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Thursday, December 6, 2012

Manusia makin kejam

Pagi kawan-kawan.....

Makin rajin aku update blog sekarang eh?
Alright....what should i write here?
Actually, tengah buat assignment, but unfortunately i have no idea.....So, i decided to made an entry so that i can brush up my  brain to work more efficiently and get the idea for my assignment. So what should i crapping here?
hmm..... Yesterday i heard some news from my hometown which is Kemaman where situated in Terengganu. Kemaman is within the border of Terengganu and Pahang...which is, we all dekat dengan Kuantan rather than Kuala mau shopping pegi la Kuantan sbb byk shopping complex than KT..hehehe....but that is not the gist point here.

What is im going to write is, i heard there was murder and rape cases just happened around my hometown. This is scary! When i was in kindergarten (if not mistaken) there is one rape and murder case happened just near around my residential area. **double scary** It is one of the Malaysia's significant leading rape and murder cases that ever happened in the history of Malaysia, (in the context of criminal cases of course) where the girl was being raped and burnt! Ya Allah, manusia makin kejam! and till now i always pass through the crime scene.... It was Kilang Tamura (if not my mistaken) That plant had already closed and now substitute with ape tahhh tempat servis kereta kot.... and when ade lagi newest rape case at hometown, i felt so insecure! baru je plan cuti ni nak pegi joging pukul takutt!...... i still don't know how the cases.... Just dengar dekat fb my friends update status. Hari ni kene beli paper! and need to call my mom to ask about it....rindu pulak dekat mak dengan abah...biasa nye hujung minggu mcm ni diorang busy sikit....nanti la petang-petang, i will call them.


p/s: Kadang-kadang aku terfikir, mereka-merake ni kalau dah nafsu tu tak boleh tahan sangat, apasal tak pegi langgan pelacur je....ha buat la mcm kau nk rogol die kalau dah kau tu imagination tinggi sangat utk capai kepuasan. Kalau tak de duit pegi je la langgan pelacur kelas bawahan tu....anggap je la mereka tu ade dara lagi.......! cehh hantu betul dah la nak y suci jeeee! la lelaki perosak! dah la tu kau bunuh pulak ye! tak aman hidup kau dunia akhirat!

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