Formula pemakanan genius-genius Islam silam yang menjadi rahsia keajaiban daya intelek mereka. Formula ini terpendam di dalam kitab-kitab tradisional dalam bahasa Arab. Tersembunyi dari pengetahuan orang Arab dan umat Islam sendiri. Namun akhir-akhir ini ada usaha-usaha untuk mengetengahkan kembali kepada umum. Sekarang semacam ada kecenderungan di kalangan ilmuan Islam dan bukan Islam untuk mengkaji dan menguji keabsahan formula ini. Ini didorong oleh penemuan - penemuan saintifik yang membuktikan kebenarannya, khususnya terhadap susu, madu dan telur. Berikut adalah formula pemakanan genius - genius Islam yang telah terbukti berupaya meningkatkan kepintaran dan kekuatan daya ingatan :
1) MADUMadu adalah makanan yang sangat berkhasiat. Al-Quran mengiktirafkannya sebagai “shifa’” iaitu penyembuh penyakit. Manisan madu digelar “Raja Ubat”, dapat menyembuh kebanyakkan penyakit. Ia adalah makanan untuk kesihatan keseluruhannya. Ia mengandungi pelbagai jenis vitamin, mineral, protein, antiseptik dan enzim yang meningkatkan ingatan dan kecerdasan mental individu. Madu juga mengandungi pelbagai zat galian yang penting seperti kalsium, sulfur, fosforus, zat besi, karbon, magnesium, potassium (kalium), kuprum, silika, klorin, mangganese dan belerang untuk memupuk tenaga dan kesihatan fizikal-mental. Rasullullah s.a.w bersabda, “Siapa ingin hafal, hendaklah ia minum manisan madu”. Madu didapati berkesan untuk merawati penyakit - penyakit mental di mana ia boleh menghindarkan kepenatan kerja otak seperti berfikir, membaca, merancang dan bermesyuarat.
CARA MINUM : 2 sudu teh pada waktu pagi dan malam.PANTANG : Jangan makan tembikai semasa menggunakan madu. Sangat merbahaya !
2) KISMISMengandungi zat besi yang amat diperlukan untuk membina darah bagi memastikan bekalan oksigen yang mencukupi untuk disalurkan ke otak. Kekurangan oksigen menyebabkan seseorang mudah mengantuk, pelupa, lembab dan mengalami kelemahan dalam berfikir.
CARA MAKAN :i)Menghadap Kiblatii)Baca “Bismillah” dan selawat ke atas nabi (3 kali)iii)Baca doa penerang hatiiv)Makan secara kemam seperti makan gula-gula. Tidak berkesan jika dikunyah seperti makan kacang.v)Makan sebiji-biji sebanyak 21 biji setiap hari.
3) SUSU SEGARSusu berguna untk kesihatan otak, mempertajamkan ingatan, membekalkan tenaga mental dan fizikal. Susu mengandungi tiga unsur semulajadi iaitu keju, lemak dan air yang amat diperlukan untuk pertumbuhan badan dan otak. Susu adalah makanan yang paling lengkap dan berkhasiat. Ia mengandungi enam kelas makanan yang amat diperlukan oleh tubuh iaitu karbohidrat, lemak, protein, semua jenis vitamin, mineral dan air. Ia berkhasiat untuk merawati kesihatan umum dan merupakan penawar kelupaan yang berkesan. Rasullullah s.a.w menerangkan susu boleh menguatkan belakang, menambahi akal, memperbaiki penglihatan dan menghindari penyakit lupa. Susu yang terbaik untuk ketajaman minda ialah susu kambing, biri - biri dan lembu yang segar. Susu hidup lebih berkhasiat dari susu debu.
CARA MINUM :i)Sekurang-kurangnya segelas pada sebelah pagi dan malamii)Baca “Bismillah” dan doa minum susu seperti yang dibaca oleh Rasullullah s.a.w
4) TELURBermanfaat untuk menambah kekuatan otak, badan dan menjaga kesihatan keseluruhannya. Ahli - ahli kesihatan mengakui ia merupakan makanan yang lengkap dan berkhasiat. Ia mengandungi protein, mineral, vitamin, kalsium, kuprum, magnesium, fosforus, kalium, sulfur, natrium, klorin, zat besi, air, choline dan bahan ekstraktif. Sabda Nabi s.a.w, “Sesungguhnya seorang nabi a.s mengadu kepada Allah (kerana dia)lemah badan. Maka Allah s.w.t memerintahkannya supaya memakan telur”. Telur terutama telur kuning, berupaya mengatasi masalah kelemahan tenaga fizikal dan minda sekaligus. Telur yang terbaik ialah telur ayam kampung dan yang masih baru.
5) HALIAIanya sangat mujarab untuk gejala kelupaan. Ia boleh dimakan mentah atau dibuat halua. Halua ialah halia yang dijadikan manis - manisan dengan merebus dan mencampurkannya dengan gula.
CARA MAKAN : Dimakan sedikit sahaja pada waktu pagi.
6) LIMAU ORENBerkhasiat untuk mengemaskan urat-urat jantung dan menambah kekuatan fikiran menurut hadis Nabi s.a.w. Limau - limau jenis lain juga elok untuk diamalkan.
7) BUAH DELIMAUntuk penerang hati. Sabda Nabi s.a.w, “Barangsiapa yang memakan buah delima keseluruhannya, sesungguhnya Allah menerangkan hatinya selama 40 hari.”
DAGING BURUNG MERPATIIanya banyak digunakan oleh bijak pandai Islam dan Melayu dahulukala. Ia mengandungi protein, lemak, kalsium, fosforus dan kalori. Sangat efektif untuk meningkatkan kecerdasan terutama kanak - kanak. Kaedah ini sangat popular dan berkesan. Kanak - kanak yang diberi telur burung merpati didapati dapat bercakap lebih awal dari kebiasaannya.
9) OTAK AYAMBoleh dibuat sup dan dicampur dengan halia. Otak ayam yang segar juga boleh dibuat penawar sementara bagi gigitan ular. Perlu diamalkan memakannya.
10) DAGING AYAMBerbanding dengan semua jenis daging, ayam dianggap mengandungi kadar zat pemakanan yang paling tinggi. Daging ayam betina dara terutamanya berkhasiat meningkatkan prestasi otak dan membaiki darah. Abu Musa r.a meriawayatkan bahawa Nabi s.a.w memakan daging ayam betina.
11) DAGING BIRI-BIRIMenambah darah, sesuai untuk orang aktif dan bekerja berat serta dapat meningkatkan kekuatan hafazan.
12) HATITerutamanya hati ayam dan lembu. Mengandungi pelbagai jenis vitamin dan bermanfaat untuk kesihatan mental dan fizikal.
13) KEKACANGBeberapa jenis kacang seperti gajus, berangan, kacang soya, pistachio dan lain-lain. Kacang pistachio dipercayai sangat efektif untuk meningkatkan kecerdasan terutamanya kanak-kanak. Memakan kacang pistachio merupakan amalan pemakanan seorang pelajar genius berbangsa Melayu yang tinggal di Melaka. Kekacang mengandungi nilai protein yang tinggi.
14) BUAH BADAMUntuk meningkatkan kecerdasan.
15) ZA’FARAN : KOMKOMA (CROCOS SATIVUS)Sejenis bahan berambu merah. Dimakan sedikit sahaja. Dijual di kedai-kedai runcit India dan sesetengah kedai runcit Melayu.
16) KEMENYAN PUTIH (kemenyan serani/luban/kundar)Ditumbuk halus-halus dan dimakan dengan gula.
17) BUNGA KOBISTerdapat sejenis asid amino untuk tenaga mental.
18) BUNGA CENGKEHDitumbuk sehingga halus lalu diamakn sedikit sahaja.
19) LABUBerfaedah menambahkan keupayaan fikiran dan akal. Sabda Nabi s.a.w., “Makanlah labu kerana ia mencerdaskan akal”. Baginda juga berkata, “Jika kamu membuat sup (atau kuah), dianjurkan memasukkan labu ke dalamnya kerana ia menambahkan kemampuan fikiran dan akal.
20) BUAH KEDEKAI (MAJALAWI)Menguatkan hafalan dan menguatkan kekuatan badan.
21) MINYAK SAPIDimakan terus atau dicampurkan dengan masakan dalam kuantiti yang kecil.
22) SAYUR-SAYURAN DAN BAUH-BUAHAN SEGARJuga membantu meningkatkan akal dan
p/s: sources is the courtesy of Rahsia Kehidupan
money makers.. click!!
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Saturday, April 25, 2009
luahan dan perkongsian dlm khidupan
okeh ni ak nk lepas geram gak la..
walaupun mgkn orang tu xkan bace blog aku..(aku ni sape kan..bdk skolah je..)
dulu kan aku ske sgt kat die...aku adore lah die ni. Tiap kali jmpe msti kitorag akn beramah mesra tambah2 plk die nk mmg ramah la..ngn mak..abah dan adk brdik y lain. Pendek kate, wlaupun die ni biasa je tp kami senang sgt2 ngn lps die dh dpt pegang jawatan besar dimana yang memerlukan die mnjadi ketua yang slalu kne bg arahan ni..die totally change!..
criuz,tegas je manjang..btl la anda tu bos kan tp jgn lah ngn kami2 yang mmg terrelated ngn anda ni pon nk dibuat cam kami ni org bawahan ok!..aku mmg xsangke btl la die blh berubah..! imm totally miss the old one of urs..mybe diri anda yang dulu xsemenarik dan tak secantik anda yang its ok, kami xde mslh ngan itu..kami rindu ngan diri anda yang comel dulu, tp sekarang anda mmg dah cantik tapi dh hlg kecomelannya.Tp xpe mgkn anda rse lbh yakin dgn penampilan anda y tiptop skrg, mklumlah anda bekerja dgn org y berpangkat besar..malu pulak rse nye kan klo anda tampil xmenarik..personally aku mmg rindu diri die yang lame. Dlu aku xrase terasing pun bile ade depan sekarang dh lain..aku macam orang lain j..frankly aku rse terasing!.. mcm kite xpnh knl..
Tahniah atas perkahwinan tadi...alhamdulillah semua selamat..kami semua gembira dan bersyukur krana dapat ahli mse dkt kenduri tu kan, aku rse lain like no chemistry at all dgn die..hanya sekali aku berckp ngn die tu pon mse dh nk blk...first and last bersalam sepanjang 2 hari(lbh-kurang la..) kat umh die. Ms memula mmg aku jmpe die tp die seems too bz nk bersalam..ntah..bersalam mgkn dh jadi semakin mahal utk diberikan kot..sedih tau! aku dpt rse cam aku ni sekadar tetamu je smata2 kat mjls tu..tak tahu nk buat terkial.rse cam org bodoh pn ade..well to b frank, aku lbh suke kiranya aku turut sibok memeriah mjls tu..(like tlg msk ke ape ke..) ni tak aku rse cm org luar. Jauh sgt drp situasi mjls kluarga saudara lain..dimna sme fmly pn cbok buat keje gak..perasaan dan situasi ni rse asing krna xpnh jd cm ni tau..since gne catering so mmg la xde kje sgt kan..(i hate cooperation btween fmly la klo cmtu..) ntah least kan senyum pun xpon kami sekadar berpandangan tp xde senyuman dilempar..ooh kamu xbegituu dulu..kamu berubah sungguh jauh..
Die rapat ngn abah since dh berubah, abah jd kecik ati ngn die..(ade incident la..xyah cite eh..huhu) abah walaupun kuat tp perasaan die ckp sensitif..aku mkn paham tentang abah..after inciden tu la abah dh strt xtye die ape2 dah..abh senyap je..kadang2 kesian plak aku tgk la die tu kirenya ank sedare kesayangan abah jugak la..abah kate die btl2 kecewa dgn perubahan y ditunjukkan..krg mmg dh blh nmpk abah mmg dh xckp ngn die..
Kate abah jugak manusia ni tak kan sedar selagi die tidak menghadapi kesusahan hidup yang sangat memeritkan..yang begitu terkesan dlm hidop..nauzubillah~..
Dalam kalangn sepupu pn die agk lbh ngn si A ni sbb mybe A ni mmg agk standard..
Entahla...kami akan selalu doakan kebahagiaan diri anda..dan semoga anda dapat kembali ke diri anda yang asl dulu..kerana kami sangat rindu ngan kak***** yang lama!..
p/s:semoga rezeki yang bakal Allah kurniakan kiranya aku berjaya suatu hari nnti tdk akan menenggelam kan aku dalam nikmat dunia yg sementara ni..insyaallh~
walaupun mgkn orang tu xkan bace blog aku..(aku ni sape kan..bdk skolah je..)
dulu kan aku ske sgt kat die...aku adore lah die ni. Tiap kali jmpe msti kitorag akn beramah mesra tambah2 plk die nk mmg ramah la..ngn mak..abah dan adk brdik y lain. Pendek kate, wlaupun die ni biasa je tp kami senang sgt2 ngn lps die dh dpt pegang jawatan besar dimana yang memerlukan die mnjadi ketua yang slalu kne bg arahan ni..die totally change!..
criuz,tegas je manjang..btl la anda tu bos kan tp jgn lah ngn kami2 yang mmg terrelated ngn anda ni pon nk dibuat cam kami ni org bawahan ok!..aku mmg xsangke btl la die blh berubah..! imm totally miss the old one of urs..mybe diri anda yang dulu xsemenarik dan tak secantik anda yang its ok, kami xde mslh ngan itu..kami rindu ngan diri anda yang comel dulu, tp sekarang anda mmg dah cantik tapi dh hlg kecomelannya.Tp xpe mgkn anda rse lbh yakin dgn penampilan anda y tiptop skrg, mklumlah anda bekerja dgn org y berpangkat besar..malu pulak rse nye kan klo anda tampil xmenarik..personally aku mmg rindu diri die yang lame. Dlu aku xrase terasing pun bile ade depan sekarang dh lain..aku macam orang lain j..frankly aku rse terasing!.. mcm kite xpnh knl..
Tahniah atas perkahwinan tadi...alhamdulillah semua selamat..kami semua gembira dan bersyukur krana dapat ahli mse dkt kenduri tu kan, aku rse lain like no chemistry at all dgn die..hanya sekali aku berckp ngn die tu pon mse dh nk blk...first and last bersalam sepanjang 2 hari(lbh-kurang la..) kat umh die. Ms memula mmg aku jmpe die tp die seems too bz nk bersalam..ntah..bersalam mgkn dh jadi semakin mahal utk diberikan kot..sedih tau! aku dpt rse cam aku ni sekadar tetamu je smata2 kat mjls tu..tak tahu nk buat terkial.rse cam org bodoh pn ade..well to b frank, aku lbh suke kiranya aku turut sibok memeriah mjls tu..(like tlg msk ke ape ke..) ni tak aku rse cm org luar. Jauh sgt drp situasi mjls kluarga saudara lain..dimna sme fmly pn cbok buat keje gak..perasaan dan situasi ni rse asing krna xpnh jd cm ni tau..since gne catering so mmg la xde kje sgt kan..(i hate cooperation btween fmly la klo cmtu..) ntah least kan senyum pun xpon kami sekadar berpandangan tp xde senyuman dilempar..ooh kamu xbegituu dulu..kamu berubah sungguh jauh..
Die rapat ngn abah since dh berubah, abah jd kecik ati ngn die..(ade incident la..xyah cite eh..huhu) abah walaupun kuat tp perasaan die ckp sensitif..aku mkn paham tentang abah..after inciden tu la abah dh strt xtye die ape2 dah..abh senyap je..kadang2 kesian plak aku tgk la die tu kirenya ank sedare kesayangan abah jugak la..abah kate die btl2 kecewa dgn perubahan y ditunjukkan..krg mmg dh blh nmpk abah mmg dh xckp ngn die..
Kate abah jugak manusia ni tak kan sedar selagi die tidak menghadapi kesusahan hidup yang sangat memeritkan..yang begitu terkesan dlm hidop..nauzubillah~..
Dalam kalangn sepupu pn die agk lbh ngn si A ni sbb mybe A ni mmg agk standard..
Entahla...kami akan selalu doakan kebahagiaan diri anda..dan semoga anda dapat kembali ke diri anda yang asl dulu..kerana kami sangat rindu ngan kak***** yang lama!..
p/s:semoga rezeki yang bakal Allah kurniakan kiranya aku berjaya suatu hari nnti tdk akan menenggelam kan aku dalam nikmat dunia yg sementara ni..insyaallh~
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
u rock guyz!







Schooling at skbm2 is among the best memories ever..with the cool teachers and friends..and this is our first reunion after 5 years we didnt meet (some of them lah)..ermm best gak lbh2 lg time game..huhu2..well im not in the pic..since using laptop pinjam so i jd mls to upload the pic from my memory addition(erkk cm ayt essay j..)video j y byk..nk upload video plk mls thap pn jd laah..once my laptop is ok ill try to upload the video..
p/s:reunion ni like fitrah KASIH show or maybe mencari calon keKASIH..huuhu.. mikah(bkn name sbnr) seems like falling in love with awjan(jg bkn nme sbnr)..oowwh no wonder la u ask for our number..nk mntak sorang je tp cover pye psl abs sme mntak..ngehh.!..lawak la.. b4 the reunion ended our teacher asked us to plan for another reunion once again mybe after 10 years..ok lets angan2 sket..well who am i at that time huh??..ok im 28 and just come back from maybe after completing my degree in psychology and insyaalah master in health psychology...and i am the Mental Health Therapist..with God will..owwhh ini bkn angan2 mat jenin..this is angan2 ke arah kejayaan.. (any changes subject to the time and situation...huuhu~)
till my next post daaa..~
Friday, April 3, 2009
Pak Lah leave his deligation and PM Najib continue the deligation..
First of all I would like to show my gratitude to our former PM, Tun Abdullah bin Hj.Ahmad Badawi or Pak Lah for short and friendly. 5 years 5 months and 3 days is just winking of my eyes…yeah really!..kejap j kan..?.. I just watched the tv that showed the rancangan khas of Pak Lah on his last steps out from his office..huhuhhuu…I become sad you know~~..^isk^isk…
5 years back….the same situation happened when Tun Dr. Mahathir used to be in his place right now and Pak Lah was in Datuk Seri Najib’s place…haha and yeaa I admit that im truly damn kinda emotional a bit I do really6 adore Che Det very much.!
Today, as a usual Pak Lah being honoured as Tun like our previously PM…congrats anyway!..
Well right now im just hoping that Datuk Seri Najib could make a new and better transformation for our country..uhh maybe some pocket money for me??..(ahakss!!..kiddin…how come he wanna giv it to no one..either best worker nor best student!..^_^)…sigh.. you remember about the RAHMAN theory??..huhuhuu…PM Najib completed it! Ok lets take a look at the theory…
R- Rahman
A- Abdul Razak
H- Hussien Onn
M- Mahathir
A- Abdullah
Ermm…yeah it works!..but you know, in Tun Hussein’s era people starts to wondering whether this theory gonna succeed or not because at that time Tun Hussien was like more interested in choosing Tun Ghazali as his TPM. But unfortunately King Ghaz was not in the list of the three naib presiden UMNO which is Tun Ghafar Baba, Dr Mahathir and Tengku Tan Sri Razaleigh Hamzah who is more qualified to be the TPM..(yea la kan logically one of them should b TPM)… based from my reading there are some boycott-gonna-be if Tun Hussien didn’t choose one of them..(aku masih buta sejarah politik!..)..ill make it short…based from my readings Tun Razak, the bro-in-law of Tun Hussein used to will Dr. Mahathir as a TPM…so this-man-im-adore-much!...being a TPM…ermm…let say Tun Hussein choose King Ghaz??...ok the theory still works cz his name started with M which is stand for Mohd. Ghazali Shafie….aha but perhaps in politics he is unlikely being chosen. In Tun Mahathir’s era…this theory became hard to be foretell. Yeah because 22 years is not like 2 minutes…(umo aku pn xckp 22 lg)…so anything can happened..
But then…Datuk Seri Anwar replaced the TPM sit..ermm..ok…A…gud in progress of the RAHMAN theory..until September 1998..he being fired..(owhh sy kurang arif mengenainya..)….the theory follower started to puzzle whose gonna b the next TPM..
With the constitute of Tun Abdullah as TPM and continue as PM completed the “RAHMA” but still not “RAHMAN” yet.. The N seems like easy to be expect cz PM Najib is the expected one…
Phewww~~~!!...Today, Najib completed the ‘RAHMAN theory’…ok it seems like we need to find another theory after RAHMAN…huhuu…cam best je bermain-main ngan teori ni…
Well, dear my fellow readers I don’t really addicted to this theory as I came to know about this theory when I was 15, I guess.. and for sure lah everything will be happened with ALLAH S.W.T will, so don’t get too excited cz anything can happened…I believe the ‘RAHMAN Theory’ is just kind of coincidence and there is nothing to do with the theory semata-mata but its all about ape y dh tertulis di Luth Mahfuz rite.. beriman pd Qada dan Qadar itukan rukun iman.
5 years back….the same situation happened when Tun Dr. Mahathir used to be in his place right now and Pak Lah was in Datuk Seri Najib’s place…haha and yeaa I admit that im truly damn kinda emotional a bit I do really6 adore Che Det very much.!
Today, as a usual Pak Lah being honoured as Tun like our previously PM…congrats anyway!..
Well right now im just hoping that Datuk Seri Najib could make a new and better transformation for our country..uhh maybe some pocket money for me??..(ahakss!!..kiddin…how come he wanna giv it to no one..either best worker nor best student!..^_^)…sigh.. you remember about the RAHMAN theory??..huhuhuu…PM Najib completed it! Ok lets take a look at the theory…
Ermm…yeah it works!..but you know, in Tun Hussein’s era people starts to wondering whether this theory gonna succeed or not because at that time Tun Hussien was like more interested in choosing Tun Ghazali as his TPM. But unfortunately King Ghaz was not in the list of the three naib presiden UMNO which is Tun Ghafar Baba, Dr Mahathir and Tengku Tan Sri Razaleigh Hamzah who is more qualified to be the TPM..(yea la kan logically one of them should b TPM)… based from my reading there are some boycott-gonna-be if Tun Hussien didn’t choose one of them..(aku masih buta sejarah politik!..)..ill make it short…based from my readings Tun Razak, the bro-in-law of Tun Hussein used to will Dr. Mahathir as a TPM…so this-man-im-adore-much!...being a TPM…ermm…let say Tun Hussein choose King Ghaz??...ok the theory still works cz his name started with M which is stand for Mohd. Ghazali Shafie….aha but perhaps in politics he is unlikely being chosen. In Tun Mahathir’s era…this theory became hard to be foretell. Yeah because 22 years is not like 2 minutes…(umo aku pn xckp 22 lg)…so anything can happened..
But then…Datuk Seri Anwar replaced the TPM sit..ermm..ok…A…gud in progress of the RAHMAN theory..until September 1998..he being fired..(owhh sy kurang arif mengenainya..)….the theory follower started to puzzle whose gonna b the next TPM..
With the constitute of Tun Abdullah as TPM and continue as PM completed the “RAHMA” but still not “RAHMAN” yet.. The N seems like easy to be expect cz PM Najib is the expected one…
Phewww~~~!!...Today, Najib completed the ‘RAHMAN theory’…ok it seems like we need to find another theory after RAHMAN…huhuu…cam best je bermain-main ngan teori ni…
Well, dear my fellow readers I don’t really addicted to this theory as I came to know about this theory when I was 15, I guess.. and for sure lah everything will be happened with ALLAH S.W.T will, so don’t get too excited cz anything can happened…I believe the ‘RAHMAN Theory’ is just kind of coincidence and there is nothing to do with the theory semata-mata but its all about ape y dh tertulis di Luth Mahfuz rite.. beriman pd Qada dan Qadar itukan rukun iman.
something to share...
Gosh!...i miss my the-very-long-onl9-time!..(hah..perosak bahase!)…well u know my problem rite..!..uhh im so into crazy rite now. Now its getting complicated!...its so hard to detect the LAN signal and I need to do all the internet thingy in 5 minutes…I repeat…5 minutes!...
I told sis last nite and she thought we should switch it again into vista….oohh great to hear that but when aa sis?? must take a loooooooooooooong time before my sis can have a suitable time to fix it…(bwk pd pembekal je actually..)..sis is so bz nowadays!!
Okay…I really cant wait for the reunion this april 11!..huhuu…cant wait to meet all the former students of 6B class ..really2 miss them!..well studying at sekolah kebangsaan bukit mentok II is one of the great moment!..waah I miss my super-dupper-cool-sporting PJ teacher…cegu shahrin!..hah..dh brape ank ek???...huhuu….but for sure he will b not around on that day cz huda told me he already moved to kedah (kot..ssb kg halamnnya..haha~)..and cegu fadhil!....soory I broke my promise… I didn’t mean it but I really forgot and bz lah that time..when I realize I didn’t post those pic to u, I became so shy lah cz its been 2 years dah..hah MY BAD!..mase tu I was so in dilemma..duuh and at last I didn’t send it to u..
Those picture are still in my keep…mybe ill send those pic with the new pic from our reunion to you later ok!..insyaallah but still cant promise yeaa..huhu…I bet he will shock tahap gaban!(hah cik tyah sy dh ske gne dahh..jgn mrh!)…sbb its been 5 years!...started from the last day of our primary till I ended my secondary school..!hah gilew lah…oowhh I need to find his address..i still keep it..perhaps~
Owhh adekah cegu lelaki shj mnjd cegu kegemaran saya??? lah!...cegu prm lg rmi…tp diorang still here so there is no prob to meet 2 org cegu ni still a bachelor (ahaks!)…I mean their attitude still so into childish la compare to the cegu pompuan….so they got enough plus lebey time to layan kami y really childish mse tuh..itu y syok!..
I hope cegu fadil ade email so it will b so easy for me to send anything in just one click away!..haha its all about the no boundaries world!....saya suka INTERNET!.. entries looks dull without any picture rite?..tulaa.. this prob really annoy me!...but I promise ill show my reunion pic later!...
Till then…tata~
p/s:oowhh betol cik itriah mmg seorang y lurus…lagi lurus drp besi…trust me…budak ni dh byk kali kene kencing dik aku…ngeh4!!..
Gosh!...i miss my the-very-long-onl9-time!..(hah..perosak bahase!)…well u know my problem rite..!..uhh im so into crazy rite now. Now its getting complicated!...its so hard to detect the LAN signal and I need to do all the internet thingy in 5 minutes…I repeat…5 minutes!...
I told sis last nite and she thought we should switch it again into vista….oohh great to hear that but when aa sis?? must take a loooooooooooooong time before my sis can have a suitable time to fix it…(bwk pd pembekal je actually..)..sis is so bz nowadays!!
Okay…I really cant wait for the reunion this april 11!..huhuu…cant wait to meet all the former students of 6B class ..really2 miss them!..well studying at sekolah kebangsaan bukit mentok II is one of the great moment!..waah I miss my super-dupper-cool-sporting PJ teacher…cegu shahrin!..hah..dh brape ank ek???...huhuu….but for sure he will b not around on that day cz huda told me he already moved to kedah (kot..ssb kg halamnnya..haha~)..and cegu fadhil!....soory I broke my promise… I didn’t mean it but I really forgot and bz lah that time..when I realize I didn’t post those pic to u, I became so shy lah cz its been 2 years dah..hah MY BAD!..mase tu I was so in dilemma..duuh and at last I didn’t send it to u..
Those picture are still in my keep…mybe ill send those pic with the new pic from our reunion to you later ok!..insyaallah but still cant promise yeaa..huhu…I bet he will shock tahap gaban!(hah cik tyah sy dh ske gne dahh..jgn mrh!)…sbb its been 5 years!...started from the last day of our primary till I ended my secondary school..!hah gilew lah…oowhh I need to find his address..i still keep it..perhaps~
Owhh adekah cegu lelaki shj mnjd cegu kegemaran saya??? lah!...cegu prm lg rmi…tp diorang still here so there is no prob to meet 2 org cegu ni still a bachelor (ahaks!)…I mean their attitude still so into childish la compare to the cegu pompuan….so they got enough plus lebey time to layan kami y really childish mse tuh..itu y syok!..
I hope cegu fadil ade email so it will b so easy for me to send anything in just one click away!..haha its all about the no boundaries world!....saya suka INTERNET!.. entries looks dull without any picture rite?..tulaa.. this prob really annoy me!...but I promise ill show my reunion pic later!...
Till then…tata~
p/s:oowhh betol cik itriah mmg seorang y lurus…lagi lurus drp besi…trust me…budak ni dh byk kali kene kencing dik aku…ngeh4!!..
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
disconnected offhanded...
Hard to get onl9 lately. Its all about the internet..Well actually I think the main culprit is the laptop itself. The laptop that I’ve been using since last year is a damn great amongst to any other HP laptop…well im not showing off but that’s the reality. This laptop came with touchscreen,fingerprint and remote control..yeahh see?? not lying to u..(tp laptop ni bkn ak pnye btw..^isk^isk^..) and as usual every laptop nowadays supported by windows vista. But the thing is… when sis decided to buy this HP pavilion entertainment gadget, she asked the salesman to convert it onto windows XP..huh what the BIG! Lost..i sighed~….(seb baik bkn aku punye)…as she afraid the vista might not be able to support the XP file.. at first yea ok je but then it started to buat perangai! !!....benci u know.. When I connect to the modem…LAN bapak susah nak dapat!!.. I must cabot and reconnect again…menyusahkan btol!.. once it connected everything orite lah.. but lately it became worst!...OMG! I can stand it any longer..but this time opposite with the previous problem…its so easy to get the LAN signal..yeahh just like that u know!.. but happiness was just about 15 minutes after the lines started to disconnect..!!...arghhh! really make me mess up!..bayangkan u lps 15 min line dh pts… and the thing is I need to restart my laptop again…it such a trouble ok!...and all my research all terbantot!.. and now…it cant stand for 5 minit though..and I type this post at the microsft Word before I post to my blogspot…I know i just need to be patience with this prob…its just like an ups and downs in our real life…
The moral of the story is..: don’t convert ur software unless its non-pirate!...see?... or u will face with the same prob as me..(can I nangis???)….benci btl…!
p/s: nk cerita psl the cutie teddy bear y cik itriah kasi for my bdy pn terbantot tau….!...owhh cik itriah …plus!...thnx to the microeconomie’s sifu (spell??) for ur briefly explanations towards my probs!..oohh SAYA SEORANG YANG OPTIMIS!
The moral of the story is..: don’t convert ur software unless its non-pirate!...see?... or u will face with the same prob as me..(can I nangis???)….benci btl…!
p/s: nk cerita psl the cutie teddy bear y cik itriah kasi for my bdy pn terbantot tau….!...owhh cik itriah …plus!...thnx to the microeconomie’s sifu (spell??) for ur briefly explanations towards my probs!..oohh SAYA SEORANG YANG OPTIMIS!
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