Aku pegi ni dalam awl buln ni lahh...bertolak mlm jumaat sampai laa isnin pg bru sampai blk cni...
Pegi ni pon ats ihsan kakak aku y offer aku pegi...as die de meeting kat perlis then org kate alang2 menyeluk pekasam biar sampai ke pangkal lengan..office die buat la lawatan 'lencongan' skali ke langkawi..Tapi sempat la bermalam semalaman dlm bas...semalaman kt kuala Perlis n semalaman lg kat Langkawi...
Dalam Bas...
My attire was like sempoiiiiiiiii gile haahaa...n the backpain was like hell!..aku tdow je mlm tu..seb baik perot xmeragam sbb aku hirup sup tulang yngg hoooooooooot DUDE! Perjlnan y memenatkan...16 hours kot, dlm area kol 2 pm bru leh check-in hotel pe ntah..legaa!!...kakak aku g meeting aku plak pe lg...msj DIE xrply aku pon dgn sng hati nye beraduuuuuuu lah sbb i was like damn tired!..
Kuala Perlis..
Bangun je dr tdow aku pon g la mndi segarkn bdn...n jamak solat.Pastu tgk tv...rase gedik sket ambik la gambar..hehehe..(worst part of mine!) bosan jgak..perot lapar ni tp diet..aahhh biarla perot,aku biarkan aje kau berdendang...bosan dude..aku pon msj la die...die xrply jugak...haizzz bikin panas ni...xpe2...so lepak la dlm bilik sorang diri tggu akak aku ni blk..nk dkt maghrib bru blk..thn siap2 g mkn...akhirnye...aku mkn jugak ahh lantak kau la diet..org dh blanje ni..kate org rzeki jgn ditolak maut jgn di cari..aku tibai je sgale ape y ade...lapar la weyy..
Kat jeti tggu bkn main lame...tp xpe xcietd ni nk g langkawi...menyingkap blk knangan lame haha....my las visit to langkawi was 5 years ago..really miss that moment!..langkawi=shopping,shopping=langkawi....gile byk less..tp malangnye aku dtg ngan akak aku so xde chance sgt la...ade tu ade tp xsbesar chance lau ngn mak aku..perghhh sakan r aku..hahaha..
u noe wut?? we r overnite kat hotel berhantu!..ceshh..tp dh letih sgt,lantak lah kau..esok tu...akak aku shopping lagi...tp xpe.utk snak sdare jgk... thn nak feri blk k kole perlis smule..
Kuala Perlis...
Naik bas...blk trg...yehaaaa yabeda bedoooo...! wut can i say,perjalann balk y menakotkan...mujo le umor aku pnjg lagi...gile btol driver tu, tau la nk sampai cpt tp slow2 r...aku ni xkawen lg i repeat...xkawen lagu taw x??..haizzz
Home sweet home..walau mane pon destinasi y aku pergi, xkan ade tmpat seindah rumah sendiri, sampai kol 4 pg...n tdow ngn hujan renyai2 was like heaven!...selamat tido jiran2 ku...
(p/s:rindu air,farhan,umar sgt2!....ermm...dh jaooohh mlm,sy nk msj ngn die kjp n tdow...slamat malam dunia....assalamualaikum...)
*xde gambar la dude!..aku mls gilew nk snap2 ni..haha jnji aku dpt pengalaamn
money makers.. click!!
Thursday, December 24, 2009
mencari mood..
saat ini....walau klise je bunyi nye...tp aku still mencari mood aku utk ceriakan blog-y-dh-hmpir-nk-mampos-ni!!....
biasa sgt la dtg idea time2 aku bru nk tidow...esok bile nk tls blk tup-tup dah hilang...wth..!
owhhh 2009 bkl mniggalkan aku dengan seribu satu kenangan.pengajaran.manis.masam...
Aku tak thu APAKAH y harus aku rasakan saat ni....konpiuussssss...
(p/s:periooooood pain is heavennnnn (mak ckp msti positif)...)
biasa sgt la dtg idea time2 aku bru nk tidow...esok bile nk tls blk tup-tup dah hilang...wth..!
owhhh 2009 bkl mniggalkan aku dengan seribu satu kenangan.pengajaran.manis.masam...
Aku tak thu APAKAH y harus aku rasakan saat ni....konpiuussssss...
(p/s:periooooood pain is heavennnnn (mak ckp msti positif)...)
Monday, December 21, 2009
at least ade post..
nak post something yang menarik tp still xdapat cari idea..ohhh blogg ni cam dah kene serang anai2...sy kene jd pemusnah serangga agar blog sy xreput camtu je ,walaupon pd dasar nya kt luar cantik tp bila pijak tangga korang pasti rase seram je nk masok..bimbang jd mangsa timbusan rumah runtuh...menakoootkan!!
(p/s:PMS sntiasa buat sy pesimis dan mendorong sy utk menangis!...tolonnglah hujan skrg spaya sy boleh tido dgn lena!!!...)
(p/s:PMS sntiasa buat sy pesimis dan mendorong sy utk menangis!...tolonnglah hujan skrg spaya sy boleh tido dgn lena!!!...)
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Pn. Shahida Begum Ismail...where r u????
not in the mood to blog at all but there is something bothering me...
last couple of days i was dreamed about my teacher..Pn. Shahida Begum bt Ismail..yeahh i still rmmebr her name and how do she looks like..
Tapi yng jadi Big Question Mark??
knape tetibe cegu blh msok dm mimpi aku...
Then, aku mula terfikir....agk2nye kat mne die skrg??..(she moved to UK last 3 years ago)
Beliau ckp dlu y beliau akan berada di sana dlm 3 thn after her husband finish his PhD.
She did gave me an email tp die xpnh reply pon...hadoii.. we r juz lost our contact..rinduu btol kat die..Beliau ni ajar aku BM mse form2,3...bezz...x garang n sporting gile!...dia org utara n got homesick too...hehe...
Cegu...i know u won't b able to read this, but here ill always pray for ur happiness and hping u will be blessed with beautiful adorable children....till we meet again...
(p/s:sy merindukan seseorang yang tak merindukan sy...heh..thats the facts of life, we need to face it no matter how DAMN we dont want it..)
last couple of days i was dreamed about my teacher..Pn. Shahida Begum bt Ismail..yeahh i still rmmebr her name and how do she looks like..
Tapi yng jadi Big Question Mark??
knape tetibe cegu blh msok dm mimpi aku...
Then, aku mula terfikir....agk2nye kat mne die skrg??..(she moved to UK last 3 years ago)
Beliau ckp dlu y beliau akan berada di sana dlm 3 thn after her husband finish his PhD.
She did gave me an email tp die xpnh reply pon...hadoii.. we r juz lost our contact..rinduu btol kat die..Beliau ni ajar aku BM mse form2,3...bezz...x garang n sporting gile!...dia org utara n got homesick too...hehe...
Cegu...i know u won't b able to read this, but here ill always pray for ur happiness and hping u will be blessed with beautiful adorable children....till we meet again...
(p/s:sy merindukan seseorang yang tak merindukan sy...heh..thats the facts of life, we need to face it no matter how DAMN we dont want it..)
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