its been more than a month...oohh lupe kan...
Baru2 ni aku slalu je menerima perkhabaran gembira org di disekelilingku...ya aku senang mendengarnya walau hati x sesenang dahulu..
Aku gembira dengan perkhabaran kalian yang baru sahaja mecapai satu lagi tahap dalam hidup korang...aku akan sentiasa doakan korang...
Aku plak??..oohh terlalu teringin utk mencapai kebahagiaan itu, tapi bukan semudah yang disangkakan, sabar! raihan....
Hidup ini ADIL..suatu hari nnti yang insyaallah pasti akn tiba masa untukku akan aku senyum selebar-lebarnya...seperti brjaya memetik bintang di langit dan manggapai awan yang memutih...aku hanya perlu SABAR dan terus BERSABAR ats semua dugaan ini...
(p/s:kadang2 terlalu byk soalan yang tak terjawab.....)
money makers.. click!!
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Saturday, November 21, 2009
tagged :):):)
Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with d wedding plan! At the end, choose d people u want to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know about u!=)
1. How old are you?
2. Are you single?
ahah!!erkkk..its complicated chewwahh (kunun)
3. At what age do you think you'll get married?
20, lagi staun lebey..ahakahakahak!! despredo btol
4. Do you think you'll marrying the person you are with now?
sapekah diye???...yang tu?..yang ni?...mane sattu?..hehe
5. if not, who do you want to marry?
Dia y brnama LELAKI lahh..ape daa
6. Who will be your bridesmaid & best man?
ehek!ehekk!!...sape ehh..alah xpenting..jnji aku kawen..haha
7. Do you want a garden/beach or traditional wedding?
garden+beach+traditional=MIX bleh??..haha
8. Where do you plan to go on honeymoon?
mooncake tu kire camne ehh??
9. How many guests do you think you'll invite?
ajk wali je udah...hehe sv bdget cket
10. Will that include your exes?
depends if i have one or not...hahahahaha
11. How many layers of cake do you want?
5,10,15...3 dh la..membazir tp each layer bsrnye satu mja fmily k..
12. When do you want to get married, morning or evening?
morning lahh...lg cpt lg bagos hahahaa!
13. Name the song/tune you'd like to play at your wedding.
ngaji kor'an dh...sejuk je dengau!
14. Do you prefer fine dining or just normal spoon,fork and knife?
no food provided ok!..haha,buat time pose lah...
15. Champagne or red wine?
hoiiihh..cibai btol soklan
16. Honeymoon right after the wedding or days after the wedding?
g honeymoon dlu xleh k??hikhikhik...mautnye jwpn
17. Money or household items?
no money no talk!..haha
18. How many kids would you like to have?
2 team futsal dah la...sng nk prctice
19. Will you record your honeymoon in DVD/CD?
ade plak nak record2.....kalo nak sgt, baek psg live je on national tv....hahahaha
20. Whose wedding plan would you like to know next?
anyone lah...esp CIK ITRI????
1. How old are you?
2. Are you single?
ahah!!erkkk..its complicated chewwahh (kunun)
3. At what age do you think you'll get married?
20, lagi staun lebey..ahakahakahak!! despredo btol
4. Do you think you'll marrying the person you are with now?
sapekah diye???...yang tu?..yang ni?...mane sattu?..hehe
5. if not, who do you want to marry?
Dia y brnama LELAKI lahh..ape daa
6. Who will be your bridesmaid & best man?
ehek!ehekk!!...sape ehh..alah xpenting..jnji aku kawen..haha
7. Do you want a garden/beach or traditional wedding?
garden+beach+traditional=MIX bleh??..haha
8. Where do you plan to go on honeymoon?
mooncake tu kire camne ehh??
9. How many guests do you think you'll invite?
ajk wali je udah...hehe sv bdget cket
10. Will that include your exes?
depends if i have one or not...hahahahaha
11. How many layers of cake do you want?
5,10,15...3 dh la..membazir tp each layer bsrnye satu mja fmily k..
12. When do you want to get married, morning or evening?
morning lahh...lg cpt lg bagos hahahaa!
13. Name the song/tune you'd like to play at your wedding.
ngaji kor'an dh...sejuk je dengau!
14. Do you prefer fine dining or just normal spoon,fork and knife?
no food provided ok!..haha,buat time pose lah...
15. Champagne or red wine?
hoiiihh..cibai btol soklan
16. Honeymoon right after the wedding or days after the wedding?
g honeymoon dlu xleh k??hikhikhik...mautnye jwpn
17. Money or household items?
no money no talk!..haha
18. How many kids would you like to have?
2 team futsal dah la...sng nk prctice
19. Will you record your honeymoon in DVD/CD?
ade plak nak record2.....kalo nak sgt, baek psg live je on national tv....hahahaha
20. Whose wedding plan would you like to know next?
anyone lah...esp CIK ITRI????
Mencari sinar kebahagiaan..
Its been awhile aku tak update blog ni with segala-apa-lipur-lara-hidup. Bukan malas tapi cam tak de hati langsong aku nak bercerita...well still being sad actually,ape kah kesahnye??...ermm well sy rase xperlu utk sy jd seorang yang terlalu terbuka utk kesah itu. Biar saya,dia dan mereka yang tertentu saje yang tau...Lagipun sape la yang suke mmbuka pekung di dada sendiri? jaoh skali menyelak keaiban org..ooohh sy mugkin bukan orang yang baik tetapi sy tdklah sejahat itu utk menjaja segala cerita..lets personal remain personal, yang xbape nk personal je lah aku gtau cni ekk..
So hows life??..
holiday??.. Suka utk aku katakan dicni aku bukanlah jenis yang terlalu gemarkan cuti yang panjang...yeahh mybe skrg je kot aku akn ckp camni...but yeahh, since dlu aku xbrape sukekan cuti skolah yang panjg except ade xtvt y best with my buddies. Tak tahu la nape, im not d pelik person but UNIK ok!..
Cuti yang dh nk hampir msok seminggu ni, really xterisi langsong dgn perkara yang sgt2 berguna xcept bgn di subuh2 harii...(ooohh aku suka bau haruman embun pagi..)
Apa yang aku buat...Tido yang banyaaaaaaaaaakk,so dat i could forget all d meshy bloody(makCik ajr ni..hehe) things, makan biskot cecah teh panas lyke heaven,tgk tv,onlineeee,house cores,maen kuceng..tidooo again..haah tu je kot,sangat TAK membantu utk tingkatkan produktiviti negara!
Menunggu perkhabaran drp seseorang yang xkunjung tiba, walaupon die dh janji!..oohh pleazee i hate this part of urs..and thnx cz u juz help me to distract my decision..Online kjap2 ngn lappy kjp2 ngn bored!,xnak makan tp terpaksa mkn sbb aku dh rse senak perut y amat td..oohh esk aku xnk mkn nasik! ermm..ok klau mkn pon sekali je dlm pnggan y kecik..(hampehh!,ckp j la lau xnk diet tuu) and td bce blog dira then tetibe rse nk update blog y nazak ni..
Got class! General Knowledge..cant wait to get lost from this bored routine..hoping aku gembira esok...
(p/s:helpp mee!!..lambat btol bln 12..looking 4ward 4 Kedah Trip..hrp2 mnjadi)
cehh xde kene mngena langsong ngan TAJOK!
So hows life??..
holiday??.. Suka utk aku katakan dicni aku bukanlah jenis yang terlalu gemarkan cuti yang panjang...yeahh mybe skrg je kot aku akn ckp camni...but yeahh, since dlu aku xbrape sukekan cuti skolah yang panjg except ade xtvt y best with my buddies. Tak tahu la nape, im not d pelik person but UNIK ok!..
Cuti yang dh nk hampir msok seminggu ni, really xterisi langsong dgn perkara yang sgt2 berguna xcept bgn di subuh2 harii...(ooohh aku suka bau haruman embun pagi..)
Apa yang aku buat...Tido yang banyaaaaaaaaaakk,so dat i could forget all d meshy bloody(makCik ajr ni..hehe) things, makan biskot cecah teh panas lyke heaven,tgk tv,onlineeee,house cores,maen kuceng..tidooo again..haah tu je kot,sangat TAK membantu utk tingkatkan produktiviti negara!
Menunggu perkhabaran drp seseorang yang xkunjung tiba, walaupon die dh janji!..oohh pleazee i hate this part of urs..and thnx cz u juz help me to distract my decision..Online kjap2 ngn lappy kjp2 ngn bored!,xnak makan tp terpaksa mkn sbb aku dh rse senak perut y amat td..oohh esk aku xnk mkn nasik! ermm..ok klau mkn pon sekali je dlm pnggan y kecik..(hampehh!,ckp j la lau xnk diet tuu) and td bce blog dira then tetibe rse nk update blog y nazak ni..
Got class! General Knowledge..cant wait to get lost from this bored routine..hoping aku gembira esok...
(p/s:helpp mee!!..lambat btol bln 12..looking 4ward 4 Kedah Trip..hrp2 mnjadi)
cehh xde kene mngena langsong ngan TAJOK!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
01. what's your middle name?
-posh...haha,xnak la aku..
02. how big is your bed?
-queen wut do u think?
03. what are you listening to right now?
04. what was the last thing you ate?
-nasi...ooohh im getting fatter!
05. how is the weather right now?
06. who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
07. what is the first thing you notice in the opposite sex?
08. favourite type of food?
-tom tom yam..
09. do you want children?
-ooowhh yes!yes!...gedik jee
10. what do you drink?
-air laah
11. fave holiday?
-idk...lame dh xg holiday..
12. favourite season?
-school season..uhhuukk??
13. have you ever cried over a boy?
-~speechless~ next..!
14. last movie you watched?
15. what books are you reading?
-megubat 7 penyakit hati..
16. piercings?
-no at all....
17. favourite movie(s)?
-cant recall
18. what are you doing before filling this out?
-reading those blog
19. have you ever loved someone?
-yeahh always...ekekekeee...sounds gedik enuf haa??
20. are you hiding something from someone?
-ohohhoo yeaa...hehe
21. first thing you thought about this morning?
-solat first..
22. favourite hangout?
23. 3 things/persons you cannot live without?
24. what are you afraid of?
-Allah s.w.t..
25. what are your nicknames?
-wonder rae!
26. who would you tag?
-posh...haha,xnak la aku..
02. how big is your bed?
-queen wut do u think?
03. what are you listening to right now?
04. what was the last thing you ate?
-nasi...ooohh im getting fatter!
05. how is the weather right now?
06. who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
07. what is the first thing you notice in the opposite sex?
08. favourite type of food?
-tom tom yam..
09. do you want children?
-ooowhh yes!yes!...gedik jee
10. what do you drink?
-air laah
11. fave holiday?
-idk...lame dh xg holiday..
12. favourite season?
-school season..uhhuukk??
13. have you ever cried over a boy?
-~speechless~ next..!
14. last movie you watched?
15. what books are you reading?
-megubat 7 penyakit hati..
16. piercings?
-no at all....
17. favourite movie(s)?
-cant recall
18. what are you doing before filling this out?
-reading those blog
19. have you ever loved someone?
-yeahh always...ekekekeee...sounds gedik enuf haa??
20. are you hiding something from someone?
-ohohhoo yeaa...hehe
21. first thing you thought about this morning?
-solat first..
22. favourite hangout?
23. 3 things/persons you cannot live without?
24. what are you afraid of?
-Allah s.w.t..
25. what are your nicknames?
-wonder rae!
26. who would you tag?
no title
speechless,bored,hurt,pissed off,betrayed...bla..bla..bla...end of the story....hahahahaaa!!!
p/s:getting nuts oredy...
p/s:getting nuts oredy...
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
over game
salam to all readers and bloggers..
seems like my blog dead again, yeah i know.. there are so many things happened recently and i really have no mood to blog at all plus 2 weeks xam y really show my stupidity, oohh the prob really bother me and i couldnt give my 100% focus on my study..
Tengok ahh nnti msti teruk gile result aku!...ahhh raihan stop it, i promise dis cuti ill study all sort of things y aku dh tertinggal mse lower 6 and after that focus on upper 6 syllibus, i still hold on my promise to perform well in stpm yeah i want, i need and i crave for 4 flat... and at the same time aku nk topup blk masa with HIM.. i don't know how to say but without HIM im no one... kesibukan aku dah buat hubungan antara aku dan Dia semakin renggang...bodoh btol diri ni! stupid! idiot! fool!....aku tak tau dah cane nk menzahirkan kebodohan diri aku ni..
Ok seems the xam is over so i think i need to start to re-schedule everything.. rase cam nk wat part time jugak do this do that....kalau blh aku xnk buang mase cam tu je cuti n bile dh duk saje tu disamping kerja ternak lemak badan ni msti nanti teringat blk sume kjadian2 yang berlaku...arghhh no way i wont let it ruin my life. yang pasti aku akan buat sesuatu yeng berfaedh spanjang cuti ni! yeahh... go..go raihan!!


(p/s:knape manusia xblh hidup dalam kejujuran??...even ngan diri sendiri pon nk menipu..ape daaa...ooohhh saya really nk pegi ovc!!)
seems like my blog dead again, yeah i know.. there are so many things happened recently and i really have no mood to blog at all plus 2 weeks xam y really show my stupidity, oohh the prob really bother me and i couldnt give my 100% focus on my study..
Tengok ahh nnti msti teruk gile result aku!...ahhh raihan stop it, i promise dis cuti ill study all sort of things y aku dh tertinggal mse lower 6 and after that focus on upper 6 syllibus, i still hold on my promise to perform well in stpm yeah i want, i need and i crave for 4 flat... and at the same time aku nk topup blk masa with HIM.. i don't know how to say but without HIM im no one... kesibukan aku dah buat hubungan antara aku dan Dia semakin renggang...bodoh btol diri ni! stupid! idiot! fool!....aku tak tau dah cane nk menzahirkan kebodohan diri aku ni..
Ok seems the xam is over so i think i need to start to re-schedule everything.. rase cam nk wat part time jugak do this do that....kalau blh aku xnk buang mase cam tu je cuti n bile dh duk saje tu disamping kerja ternak lemak badan ni msti nanti teringat blk sume kjadian2 yang berlaku...arghhh no way i wont let it ruin my life. yang pasti aku akan buat sesuatu yeng berfaedh spanjang cuti ni! yeahh... go..go raihan!!


(p/s:knape manusia xblh hidup dalam kejujuran??...even ngan diri sendiri pon nk menipu..ape daaa...ooohhh saya really nk pegi ovc!!)
Sunday, November 8, 2009
confession........ this moment juz wanna say SORRY GUYS FOR HURTING ALL OF this moment juz wanna say SORRY GUYS FOR HURTING ALL OF YOU.... this moment juz wanna say SORRY GUYS FOR HURTING ALL OF YOU.... this moment juz wanna say SORRY GUYS FOR HURTING ALL OF YOU.... this moment juz wanna say SORRY GUYS FOR HURTING ALL OF YOU.... this moment juz wanna say SORRY GUYS FOR HURTING ALL OF YOU.... this moment juz wanna say SORRY GUYS FOR HURTING ALL OF YOU....
im so stupiD!.....yeah i know that.. this moment juz wanna say SORRY GUYS FOR HURTING ALL OF YOU.... this moment juz wanna say SORRY GUYS FOR HURTING ALL OF YOU.... this moment juz wanna say SORRY GUYS FOR HURTING ALL OF YOU.... this moment juz wanna say SORRY GUYS FOR HURTING ALL OF YOU.... this moment juz wanna say SORRY GUYS FOR HURTING ALL OF YOU....
im so stupiD!.....yeah i know that..
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