positif :)
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Salam and morning everyone!!...ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....what a relieve!!!!very good relieved! Whenever i am in trouble, i will find these two girls first... from left named, Nor Hasmah bt Mohamad(Moh) and right Maizatul Akmal bt Mohd Nordin (Kema)...yessssss i could still remember their name..perfectly! Kema already married so i rarely find her whenever i have problem...but hasmah is single as me... dan ape yang aku nk cerita...aku sgggttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt lega lepas borak2 panjang ngan hasmah!!!!! sangat!! terasa macam dpt semangat baru nk study and forget segala tekanan dan kesedihan.... syg sgt hasmah!!!! rase lega gilaaa lepas ckp!!!! criuzlyy! dulu2 senang nk jumpe...skrg bila dh tepisah jauh....susah sgt nk jumpe...sedihh betul... ape y blh aku katakan hasmah bkn kawan aku tp dh mcm adik bradik sndiri.....thnx mohhh!!!! syg mu ketat2! terima kasih korbankan waktu tido mu....wlaupun aku tau mu penat kerje tadi.....
(p/s: jgn putus asa!! walau apa y berlaku....DAHULUKAN APA YANG DAHULU! semoga ukhwah ini berkekalan smpai syurga...amin...Ya Allah, gembirakan hati sahabatkku ini...)
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Friday, May 25, 2012
in the middle of the night
Salam readers,
for the final exam starting this 4th June........
If u noticed, we are in the month of Rejab.... after Ramadhan, Rasulullah saw loves to have a fast during this's full with barakah... and i did my fast on 1st Rejab, alhamdulillah... since the exam is sooooo just around the corner, i've decided to have an Facebook fast too....... but for the certain unavoidable reasons, buka la jugakkks..ahaiii..... actually i more prefer to use an email rather than fb msg but yeahh obviously different people, different thoughts... so terpaksa la ikutt je.......
and, recently, ok2 before that i wanna ask u.....did u read dena baharin's blog?...yes the young bride tu....ok sgt sweet! so...recently, i read her blog and im so in love with her story (of course...sape tak nak kawen weehh??) but that will be a different story, i wanna tell ya that im so in love with the song that she is being used in her proposal video..sangat best!.... A thousand years, by Christina Perri. Actually i was kept on asking what was the song's title?....who sang it?...then one fine day while driving through the land of Perlis, i've got the answer!..yess...terus made a draft on msg in case i forget again and then try to download at 4shared and fineeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee i forgot my id...... (haku lemah bab2 download2 lau ni..sbb xbrape gile sgt pon, in case haku download lagu tu makne nye mmg aku suke sgt la tu....) so the solution was, dengaq kat youtube trus video...curlasss giteww kan? so just forget the dream to made the song as my ringtone.. and listen to this song, and baru tahu it was the soundtrack for the Twilight..i now im so lame =.=' ......
I want my old me...who will always counted on her calories intake, who loved to exercise, who hate supper, who will avoided foods contains excessive fats! who only eat nasi lemak and roti canai once a year. This is so wrong...!! i hate this student life! i hate my weight right now! i hate my self who keep on searching foods in the middle of the night and who is too lazy to put on her sport shoe and jog for 2.4km... and now, 200 meter dh pancit!... i don't wanna let 42kg remains as the memory...i will get them back.ok at least 45kg.....
Till then.....salam...
(p/s: there's no guarantee that this life would be an easier.... because this not drama....)
for the final exam starting this 4th June........
If u noticed, we are in the month of Rejab.... after Ramadhan, Rasulullah saw loves to have a fast during this's full with barakah... and i did my fast on 1st Rejab, alhamdulillah... since the exam is sooooo just around the corner, i've decided to have an Facebook fast too....... but for the certain unavoidable reasons, buka la jugakkks..ahaiii..... actually i more prefer to use an email rather than fb msg but yeahh obviously different people, different thoughts... so terpaksa la ikutt je.......
and, recently, ok2 before that i wanna ask u.....did u read dena baharin's blog?...yes the young bride tu....ok sgt sweet! so...recently, i read her blog and im so in love with her story (of course...sape tak nak kawen weehh??) but that will be a different story, i wanna tell ya that im so in love with the song that she is being used in her proposal video..sangat best!.... A thousand years, by Christina Perri. Actually i was kept on asking what was the song's title?....who sang it?...then one fine day while driving through the land of Perlis, i've got the answer!..yess...terus made a draft on msg in case i forget again and then try to download at 4shared and fineeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee i forgot my id...... (haku lemah bab2 download2 lau ni..sbb xbrape gile sgt pon, in case haku download lagu tu makne nye mmg aku suke sgt la tu....) so the solution was, dengaq kat youtube trus video...curlasss giteww kan? so just forget the dream to made the song as my ringtone.. and listen to this song, and baru tahu it was the soundtrack for the Twilight..i now im so lame =.=' ......
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i put this as my wallpaper so that each time nak berjimba dekat fb..i will keep on mind that hoii tak sedaq diri lagi ka???? |
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Org ckp ok je xgemuk pon but hey i know my own body, i need my 42kg back! i hate this feeling.. |
I want my old me...who will always counted on her calories intake, who loved to exercise, who hate supper, who will avoided foods contains excessive fats! who only eat nasi lemak and roti canai once a year. This is so wrong...!! i hate this student life! i hate my weight right now! i hate my self who keep on searching foods in the middle of the night and who is too lazy to put on her sport shoe and jog for 2.4km... and now, 200 meter dh pancit!... i don't wanna let 42kg remains as the memory...i will get them back.ok at least 45kg.....
Till then.....salam...
(p/s: there's no guarantee that this life would be an easier.... because this not drama....)
Saturday, May 19, 2012
It was serenely green. Im so in love with this paddy field. Few years back, i always dreamt of this kind of atmosphere. It pictured me, in the big mansion in the middle of the paddy field and i actually don't know who i was surrounded by but to be sincere, i felt so blessed... and today i am be able to feel the tranquility and i bet it was actually a sign that i will studying here, at the north of Peninsular Malaysia. I love this place very much! i love nature..... Allah knows what is the best for us rite??... Happy Sunday everyone~ :)
(p/s: Last week was a hectic week. Im so sick with the emotional breakdown, assignments, rude peoples etc..etc... im hoping that this new day will be the the better day, better week, better month before my final exam... do pray for me!)
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Last day of April...
Salam dear readers....
Ok as for today i would like to share something, something secret.... secret means family shouldn't know this.
Yesterday, on my way to Jitra while driving, i came with a decision to have part time job... and i know if my family find out about this, they will totally disagree and scold me. That is why i said this is a secret...hehehe...jeng..jeng...jeng.....~
Actually this are one of my big decisions that i ever took in my life. Im trying to be an independent person because i think i shouldn't bothersome my family anymore. For this 21 years, i never depend on my own self. What i desired, i asked family to get it......
and now because of my wasteful spending, i regretted my self... I realize that this is the process, learning process... right now i learn how to save money, how to say NO to the passion and preceded with the needs first. Some of my friends objected, but i already made my my own decision. I will try for couple of week first, and if felt like i can't get into this new situation, i will quit. Moreover the final exam is just around the corner and i won't gamble my education just to get money. I optimist, because i already asked Allah to guide me.. If He said i can go through this situation, then i will go...... if He said otherwise, i will quit.
Done with the secret part. The another part that i would like to tell u is...... i just sign up for the July's MUET...hehehe..... so i need to working so hard because this time there will be no teacher to guide me. I will do it on my own and will try refresh back what i had been thought when i was in form 6. InsyaALLAH, He will help me....perghh.... part time+study+final+muet.... i dont know whether i can manage it or not.... ill try first..
Ok lah...till my next post....daaaadaaaaa.....
(p/s: haihhh.....another stages of life.....Allah please make things easier for me.....)
Ok as for today i would like to share something, something secret.... secret means family shouldn't know this.
Yesterday, on my way to Jitra while driving, i came with a decision to have part time job... and i know if my family find out about this, they will totally disagree and scold me. That is why i said this is a secret...hehehe...jeng..jeng...jeng.....~
Actually this are one of my big decisions that i ever took in my life. Im trying to be an independent person because i think i shouldn't bothersome my family anymore. For this 21 years, i never depend on my own self. What i desired, i asked family to get it......
and now because of my wasteful spending, i regretted my self... I realize that this is the process, learning process... right now i learn how to save money, how to say NO to the passion and preceded with the needs first. Some of my friends objected, but i already made my my own decision. I will try for couple of week first, and if felt like i can't get into this new situation, i will quit. Moreover the final exam is just around the corner and i won't gamble my education just to get money. I optimist, because i already asked Allah to guide me.. If He said i can go through this situation, then i will go...... if He said otherwise, i will quit.
Done with the secret part. The another part that i would like to tell u is...... i just sign up for the July's MUET...hehehe..... so i need to working so hard because this time there will be no teacher to guide me. I will do it on my own and will try refresh back what i had been thought when i was in form 6. InsyaALLAH, He will help me....perghh.... part time+study+final+muet.... i dont know whether i can manage it or not.... ill try first..
Ok lah...till my next post....daaaadaaaaa.....
(p/s: haihhh.....another stages of life.....Allah please make things easier for me.....)
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